(Eamonn holds up the dvd of this months film, His Face is a Masque of Disbelief)
I...Ah...Well....What Did I....I Mean....Uh....I Don't...Even,....WHAT? WHAT DID I JUST WATCH?
Ever since last year and i zimmered through Bionicle, I decided to do a toy franchise movie every year!
But First Some Background Info that for those who don't know what Moshi is...YEAH GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
Moshi Doesn't have a Tv Tropes page, nor do I trust Wrong-A-pedia, who once said RD Reynolds died and That Samuel L. Jackson was buying Shelbourne Rovers!
But I started as, and still am, a wrestling reviewer, and when i'm in a pinch I use that trade's best weapons: observations and Pooled resources.
so from what I gathered is that Moshi Monsters is a MMORPG Where players can assume 1 of 6 Moshis customise it's house and go on missions to earn in game currency to buy items and smaller creatures called Moshlings. Every 3 Months, An ingame event, introduces the new wave of characters which are then turned into the expensive plastic and plushies that do nothing!
And as evidenced in this film, they also don't have 2 original Ideas to rub together!
So let's slide down the sooty chimley to the Grim Grotto for Our xmas special.
We start in a jungle expedition that is no way resembling the 1 in Pokemon: the First Movie
As Buster Bumblechops, a Rabbitty Richard Attenborough, is on a quest to a mysterious temple. So Indiana Jones and the Half-Assed Crusade over here, uncovers his prize, the great Moshling Egg, Breaking his leg in the process.
After the Title Drop,we cut to Our Hero, a Pikachu knockoff called Katsuma...
Telling, Poppet. a PoundLand JigglyPuff...
...That Rawry Scrawl is making a Documentary about him. Poppet corrects him and says that he's making the film about Monstro City (Yes! this film is!) whilst planting berries that will attract rare monsters
Katsuma shows off my activating his Bakugan Ability card, HIYAH HURRACAINE! Which is also his catchphrase!
So the 2 mammals of indetermined Species leave for Monstro City as a hand in a bush steals an accordian Moshling. Later in a sweaping shot of the city, a creature causes trouble and steals a poodle, whilst angrily ripping a wanted sign for an outlaw called fish Lips!
In a café Cltuhumanoid Rawry Scrawl is explaining the film as Katsuma complains about the film being not about him. Rawry then reveals that the film will also follow, short tempered volcanic devil Diavlo, Luvli, a flying cherry that talks like a British Luvvy, Furi, a big eater Bigfoot and Zommer, a Lovable Slacker who is a decomposing zombie. They are interrupted by a new report that a moshling stealing Spree has hit the Moshi world However, only Moshis with names that start with G are being kidnapped.
We then cut to a news report About the Great Egg at BumbleChops Hall. The Sight of the egg is sends Poppet's Pet Elephant, Mr Snoodle into a state of panic.
So the Mains go to see the egg, whilst being spied upon by a Top hat and coat, the main villain Doctor Strangeglove.
No, Isaid StrangeGLOVE!
Aided by Fish-Lips, who we previously seen in a disguise to steal a poodle, The Dr exposits through song of course that he has indeed stolen all the moshlings to feed into his Assimilation Machine, that turns Moshi into creatures called Glomps, Stating he's only stolen moshis whose names start with g, because Glomp starts with G.
The Machine turns cute individual and diverse Moshis into glomps, badly Drawn bouncy balls that are unlikable characters with no personality and only 2 frames of animation.
It's a Johnny Test episode Machine and Dr. StrangeGlove is really Scott Fellows!
So StrangeGlove and his army of mutant testicles steal the egg and vandalise the museum. But his real plan is to make Katsuma unwittingly go on a fetch quest for Ingredients that will turn the hatchling into a Mega Glomp...Wait!
If the Plan is to steal every creatures individuality , Isn't making 1 creature bigger and Stronger that the rest in turn making it an individual?
Congratulations! Britain! I didn't think you'd top Horrid Henry for stupid plans that created a huge plot hole! but you've done it!
So Bumblechops tells katsuma some advice "if you don't stand for Something, you'll fall for anything" Before giving the 6 creatures An Airship.
The Fetch Quest is for 3 rare items I'll spare you the terminology and names used, but they are a rare fruit , Tears from a Blue Weaper and a Rainbow Diamond.
First stop is HumbaLumbaLand, the Africa Stand-in that made me spit out my xmas Snowball Drink. "Humba" being a Racial Slur. for a black person.
It's revealed that Katsuma can't Whistle
Something that comes handy to know when Meeting cannibals who communicate solely by whistling!
So Poppet, Katsuma, Furi, Diavolo and Luvli are put in a pot. and need rescuing-despite the fact that DIAVOLO AND LUVLI CAN FLY! AND HAVE BEING FLYING SINCE THEIR CHARACTERS WRE INTRODUCED!
Bullshit aside, Zommer rescues the others by detaching his detaching undead body to win a Limbo Contest, winning the fruit and his friends freedom but staying behind to party.
Escaping the jungle to go to Jollywood, they are captured by StrangeGlove's Partner in crime, an Evil clown called Sweet tooth
When Diavolo helps the others escape by using his lava to melt the binding toffee during the song, The Clown of Ambiguous Gender attacks with all his sweet based weapons. the plan is to Separate Katsuma from his more sensible friends.
...So Basically Katsuma is Sailor Moon?
Diavolo and Luvli are captured with Zommer collected by Scare force 1 later on.
Our 3 remaining heroes uncover the Indian Inspired City of Jollywood, an obvious and ridiculous pun of Bollywood, here they meet Bobbi SingSong a gingerbread man who is a Bollywood superstar, right down to the Moustache and White Velvet Suit. Katsuma replies he's more famous because Bobbi's only famous in Jollywood!
Why do I get the feeling Katsuma has the same agent as Jade Goody?
After Bhranga/Techno ear vomit-LISTEN TO THIS SHIT!..
The Blue Weeper reveals itself to be...an allusion to Vishnu!
And I can't believe a Toy Company has done this again!
20 Years ago, Matchbox had to discontinue several models of it's Monsters In My Pocket Figures and Trading Cards after being sued by the British Hindu Society after being offended when models based on key gods in their Parthenon were described on their trading cards as "hideous" and "freaky" And even though Moshi has turned their key god into a blue tiger on playing a sitar on a lotus on a cloud, It's no less offensive!
After making GOD! laugh, and collecting his tears, Bobbi teleports our heroes to Mt. Sillyman Jaro, but Furi distracted by food, is teleported to a cell next to Diavolo and Luvli's.
With Blinki the camera out of commission, Katsuma complains no-one will see him save the day loudly causing an avalanche. Poppet and Him blame each other for the mess they're in, until Pratsuma finally realises how much of a prick he is. this leads to another terrible song!
Actually Poppet's Positive Attitude is enough to grow helpful flowers defrost the dead, and reveal the Frosty Rainbow Diamond.
With all 3 artefacts, StrangeGlove brings Scare Force One Around. Poppet has Magic seed from her helpful flowers. StrangeGlove goads Katsuma into doing tricks with egg when he steals it back, which naturally falls out of his paws and into the five remaining fingers of StrangeGlove.
Snoodle attacks StrangeGlove and Fish Lips' cablecar, falling to his (Disney)Death. With all the heroes captured Poppet sings and mourns for her puny pet pachyderm.
Trapped on a Conveyer Belt of Doom. it's revealed Snoodle is alive and uses his whistle to get the airship to collect him.
So let's finish this year with a bang!
Pratsuma, carring Snoodle, uses his Hiyah Hurricaine and Snoodle's whistling to free the other Moshlings, who run of the Glomps and rescue the egg. After the final song, the Egg Hatches into a Mrs Snoodle!
And It's revealed that the temple has more eggs, just in case Mind Candy plans to release a film for every useless plastic trinket they'll ever Make!
I KNOW NOTHING! And continue knowing nothing from this franchise, and I won't lose sleep about that! the charecters are one dimensional, the villains don't an edge to them, the animation is basic and the songs won't pass the Grey whistle test! But since I'm obviously a man who know nothing I can't really judge it any harder than a Colourful mindscrew to appease fans and babies!
Moshi Monsters was Reviewed Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
with clips from
Moshi Monsters: the Movie
Dr Who
Dr Strangelove
and Music
The RetroBot-Christmas Robot!
Moshi Monsters are registered trademarks of Mind Candy and the film was distributed by Universal Studios.
All Rights Reserved,
And all clips belong to there Respective Owners.
Merry Christmas and have a happy new year to all you that make this all possible!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Eamonn reviews Pacific Rim part 2
(This month's theme-Jefferson Airplane-White Rabbit)
When we left off, we are in the far off future of 2025, where Kaiju, sea monsters from another world have terrorised the coastal cities of the Pacific. To combat this new threat, humanity is united, if only by it's xenophobia, to create powerful, if casually racist, robot armour. Our hero who saw his twin brother eaten by a kaiju, has never gotten over and reluctantly gotten back into the army base in Hong Kong.
So Rayleigh is reunited with his old pit crew and the newly rebuilt Gypsy Danger 2.0. Mako, the Japanese Girl who at first we think is just Pentecost's P.A., reveals she is a pilot but won't be 1 of the candidates. She honestly tells the American that the trauma has made him gunshy, but he responds that when she becomes a pilot she'll have to think on her feet!
We also have an establishing shot of the romance between the two. Mako tries to become a candidate but Pentecost mentions not going out for revenge. At the Mess Hall, Striker's Pilot tells Rayleigh that the mission is too important for washed-up pilots to make a haims of it!
The candidate trials is a martial arts/kendo tourney, which makes no sense since Jaegers are Giant Rock'em, Sock'em Robots and are too bulky to do the flips and kicks shown here. Sick of the 3rd degree Mako has on him, Rayleigh calls her out for a fight. so 1 sexual tension fuelled fight later, since it's being established that film has a smurfette Principle and the only other woman on base is married. Rayleigh is impressed but Pentecost refuses and still keeps shtum about why.
A cutaway shows Pentecost nose bleeding. Because of the Sydney attack protests are raging and safe zones for the wealthy are set up mainland.
Nuke drifts with a Kaiju Brain with a McGyvered Interface (it's made from a motorbike, a bellows, an Xbox and it's headgear are curling irons!) Pentecost gives Mako a child's shoe stating something about a promise he made when they first met.
The Trail Run of Gypsy Danger 2.0 is interrupted when Herman, as fast as his good leg can carry him, to tell Pentecost that Nuke drifted with a Kaiju Brain. Nuke tells him that he was right. that humanoid Kaiju-these "masters"-have cloned the beasts to colonise worlds. they tried in prehistoric times, but failed, but with ozone depleting and pollution, "we practically Terraformed the Planet for them!"
Pentecost wants nuke to drift again only with a full kaiju, so Pentecost wants his scientist to track down a black market dealer called Hannibal (Ron Perlman)
Meanwhile, back at the Loading Dock, As Expected, 2 people with nothing in common and traumatic lives have trouble controlling the Gypsy 2
Mako is suffering from "Chasing The Rabbit"-a massive and intense jog of memory-She Remembers the day-She lost her family as a child-Carrying around her shoe-When Tokyo was attacked by a Kaiju. Rayleigh still Psychically to Mako tries to reason but the girl activates the weapon systems and starts shooting at the shadows of her past. Luckily the pit-team disconnects the drift manually.
We cut to the Bone Slums on Mainland Hong Kong, as Nuke enters a Chinese Chemist, this time instead of endangered animals, it's the kaiju that are turned into "Medicine". Hannibal is an American Caucasian "Not my real name, of course, in this line of work. my first after my favourite historical figire and the surname after my favourite takeout place back home in Brooklyn" who either has golden shoes or golden plated Prosthetics, I can't tell, nor does it ever come up!
Chuck gets in Rayleigh's face but when he insults the girl he just met a week ago, a fight ensues. Pentecost grounds Mako and Rayleigh, but he knows about the "debt" she was talking about now: Mako is Pentecosts Adoptive daughter, who he saved from the Kaiju years ago, So naturally he's over-protective of her.
Each Lead confide their fears in a tender moment-BUT FUCK THAT SHIT!-It's the double event Herman warned about!
So all 3 non-American Jaegers set out into the ocean-
I wonder if the make Red Shirts that size?
Back in Hong Kong, Hannibal asks why Nuke wants a Brain, since it's just pure ammonia, when he rightfully guesses that the scientist drifted with a beast-he calls him a moron, and gets his men to rough him up!
Back in the China Seas, it looks like humanity is winning, until the Kaiju do something that no-one expected!
Use an electromagnetic pulse to disable all thing electronic, Hong Kong is now Helpless. China and Russia are killed. And the Commonwealth got the full brunt of the EMP. The Hendrixes are Dead in the The Water, minutes away from just being dead! Heracles, Chuck's dad and co-pilot has broke his arm, But the Gypsy crew are no longer grounded and rescues the Hendrixes.
Back in Hong Kong's bomb shelter the realisation that Nuke may have inadvertently shown the Kaiju how to kill humanity settles in as the other survivors throw him out as a sacrifice. Until the Gypsy arrives and uses a ocean liner as a baseball bat. and freezing it's stinger tail with CO2. But the Kaiju has another surprise, it can fly!
But the new Jaeger has a new feature, one that now has the kendo class scene now make sense. a foldable sword-OH COME ON! THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING FROM A ORIGAMI CLASS! If you want to give a robot a convincing giant sword, put a cowcatcher on it's gun arm like a bayonet. Anyway the Pterodactyl like Kaiju takes the robot out of the atmosphere but he cut it in half. But a drop from Terminal Velocity doesn't phase the crew in the suit-What is this Suit made of? Plot Contrivium? The other Jaagers got opened up like Christmas, Striker has a flat battery, but A drop from outer space? Scratched Paint Job!
The Gypsy Pilots return to a heroes' welcome. Mako is reeled by something the audience cannot see. Until the reverse angle shows us Pentecost's Nose bleeding again only heavily this time. On the Mainland Hannibal sends his crew to harvest the Kaiju, with Nuke there waiting for revenge.
We time-skip to a black-eyed Nuke and a grinning Hannibal, commending on how the scrawny scientist can take a punch. The Smuggler sends his crew into the bifurcated Creature,when they hear heartbeats. Soon, toxic afterbirth has awashed the street and a Baby Kaiju has being born. it's umbilical cord wraps around it's neck and it dies. Hannibal taunts the creature...only for it to rise up eat Hannibal and then die!
At least Nuke has his fresh Kaiju Brain!
Back at the Airbase, Pentecost tells Rayleigh that the early Jaegers had no radiation shielding. He has Cancer And it's terminal, if he ever gets into a Jaeger again, the background radiation alone in enough to kill him.
With Heracles injured Pentecost becomes Chuck's co-pilot
Despite their Differences, Herman and Nuke decide to drift into the Kaiju Baby's Brain together.
Heracles says his final goodbyes to his son. The Scientists drift into the Kaiju Brian and see a factory floor of 1000's of Kaiju. The plan to nuke only the breach will only serve to radiate the seas and make it more habitable for the invaders.
The Reason Kaiju can escape the breach is because they belong there genetically and they will always return there now they have being developed to have children, much like a migratory bird. If they can skin a kaiju, the Breach could allow them to enter and attack the breach from the inside collapse the wall's between worlds. So the Jaeger skin 1, losing an arm in the process. The Striker sacrifices itself so the Gyspy can detonate it's nuclear reactor.
So let's Finish this!
Covered With a Kaiju Carcass, A critically damaged Gypsy enters the Breach. Rayleigh Jettisons an unconscious Mako's escape pod and detonates the reactors. The Breach has collapsed. The pods return to Earth and Mako who thinks she found Rayleigh's dead body, confesses her love, he wake up after playing a joke. All I can say is....KISS YOU IDIOTS!
Oh and this film may not suck!...But why have movie that's not really Godzilla, when you can have Godzilla?
If you are in habit of a movie and pizza night, this is good rental choice for you. That's not a bad thing, this film is quite enjoyable though predictable. Some Hammy acting is here to balance out the United Nations of Funny Accents being shown here. This film loses the human factor with the ending the 2 star-crossed lovers save humanity and all they do is nuzzle? COME THE FUCK ON?
Pacific Rim was reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music and clips from:
in Part 1
"We Got Explosive" by the New Sound Of London
In Part 2,
White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
Price is Right
Pacific Rim is property of Warner Bros.
All rights Reserved.
When we left off, we are in the far off future of 2025, where Kaiju, sea monsters from another world have terrorised the coastal cities of the Pacific. To combat this new threat, humanity is united, if only by it's xenophobia, to create powerful, if casually racist, robot armour. Our hero who saw his twin brother eaten by a kaiju, has never gotten over and reluctantly gotten back into the army base in Hong Kong.
So Rayleigh is reunited with his old pit crew and the newly rebuilt Gypsy Danger 2.0. Mako, the Japanese Girl who at first we think is just Pentecost's P.A., reveals she is a pilot but won't be 1 of the candidates. She honestly tells the American that the trauma has made him gunshy, but he responds that when she becomes a pilot she'll have to think on her feet!
We also have an establishing shot of the romance between the two. Mako tries to become a candidate but Pentecost mentions not going out for revenge. At the Mess Hall, Striker's Pilot tells Rayleigh that the mission is too important for washed-up pilots to make a haims of it!
The candidate trials is a martial arts/kendo tourney, which makes no sense since Jaegers are Giant Rock'em, Sock'em Robots and are too bulky to do the flips and kicks shown here. Sick of the 3rd degree Mako has on him, Rayleigh calls her out for a fight. so 1 sexual tension fuelled fight later, since it's being established that film has a smurfette Principle and the only other woman on base is married. Rayleigh is impressed but Pentecost refuses and still keeps shtum about why.
A cutaway shows Pentecost nose bleeding. Because of the Sydney attack protests are raging and safe zones for the wealthy are set up mainland.
Nuke drifts with a Kaiju Brain with a McGyvered Interface (it's made from a motorbike, a bellows, an Xbox and it's headgear are curling irons!) Pentecost gives Mako a child's shoe stating something about a promise he made when they first met.
The Trail Run of Gypsy Danger 2.0 is interrupted when Herman, as fast as his good leg can carry him, to tell Pentecost that Nuke drifted with a Kaiju Brain. Nuke tells him that he was right. that humanoid Kaiju-these "masters"-have cloned the beasts to colonise worlds. they tried in prehistoric times, but failed, but with ozone depleting and pollution, "we practically Terraformed the Planet for them!"
Pentecost wants nuke to drift again only with a full kaiju, so Pentecost wants his scientist to track down a black market dealer called Hannibal (Ron Perlman)
Meanwhile, back at the Loading Dock, As Expected, 2 people with nothing in common and traumatic lives have trouble controlling the Gypsy 2
Mako is suffering from "Chasing The Rabbit"-a massive and intense jog of memory-She Remembers the day-She lost her family as a child-Carrying around her shoe-When Tokyo was attacked by a Kaiju. Rayleigh still Psychically to Mako tries to reason but the girl activates the weapon systems and starts shooting at the shadows of her past. Luckily the pit-team disconnects the drift manually.
We cut to the Bone Slums on Mainland Hong Kong, as Nuke enters a Chinese Chemist, this time instead of endangered animals, it's the kaiju that are turned into "Medicine". Hannibal is an American Caucasian "Not my real name, of course, in this line of work. my first after my favourite historical figire and the surname after my favourite takeout place back home in Brooklyn" who either has golden shoes or golden plated Prosthetics, I can't tell, nor does it ever come up!
Chuck gets in Rayleigh's face but when he insults the girl he just met a week ago, a fight ensues. Pentecost grounds Mako and Rayleigh, but he knows about the "debt" she was talking about now: Mako is Pentecosts Adoptive daughter, who he saved from the Kaiju years ago, So naturally he's over-protective of her.
Each Lead confide their fears in a tender moment-BUT FUCK THAT SHIT!-It's the double event Herman warned about!
So all 3 non-American Jaegers set out into the ocean-
I wonder if the make Red Shirts that size?
Back in Hong Kong, Hannibal asks why Nuke wants a Brain, since it's just pure ammonia, when he rightfully guesses that the scientist drifted with a beast-he calls him a moron, and gets his men to rough him up!
Back in the China Seas, it looks like humanity is winning, until the Kaiju do something that no-one expected!
Use an electromagnetic pulse to disable all thing electronic, Hong Kong is now Helpless. China and Russia are killed. And the Commonwealth got the full brunt of the EMP. The Hendrixes are Dead in the The Water, minutes away from just being dead! Heracles, Chuck's dad and co-pilot has broke his arm, But the Gypsy crew are no longer grounded and rescues the Hendrixes.
Back in Hong Kong's bomb shelter the realisation that Nuke may have inadvertently shown the Kaiju how to kill humanity settles in as the other survivors throw him out as a sacrifice. Until the Gypsy arrives and uses a ocean liner as a baseball bat. and freezing it's stinger tail with CO2. But the Kaiju has another surprise, it can fly!
But the new Jaeger has a new feature, one that now has the kendo class scene now make sense. a foldable sword-OH COME ON! THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING FROM A ORIGAMI CLASS! If you want to give a robot a convincing giant sword, put a cowcatcher on it's gun arm like a bayonet. Anyway the Pterodactyl like Kaiju takes the robot out of the atmosphere but he cut it in half. But a drop from Terminal Velocity doesn't phase the crew in the suit-What is this Suit made of? Plot Contrivium? The other Jaagers got opened up like Christmas, Striker has a flat battery, but A drop from outer space? Scratched Paint Job!
The Gypsy Pilots return to a heroes' welcome. Mako is reeled by something the audience cannot see. Until the reverse angle shows us Pentecost's Nose bleeding again only heavily this time. On the Mainland Hannibal sends his crew to harvest the Kaiju, with Nuke there waiting for revenge.
We time-skip to a black-eyed Nuke and a grinning Hannibal, commending on how the scrawny scientist can take a punch. The Smuggler sends his crew into the bifurcated Creature,when they hear heartbeats. Soon, toxic afterbirth has awashed the street and a Baby Kaiju has being born. it's umbilical cord wraps around it's neck and it dies. Hannibal taunts the creature...only for it to rise up eat Hannibal and then die!
At least Nuke has his fresh Kaiju Brain!
Back at the Airbase, Pentecost tells Rayleigh that the early Jaegers had no radiation shielding. He has Cancer And it's terminal, if he ever gets into a Jaeger again, the background radiation alone in enough to kill him.
With Heracles injured Pentecost becomes Chuck's co-pilot
Despite their Differences, Herman and Nuke decide to drift into the Kaiju Baby's Brain together.
Heracles says his final goodbyes to his son. The Scientists drift into the Kaiju Brian and see a factory floor of 1000's of Kaiju. The plan to nuke only the breach will only serve to radiate the seas and make it more habitable for the invaders.
The Reason Kaiju can escape the breach is because they belong there genetically and they will always return there now they have being developed to have children, much like a migratory bird. If they can skin a kaiju, the Breach could allow them to enter and attack the breach from the inside collapse the wall's between worlds. So the Jaeger skin 1, losing an arm in the process. The Striker sacrifices itself so the Gyspy can detonate it's nuclear reactor.
So let's Finish this!
Covered With a Kaiju Carcass, A critically damaged Gypsy enters the Breach. Rayleigh Jettisons an unconscious Mako's escape pod and detonates the reactors. The Breach has collapsed. The pods return to Earth and Mako who thinks she found Rayleigh's dead body, confesses her love, he wake up after playing a joke. All I can say is....KISS YOU IDIOTS!
Oh and this film may not suck!...But why have movie that's not really Godzilla, when you can have Godzilla?
If you are in habit of a movie and pizza night, this is good rental choice for you. That's not a bad thing, this film is quite enjoyable though predictable. Some Hammy acting is here to balance out the United Nations of Funny Accents being shown here. This film loses the human factor with the ending the 2 star-crossed lovers save humanity and all they do is nuzzle? COME THE FUCK ON?
Pacific Rim was reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music and clips from:
in Part 1
"We Got Explosive" by the New Sound Of London
In Part 2,
White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
Price is Right
Pacific Rim is property of Warner Bros.
All rights Reserved.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Eamonn Reviews Pacific Rim Part 1
(This Weeks Theme to go with the action described- New Sound of London-WE HAVE EXPLOSIVE!
(NOTE: Bord Na Mona is Ireland's Fossil Fuel Quango. They are in charge of the promotion and sale of home fuels like coal and Peat.)
With the Wrestling Year over I can prepare for Christmas But Until then I have 5 reviews still in me.
And this is the first.
We Start off with a prologue read by Chris Hunman, It's Six years into the future, and the world is under siege by Kaiju, giant Sea Monsters from a another world.
"It all Started when a Kaiju Outraged San Francisco...."
Kaiju are anti-LGBT Rights!
In the 6 day fire fight the Kaiju destroys 3 cities, even it's blood, Kaiju Blue is toxic. 6 Months later, Kaiju attack Manilla, Bangkok, and Cabo.
South East Asia? Cabo? They didn't come to kill, they came to get laid!
So humanity unites only because of our hatred of the aliens (Jason Manford was right!)
....And Created a New Weapon, A giant robotic suit called Jaegers. Remote controlled by a psychic link from the pilot. At first the Psychic Strain is too much, until a 2-man programme proved to be more successful, each pilot controlling a side. Humanity was winning, and as always, Humanity turned soldiers into heroes and the enemies into caricatures that are mocked and ridiculed....Until now
Alaska 2020
Rayleigh and Yangzee Baker (Both Hunman) are the pilots of the Gypsy Danger, And Things have changed. The Kaiju attacks have intensified from 6 months to a fortnight apart. Even Though only 1 exits the breach 1 at a time, the ferocity of the attack has also intensified, meaning Jaegers are being destroyed quicker than those being repaired.
The Jaegers are , as mentioned controlled by a Psychic Link but not anyone can control a machine. They must be strong enough to survive "Drifting" A process were all the memories of the 2 pilots are combined and digitised to sync the control- As the Baker Brothers share the same memories, they are the best men for the job, as overlooked by Commander Pentecost (Idris Elbra). The Gypsy Danger Makes Landfall
And the American built Jaegers Look incredible, it's dark and tough, the closest thing to Iron Man's HulkBuster Armour without the Nazi Rat calling it's Lawyers!
So the Gypsy disobeys orders and saves a boating ship from Codename:Nightwolf but its horn severs the left arm and eats Yangstee like a peanut! On his own, Rayleigh makes it to land, stunned and badly injured as the title drops
5 years Later, And Pentecost is in conference with the U.N. Seattle Siberia and Macau have being nuked from existence, the Kaiju are attacking every 4 days and Mechanical and human resources are running out, Lives are lost everyday and the government is putting it's eggs into the Wall of Life, a Coastal Barrier around the Breach and they are closing down the Jaeger program in 8 months and moving them all to Hong Kong.
Back in Alaska, Rayleigh gets a job as a weilder on the American Portion of the wall. When he collects his Rations, he sees the news. A Kaiju in Sydney tears through their wall like it's wet Kleenex! Naturally the workers are pissed. The Kaiju was destroyed by Striker-A Commonwealth Jaeger retro built out Blighty's Best-the train and Sleath bomber. The Pilot Chuck Hendrix calls out the U.N for decommissioning the Jaeger Programme
A chopper containing Pentecost lands on the site. All of his pilots are dead and wants Rayleigh back until be can find Drift-Ready recruits, he lets him in on a secret- They rebuild the Gypsy Danger! So Baker Reluctantly accepts, when he arrives. A Mysterious Japanese Girl waifs into his view and into his life forever!
So we meet our other crew members-Our McCoy-Herman-Serious, Analytical, and walking with limp from an undisclosed Kaiju Attack and Newton-aka Nuke-A man with-how should I put it-A HARD ON FOR KAIJU!-NOT LITERALLY, OF COURSE!-But if this film was based on reality, he'd be pesky hippy trying to save the man-eating tigers, before ultimately getting eaten!
So in Hong Kong's Shatterdome we met the other Jaegers, China with it's Red Star, manned by triplets, Russia retrofitted from Cold war Tanks and The Commonwealth, Manned by Ozzies but on loan from Britain and Taxed to the hilt because of it.
So Nostalgia chick was right. All the Jaegers are Racial Stereotypes! Why do I get the feeling the Irish Jaeger will be Powered by Bona Na Mona Peat Briquettes, Made out of A Massey Ferguson tractor and a DeLorean, and will be a shitty version of the British One?
So the plan is to attack the Breach-The underwater entrance in the Pacific ocean that is a portal to their world-Something that was tried before but failed because of the environmental conditions.
Herman gives Pentecost Good News and Bad News, the Bad is that the rate the attack increase, In 4 days the Kaiju will attack every 4 hours the good news, the increased traffic will widen the Breach to safety land a Jaeger to launch a missile to destroy the nexus. Nuke interjects that a kaiju is not breed of animal: they are modified clones of the same animal, something intelligent is changing their appearance to make them fit for purpose. Now if the commander could only allow Nuke to Drift with A life Kaiju or even it's Brain...But of Course Pentecost doesn't let that happen!
(NOTE: Bord Na Mona is Ireland's Fossil Fuel Quango. They are in charge of the promotion and sale of home fuels like coal and Peat.)
With the Wrestling Year over I can prepare for Christmas But Until then I have 5 reviews still in me.
And this is the first.
We Start off with a prologue read by Chris Hunman, It's Six years into the future, and the world is under siege by Kaiju, giant Sea Monsters from a another world.
"It all Started when a Kaiju Outraged San Francisco...."
Kaiju are anti-LGBT Rights!
In the 6 day fire fight the Kaiju destroys 3 cities, even it's blood, Kaiju Blue is toxic. 6 Months later, Kaiju attack Manilla, Bangkok, and Cabo.
South East Asia? Cabo? They didn't come to kill, they came to get laid!
So humanity unites only because of our hatred of the aliens (Jason Manford was right!)
....And Created a New Weapon, A giant robotic suit called Jaegers. Remote controlled by a psychic link from the pilot. At first the Psychic Strain is too much, until a 2-man programme proved to be more successful, each pilot controlling a side. Humanity was winning, and as always, Humanity turned soldiers into heroes and the enemies into caricatures that are mocked and ridiculed....Until now
Alaska 2020
Rayleigh and Yangzee Baker (Both Hunman) are the pilots of the Gypsy Danger, And Things have changed. The Kaiju attacks have intensified from 6 months to a fortnight apart. Even Though only 1 exits the breach 1 at a time, the ferocity of the attack has also intensified, meaning Jaegers are being destroyed quicker than those being repaired.
The Jaegers are , as mentioned controlled by a Psychic Link but not anyone can control a machine. They must be strong enough to survive "Drifting" A process were all the memories of the 2 pilots are combined and digitised to sync the control- As the Baker Brothers share the same memories, they are the best men for the job, as overlooked by Commander Pentecost (Idris Elbra). The Gypsy Danger Makes Landfall
And the American built Jaegers Look incredible, it's dark and tough, the closest thing to Iron Man's HulkBuster Armour without the Nazi Rat calling it's Lawyers!
So the Gypsy disobeys orders and saves a boating ship from Codename:Nightwolf but its horn severs the left arm and eats Yangstee like a peanut! On his own, Rayleigh makes it to land, stunned and badly injured as the title drops
5 years Later, And Pentecost is in conference with the U.N. Seattle Siberia and Macau have being nuked from existence, the Kaiju are attacking every 4 days and Mechanical and human resources are running out, Lives are lost everyday and the government is putting it's eggs into the Wall of Life, a Coastal Barrier around the Breach and they are closing down the Jaeger program in 8 months and moving them all to Hong Kong.
Back in Alaska, Rayleigh gets a job as a weilder on the American Portion of the wall. When he collects his Rations, he sees the news. A Kaiju in Sydney tears through their wall like it's wet Kleenex! Naturally the workers are pissed. The Kaiju was destroyed by Striker-A Commonwealth Jaeger retro built out Blighty's Best-the train and Sleath bomber. The Pilot Chuck Hendrix calls out the U.N for decommissioning the Jaeger Programme
A chopper containing Pentecost lands on the site. All of his pilots are dead and wants Rayleigh back until be can find Drift-Ready recruits, he lets him in on a secret- They rebuild the Gypsy Danger! So Baker Reluctantly accepts, when he arrives. A Mysterious Japanese Girl waifs into his view and into his life forever!
So we meet our other crew members-Our McCoy-Herman-Serious, Analytical, and walking with limp from an undisclosed Kaiju Attack and Newton-aka Nuke-A man with-how should I put it-A HARD ON FOR KAIJU!-NOT LITERALLY, OF COURSE!-But if this film was based on reality, he'd be pesky hippy trying to save the man-eating tigers, before ultimately getting eaten!
So in Hong Kong's Shatterdome we met the other Jaegers, China with it's Red Star, manned by triplets, Russia retrofitted from Cold war Tanks and The Commonwealth, Manned by Ozzies but on loan from Britain and Taxed to the hilt because of it.
So Nostalgia chick was right. All the Jaegers are Racial Stereotypes! Why do I get the feeling the Irish Jaeger will be Powered by Bona Na Mona Peat Briquettes, Made out of A Massey Ferguson tractor and a DeLorean, and will be a shitty version of the British One?
So the plan is to attack the Breach-The underwater entrance in the Pacific ocean that is a portal to their world-Something that was tried before but failed because of the environmental conditions.
Herman gives Pentecost Good News and Bad News, the Bad is that the rate the attack increase, In 4 days the Kaiju will attack every 4 hours the good news, the increased traffic will widen the Breach to safety land a Jaeger to launch a missile to destroy the nexus. Nuke interjects that a kaiju is not breed of animal: they are modified clones of the same animal, something intelligent is changing their appearance to make them fit for purpose. Now if the commander could only allow Nuke to Drift with A life Kaiju or even it's Brain...But of Course Pentecost doesn't let that happen!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Hallowe'en Special: Eamonn Reviews Tenacious D: PICK OF DESTINY
Welcome those who revel in Darkness, for this is the month where the worst of Horror, sci-fi and fantasy come out from under the floorboards.
Or would, the last 4 times we had a Halloween special!
This year our Halloween Stash is the celluloid equivalent of Kettle Crisps, Cadbury Banana Caramel Crunch and freshly printed C-notes, This year out go the moonshine zombies, the lame version of Goku, the icecream zombies, the Nazi Zombies and the Vampire....Angel....things! and get ready to ROCK! With Tenacious D! (Don't worry kiddies, it's the clean version!)
After Cartoon Versions do a scat joke, we open to a flashback told in song as a young JB Jables (Jack Black Naturally) played by....the Laxative Boy from the video High School Never Ends!, Sings about his rebellious love of rock in the strait-laced family as his father (MEATLOAF) Sings his disapproval whilst Belting his son. After praying to a poster of DIO, The late rockstar tells the young boy to go to Hollywood.
After leaving Missouri that night, the young man has spent all his teenage years going to every other town in America called Hollywood(Really?) He finally makes it Hollywood, California.
After Opening Credits of Animated Tarot Cards (Funny thing, if you are able to read Tarot Cards like I can, the entire Opening Credits ruin the entire story for you!)
So JB meets Kyle Gass (as himself!) who assumes the newcomer is invading his busking space, When the crowd walks away when Gass goes classical, JB saves the day with improvised lyrics, even though only a pizza boy gets excited about what happened, but Kyle refuses to make a band with the newcomer. But when KG drops his pick , JB assumes is a sign.
With Nowhere to stay Jables is forced to sleep rough and is attacked by Clockwork Orange Fanboys, When Kyle comes around and sees his missing pick in the fallen hands of Jables, he takes pity on him and pretends to ward of the muggers.
After bringing JB Back to his place and lying about his music "career", the star struck bumpkin proposes an "audition"-Basically a Lethal cocktail of "Menial Labour" and "Getting His Hopes Up" served in a large glass, garnish with "Blatant Lies"!
The Gig Simulator, which is simply Kyle's way of Breaking Jables confidence, works as Jables sees his father chastising him. As Kyle comforts Jables he doesn't realise that a message comes through onto his answering machine from his mother, telling him that she is no longer financially supporting his life of busking, getting high and fleecing wannabes! Kyle reveals he used the rent money to buy JB a new guitar. So now the newly formed Tenacious D, Must now ROCK FOR RENT! So the first contest is a open mic qualifier, where the only competition is a terrible impersonator, they win, but a slight by the bar-keeper, convinces Jables that need to write a "Masterpiece". So the band draw a pentagram with ketchup for inspiration but forget to record any of it. Looking through old Rolling Stone Magazines, they come across that all the great use the same Guitar Pick.
So the Band go to the Music Store to pick up a similar pick, Only to be pulled into the spare room by the clerk (A cameo by Ben Stiller) tells us the story that we already know from the expository song above! What we don't know is that the devil roams the earth searching for his missing tooth and when whole again he will dominate the Earth once more! Marcus tells the D that the last known whereabouts is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Sacramento.
After an Imagination spot where they slowly turn into Kiss, they park at a Roadside café, As JB devises a plan to break in, Kage gets distracted by Sorority Girls that leaves the two split up as Kage is hired to play at a party, where he quickly tanks-
While Jables who was heading on a 5 mile walk to Sacramento, starts eating some he found in a forest-Yep! IT'S A MUSHROOM SAMBA!
Jack Black is tripping balls and has turned it a baby Sasquatch whilst flying on the back of another Sasquatch through a Technicolor Forest, while singing a song about the creature!
So JB conveniently sobers up a mile away from the rock and roll Museum, At the party some teenagers smash the tail-light of Kyle's car.
After the band reunite at the museum, They enter the Guitar Gods room, all the cock push-ups that Kage got JB to do, has made Jack Black's....bandmember long enough to disable the lasers but the alarms are set off!, but the two heroes powerslide out from the closing garage doors. A crippled thief threatens to steal the pick, but is easily outrun.
That Morning, the band escape the police, who only wanted to pullover the band for the broken tail-light, cause a police chase that ends with them blowing up the car and escaping through the sewers. Arguing over the pick makes them split it in half. It turns out the open mic host was the Devil (Dave Grohl) the whole time!
The D's challenge the Devil to a rock-off, with the catch being the Lord of The Dammed must pay their rent forever if he loses. But Kage becomes the devil's Bitch if they lose. So the Devil being played by Grohl, naturally sings, drums and plays guitar like a boss! but the D realise that real masterpieces come from within, and defeat Lucifer by NOT! Singing Tribute (Instead singing the risible "We Are The D"), in his rage the devil's horn is broke off and now since he is incomplete again, he's sealed in hell forever and so the film ends....WITH NOTHING RESOLVED! AS NO-ONE SAW OR HEARD A 20FT DEVIL SINGING A SONG ABOUT SODOMISING KYLE GASS, NO FAMILY WAS REUNITED, NO ONE WON THE OPEN MIC,AND THE BAND THE DIDN'T GET FAMOUS!
The only thing that was resolved was the D's Rent is paid for life and they made the Devil's Horn into a Bong and they smoke from it for "inspiration"-even if Satanically Saturated Skunk makes them forget everything they play!
Ok, Let's get serious!
The film is all over the place, Nothing is resolved, Backstories are quickly discarded and plotpoints like the waitress' black eye and the crippled thief are relegated to dvd extras-Which I don't review I only focus on what's on the dvd because that what cinema goers saw. In Short Pick of destiny is nothing more than Music Video Set with a narrative linking each one, A device doing better in Fly On The Wall, Daft Punk's Fantasia 5000 and of course, The WALL!
Tenacious D:Pick of Destiny was reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music and Clips from
Tenacious D: Pick Of Destiny
TD:POD Is distributed by New Line Cinema. All rights reserved
All clips used belong to their respective owners.
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
Or would, the last 4 times we had a Halloween special!
This year our Halloween Stash is the celluloid equivalent of Kettle Crisps, Cadbury Banana Caramel Crunch and freshly printed C-notes, This year out go the moonshine zombies, the lame version of Goku, the icecream zombies, the Nazi Zombies and the Vampire....Angel....things! and get ready to ROCK! With Tenacious D! (Don't worry kiddies, it's the clean version!)
After Cartoon Versions do a scat joke, we open to a flashback told in song as a young JB Jables (Jack Black Naturally) played by....the Laxative Boy from the video High School Never Ends!, Sings about his rebellious love of rock in the strait-laced family as his father (MEATLOAF) Sings his disapproval whilst Belting his son. After praying to a poster of DIO, The late rockstar tells the young boy to go to Hollywood.
After leaving Missouri that night, the young man has spent all his teenage years going to every other town in America called Hollywood(Really?) He finally makes it Hollywood, California.
After Opening Credits of Animated Tarot Cards (Funny thing, if you are able to read Tarot Cards like I can, the entire Opening Credits ruin the entire story for you!)
So JB meets Kyle Gass (as himself!) who assumes the newcomer is invading his busking space, When the crowd walks away when Gass goes classical, JB saves the day with improvised lyrics, even though only a pizza boy gets excited about what happened, but Kyle refuses to make a band with the newcomer. But when KG drops his pick , JB assumes is a sign.
With Nowhere to stay Jables is forced to sleep rough and is attacked by Clockwork Orange Fanboys, When Kyle comes around and sees his missing pick in the fallen hands of Jables, he takes pity on him and pretends to ward of the muggers.
After bringing JB Back to his place and lying about his music "career", the star struck bumpkin proposes an "audition"-Basically a Lethal cocktail of "Menial Labour" and "Getting His Hopes Up" served in a large glass, garnish with "Blatant Lies"!
The Gig Simulator, which is simply Kyle's way of Breaking Jables confidence, works as Jables sees his father chastising him. As Kyle comforts Jables he doesn't realise that a message comes through onto his answering machine from his mother, telling him that she is no longer financially supporting his life of busking, getting high and fleecing wannabes! Kyle reveals he used the rent money to buy JB a new guitar. So now the newly formed Tenacious D, Must now ROCK FOR RENT! So the first contest is a open mic qualifier, where the only competition is a terrible impersonator, they win, but a slight by the bar-keeper, convinces Jables that need to write a "Masterpiece". So the band draw a pentagram with ketchup for inspiration but forget to record any of it. Looking through old Rolling Stone Magazines, they come across that all the great use the same Guitar Pick.
So the Band go to the Music Store to pick up a similar pick, Only to be pulled into the spare room by the clerk (A cameo by Ben Stiller) tells us the story that we already know from the expository song above! What we don't know is that the devil roams the earth searching for his missing tooth and when whole again he will dominate the Earth once more! Marcus tells the D that the last known whereabouts is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Sacramento.
After an Imagination spot where they slowly turn into Kiss, they park at a Roadside café, As JB devises a plan to break in, Kage gets distracted by Sorority Girls that leaves the two split up as Kage is hired to play at a party, where he quickly tanks-
While Jables who was heading on a 5 mile walk to Sacramento, starts eating some he found in a forest-Yep! IT'S A MUSHROOM SAMBA!
Jack Black is tripping balls and has turned it a baby Sasquatch whilst flying on the back of another Sasquatch through a Technicolor Forest, while singing a song about the creature!
So JB conveniently sobers up a mile away from the rock and roll Museum, At the party some teenagers smash the tail-light of Kyle's car.
After the band reunite at the museum, They enter the Guitar Gods room, all the cock push-ups that Kage got JB to do, has made Jack Black's....bandmember long enough to disable the lasers but the alarms are set off!, but the two heroes powerslide out from the closing garage doors. A crippled thief threatens to steal the pick, but is easily outrun.
That Morning, the band escape the police, who only wanted to pullover the band for the broken tail-light, cause a police chase that ends with them blowing up the car and escaping through the sewers. Arguing over the pick makes them split it in half. It turns out the open mic host was the Devil (Dave Grohl) the whole time!
The D's challenge the Devil to a rock-off, with the catch being the Lord of The Dammed must pay their rent forever if he loses. But Kage becomes the devil's Bitch if they lose. So the Devil being played by Grohl, naturally sings, drums and plays guitar like a boss! but the D realise that real masterpieces come from within, and defeat Lucifer by NOT! Singing Tribute (Instead singing the risible "We Are The D"), in his rage the devil's horn is broke off and now since he is incomplete again, he's sealed in hell forever and so the film ends....WITH NOTHING RESOLVED! AS NO-ONE SAW OR HEARD A 20FT DEVIL SINGING A SONG ABOUT SODOMISING KYLE GASS, NO FAMILY WAS REUNITED, NO ONE WON THE OPEN MIC,AND THE BAND THE DIDN'T GET FAMOUS!
The only thing that was resolved was the D's Rent is paid for life and they made the Devil's Horn into a Bong and they smoke from it for "inspiration"-even if Satanically Saturated Skunk makes them forget everything they play!
Ok, Let's get serious!
The film is all over the place, Nothing is resolved, Backstories are quickly discarded and plotpoints like the waitress' black eye and the crippled thief are relegated to dvd extras-Which I don't review I only focus on what's on the dvd because that what cinema goers saw. In Short Pick of destiny is nothing more than Music Video Set with a narrative linking each one, A device doing better in Fly On The Wall, Daft Punk's Fantasia 5000 and of course, The WALL!
Tenacious D:Pick of Destiny was reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music and Clips from
Tenacious D: Pick Of Destiny
TD:POD Is distributed by New Line Cinema. All rights reserved
All clips used belong to their respective owners.
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
Monday, September 1, 2014
(Previously on bogger box office...
DUUUUUDDDDEEEE! Like, what's that noise?
oh, that? I Asked Joe-jack to get as many Jennifer Aniston films that suck.
(A Dump Truck crashed through the wall of the Enlightened Towers Waiting Room
Here Ya go Dere, Boss!
(1000'S of dvds crashed out of the container onto Eamonn, pinning him out the floor,
Did I get enough?
(Out of the pile Eamonn's arm emerged in defiance, holding the this month's DVD. Ava Santana echoed in the background.)
This months theme from the soundtrack Not butchered by Will Poulter-TLC-Waterfalls
We start with a montage of youtube clips, All of them more entertaining than this film. Watching them is our protagonist, as calling him a hero would donate that David Clark (Jason Sudekis) has amiable qualities, But we see him selling weed to the mother of a newborn baby.
Selling weed to an old college friend who settled down, makes David thinks what if he had settled down.
We cut to a strip club where Jennifer Aniston, the hottest woman of television....15 years ago!, Shakes her Cuprinol coloured ass for Pennyz N' Dollarz
It just so happens that Rose's (Aniston) boyfriend owes his dealer, David some money. And David harps on her angrily. Or would if Sudekis Learned How to Emote!
The Argument( In truth, the bad acting because he felt left out,) alerts Kenny (Will "I RUINED NARNIA FOR EVERYONE!" Poulter"), A teenager who Explains in Terrible American Accent, That his mother more or less abandoned him.
As Rose leaves, David and Kenny sees a girl (Emma Roberts) getting mugged. the lowlife and Narnia Scrappy goes to help but the ungrateful bitch leaves David alone to get mugged.
It gets worse the next day as a pair of thugs kidnap David and sent him to their boss....Get ready for this, it's so stupid,....THE CEO OF PUBLIC TRADING COMPANY....the thugs even bring the still blindfolded David to a receptionist to make an appointment.
Okay Movie, if you were trying to be satirical in that drug-dealing is so lucrative that an actual businessman can turn a profit, then I have to call forward that a spider bites on Poulter's balls, and we see his exposed testicles for 5 whole minutes.
So Brad Hemming-Schumber (Nick Offerman) , David's Boss, tells him to smuggle a Smidge of Hash over from Mexico, but to use his alias, Pablo Chaconne, as no-one will take his real name seriously.
So When Rose quits when the strip club becomes a brothel (Because when you are stripping to pay for your Boyfriend's drug addiction, you are chock-full of principles!)
Struggling to think of an idea on how to get to Mexico without being stopped, A lost family in an RV, gives David an idea: get Kenny, Rose and the Girl he tried to help, to pose as a fake family.
So after getting a haircut, and decking out Casey "In the clothes kids wear that say, my parents love me because they planned me!" (ACTUAL QUOTE!) The "Millers" arrive in New York airport, but the cover is nearly blown when David forgets Casey's name, Turns out to be a godsend as the Homeless girl has more a dystopian of America than her "father", scaring off a nosy stewardess.
Rose arrives in time to stop the cabin-crew from throwing them out, by performing a prayer circle.
What does that tell you of America's foreign policy? You may act suspicious, but as long you are white and show that you are Christian, then that's okay!
After renting the RV, THE 4 assholes pass a fireworks stand. Kenny reveals to the audience that the events are set on the 4th of July Weekend.
"Wot Ameriken doesn't Lioke a bit'o FYAREWERKS?, EH?" (Line by Poulter, phonetically written in his "American accent")
So the millers stop and buy and let off 1 firework.
What's road movie without buying fireworks or some semi-illegal thing that would be used as a plot item?
So the Millers arrive in Mexico at a drug baron's compound, It turns out the smidge is 2 metric tonnes. Kenny is gifted a fruit basket by the drug baron's mother, that the audience is shown to have a tarantula in it. A moneyless gang can't pay a cop's bribe so David gets Kenny to suck him off, after some Insane Troll Logic by Sudekis ("If You've Never Being With A Girl, That Means You're Gay!" (ACTUAL LINE FROM THE FILM!)), The Cop asks where his 1000 pesos are.
GET IT? IT'S A JOKE ABOUT HOW TERRIBLY THE PESO DOES AGAINST THE DOLLAR! With David reassuring Kenny by saying "I Can't Believe You Were going to suck cock over $80!"
At the Border, a Run-in with a family called the Fitzgeralds, causes Kenny to fall for their Daughter.
OH BOY! A romantic Sub-Plot for Narnia Scrappy, As if this film could get worse! Oh wait, a spider biting Poulter's exposed testicles, yes it does get worse!
A hard break causes a baggy to fall on Rose's lap, concealing it in blanket causes Mrs Fitzgerald to think the gang has a baby. The Commotion is enough alert border patrol. Thank God immigrants chose their Rv to try and sneak the border.
So the gang celebrates by listening to the radio, with Poulter rapping to waterfalls becoming The whitest thing I've ever seen since my reflection....
Turns out that Brad didn't get David to smuggle weed, He got him to STEAL Weed as the REAL Pablo Chaconne appears at his compound and now the Mexicans are out for the gangs heads.
But that's a problem for the climax of the film, lets first deal with the RV full of weed broken down and trying to discreetly smuggle it whilst being towed by a family convinced you have a baby!
It turns out that Mr Don Fitzgerald happens to be a CIA Agent doing the exact same camouflage that the Millers are doing. The garage is closed on Sunday, So they decide to camp til morning. Edith Fitzgerald's annoying persistence to hold the "baby", causes Rose to throw the Baggy onto the Interstate, where it gets ran over. Casey interjects that it was a....Flour Baby for Sex ed class!
That night a game of Pictionary goes awry when Kenny blatantly draws a cock....
-The Fitzgerald's daughter comes on to Kenny. This leads to David giving the rubber faced Narnia Scrappy Man Talk.
Yeah that's all well and good, but need I remind you is that the girl's father is a CIA Agent, you are drug smugglers, and anything putting Kenny to the fore is only to lead to seeing his exposed junk for 5 whole minutes.
So David and Rose plan on stealing the Keys to the Fitzgerald's Rv but they wake and put 2 and 2 together and come up with-The Millers in their Tent because they are Swingers!
Yep, Just when you think we've seen it all, plus the threat of Will Poulter's swollen balls they spring this on you!
So the girls in the Miller gang teaches Kenny how to kiss a girl, Melissa walks in and naturally is freaked out.
So Stopping at the garage, the millers are ambushed by Pablo's Gang and knowing who Don is, are convinced David is a whistleblower, goes to kill him and the family, David tries to convince their not a family-NOT by Leaning on the 4th wall and scald Poulter's accent-But by making rose strip, giving us 5 minutes (10 in the extended Version) of Freckly Cleavage and Boot Leather Abs and Naval. but it's a distraction for the smuggling shitehawks to escape.
But Remember the Taruntula?
It climbs up Kenny's shorts!
So the Millers off Road and Kenny Realises that something is biting him in the love spuds!
Wait for it....
In hospital Kenny is not allowed to travel Meaning David will not meet the deadline. After Casey leaves with a Carny, David and Rose open up to each other, Rose revealing her real name is Sarah.
After rushing Kenny out of hospital, David blurts out he's getting paid half a million, while only paying 30k to Sarah, 1k to Casey.
So Casey walks out to join her Carny Boyfriend, David Leaves Rose and Kenny behind and is on the road to Denver, Leaving the rest of the gang defenceless when Pablo arrives, But then something horrible happens. Something that stops this film from being shorter than it is:
And returns to the funfair where Sarah has dealt with the Carny.
Kenny tells the truth to the Fitzgeralds to "impress" Melissa, Donny Arrests Pablo's General, Pablo gets distracted by Fireworks (told ya, it is a road movie, after all!) long enough for Kenny to deck him, getting the girl, Don lets the millers go, David brings the Shipment to Brad, who double-crosses him, But David Reveals he has entered a plea bargain to get Brad arrested, and so the story ends with the Millers in protective Custody, Kenny's Ball being a viral hit and Meeting the neighbours and calling them Middle American Assholes behind their back as a cutaway shot shows freshly Sewn Marijuana buds in the Rosebushes.
Of the 3 road movies I've reviewed on this site, it's up there as bad as The Chaperone, But RV: Runaway Vacation did have Josh Hutcherson and a Geyser of Shit in it so i'll let that slide.
Meet the Millers was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With clips from
Adventure Time!
Meet the Millers
"Waterfalls" by TLC
"Combine Harvester" by the Wurzels
Meet the Millers was produced by Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema
DUUUUUDDDDEEEE! Like, what's that noise?
oh, that? I Asked Joe-jack to get as many Jennifer Aniston films that suck.
(A Dump Truck crashed through the wall of the Enlightened Towers Waiting Room
Here Ya go Dere, Boss!
(1000'S of dvds crashed out of the container onto Eamonn, pinning him out the floor,
Did I get enough?
(Out of the pile Eamonn's arm emerged in defiance, holding the this month's DVD. Ava Santana echoed in the background.)
This months theme from the soundtrack Not butchered by Will Poulter-TLC-Waterfalls
We start with a montage of youtube clips, All of them more entertaining than this film. Watching them is our protagonist, as calling him a hero would donate that David Clark (Jason Sudekis) has amiable qualities, But we see him selling weed to the mother of a newborn baby.
Selling weed to an old college friend who settled down, makes David thinks what if he had settled down.
We cut to a strip club where Jennifer Aniston, the hottest woman of television....15 years ago!, Shakes her Cuprinol coloured ass for Pennyz N' Dollarz
It just so happens that Rose's (Aniston) boyfriend owes his dealer, David some money. And David harps on her angrily. Or would if Sudekis Learned How to Emote!
The Argument( In truth, the bad acting because he felt left out,) alerts Kenny (Will "I RUINED NARNIA FOR EVERYONE!" Poulter"), A teenager who Explains in Terrible American Accent, That his mother more or less abandoned him.
As Rose leaves, David and Kenny sees a girl (Emma Roberts) getting mugged. the lowlife and Narnia Scrappy goes to help but the ungrateful bitch leaves David alone to get mugged.
It gets worse the next day as a pair of thugs kidnap David and sent him to their boss....Get ready for this, it's so stupid,....THE CEO OF PUBLIC TRADING COMPANY....the thugs even bring the still blindfolded David to a receptionist to make an appointment.
Okay Movie, if you were trying to be satirical in that drug-dealing is so lucrative that an actual businessman can turn a profit, then I have to call forward that a spider bites on Poulter's balls, and we see his exposed testicles for 5 whole minutes.
So Brad Hemming-Schumber (Nick Offerman) , David's Boss, tells him to smuggle a Smidge of Hash over from Mexico, but to use his alias, Pablo Chaconne, as no-one will take his real name seriously.
So When Rose quits when the strip club becomes a brothel (Because when you are stripping to pay for your Boyfriend's drug addiction, you are chock-full of principles!)
Struggling to think of an idea on how to get to Mexico without being stopped, A lost family in an RV, gives David an idea: get Kenny, Rose and the Girl he tried to help, to pose as a fake family.
So after getting a haircut, and decking out Casey "In the clothes kids wear that say, my parents love me because they planned me!" (ACTUAL QUOTE!) The "Millers" arrive in New York airport, but the cover is nearly blown when David forgets Casey's name, Turns out to be a godsend as the Homeless girl has more a dystopian of America than her "father", scaring off a nosy stewardess.
Rose arrives in time to stop the cabin-crew from throwing them out, by performing a prayer circle.
What does that tell you of America's foreign policy? You may act suspicious, but as long you are white and show that you are Christian, then that's okay!
After renting the RV, THE 4 assholes pass a fireworks stand. Kenny reveals to the audience that the events are set on the 4th of July Weekend.
"Wot Ameriken doesn't Lioke a bit'o FYAREWERKS?, EH?" (Line by Poulter, phonetically written in his "American accent")
So the millers stop and buy and let off 1 firework.
What's road movie without buying fireworks or some semi-illegal thing that would be used as a plot item?
So the Millers arrive in Mexico at a drug baron's compound, It turns out the smidge is 2 metric tonnes. Kenny is gifted a fruit basket by the drug baron's mother, that the audience is shown to have a tarantula in it. A moneyless gang can't pay a cop's bribe so David gets Kenny to suck him off, after some Insane Troll Logic by Sudekis ("If You've Never Being With A Girl, That Means You're Gay!" (ACTUAL LINE FROM THE FILM!)), The Cop asks where his 1000 pesos are.
GET IT? IT'S A JOKE ABOUT HOW TERRIBLY THE PESO DOES AGAINST THE DOLLAR! With David reassuring Kenny by saying "I Can't Believe You Were going to suck cock over $80!"
At the Border, a Run-in with a family called the Fitzgeralds, causes Kenny to fall for their Daughter.
OH BOY! A romantic Sub-Plot for Narnia Scrappy, As if this film could get worse! Oh wait, a spider biting Poulter's exposed testicles, yes it does get worse!
A hard break causes a baggy to fall on Rose's lap, concealing it in blanket causes Mrs Fitzgerald to think the gang has a baby. The Commotion is enough alert border patrol. Thank God immigrants chose their Rv to try and sneak the border.
So the gang celebrates by listening to the radio, with Poulter rapping to waterfalls becoming The whitest thing I've ever seen since my reflection....
Turns out that Brad didn't get David to smuggle weed, He got him to STEAL Weed as the REAL Pablo Chaconne appears at his compound and now the Mexicans are out for the gangs heads.
But that's a problem for the climax of the film, lets first deal with the RV full of weed broken down and trying to discreetly smuggle it whilst being towed by a family convinced you have a baby!
It turns out that Mr Don Fitzgerald happens to be a CIA Agent doing the exact same camouflage that the Millers are doing. The garage is closed on Sunday, So they decide to camp til morning. Edith Fitzgerald's annoying persistence to hold the "baby", causes Rose to throw the Baggy onto the Interstate, where it gets ran over. Casey interjects that it was a....Flour Baby for Sex ed class!
That night a game of Pictionary goes awry when Kenny blatantly draws a cock....
-The Fitzgerald's daughter comes on to Kenny. This leads to David giving the rubber faced Narnia Scrappy Man Talk.
Yeah that's all well and good, but need I remind you is that the girl's father is a CIA Agent, you are drug smugglers, and anything putting Kenny to the fore is only to lead to seeing his exposed junk for 5 whole minutes.
So David and Rose plan on stealing the Keys to the Fitzgerald's Rv but they wake and put 2 and 2 together and come up with-The Millers in their Tent because they are Swingers!
Yep, Just when you think we've seen it all, plus the threat of Will Poulter's swollen balls they spring this on you!
So the girls in the Miller gang teaches Kenny how to kiss a girl, Melissa walks in and naturally is freaked out.
So Stopping at the garage, the millers are ambushed by Pablo's Gang and knowing who Don is, are convinced David is a whistleblower, goes to kill him and the family, David tries to convince their not a family-NOT by Leaning on the 4th wall and scald Poulter's accent-But by making rose strip, giving us 5 minutes (10 in the extended Version) of Freckly Cleavage and Boot Leather Abs and Naval. but it's a distraction for the smuggling shitehawks to escape.
But Remember the Taruntula?
It climbs up Kenny's shorts!
So the Millers off Road and Kenny Realises that something is biting him in the love spuds!
Wait for it....
In hospital Kenny is not allowed to travel Meaning David will not meet the deadline. After Casey leaves with a Carny, David and Rose open up to each other, Rose revealing her real name is Sarah.
After rushing Kenny out of hospital, David blurts out he's getting paid half a million, while only paying 30k to Sarah, 1k to Casey.
So Casey walks out to join her Carny Boyfriend, David Leaves Rose and Kenny behind and is on the road to Denver, Leaving the rest of the gang defenceless when Pablo arrives, But then something horrible happens. Something that stops this film from being shorter than it is:
And returns to the funfair where Sarah has dealt with the Carny.
Kenny tells the truth to the Fitzgeralds to "impress" Melissa, Donny Arrests Pablo's General, Pablo gets distracted by Fireworks (told ya, it is a road movie, after all!) long enough for Kenny to deck him, getting the girl, Don lets the millers go, David brings the Shipment to Brad, who double-crosses him, But David Reveals he has entered a plea bargain to get Brad arrested, and so the story ends with the Millers in protective Custody, Kenny's Ball being a viral hit and Meeting the neighbours and calling them Middle American Assholes behind their back as a cutaway shot shows freshly Sewn Marijuana buds in the Rosebushes.
Of the 3 road movies I've reviewed on this site, it's up there as bad as The Chaperone, But RV: Runaway Vacation did have Josh Hutcherson and a Geyser of Shit in it so i'll let that slide.
Meet the Millers was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With clips from
Adventure Time!
Meet the Millers
"Waterfalls" by TLC
"Combine Harvester" by the Wurzels
Meet the Millers was produced by Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema
Friday, August 1, 2014
Eamonn and 8O'S Lad Ogle at Piranah DoubleD
This months theme-night swimming by R.E.M
It's Summertime and you know what that means!
Beach trips and girls in bikinis
And if there was ever a film that does a disservice to that, it's Piranha DD, Which after that "FloorBurger" Fiasco was the last gasp for David Hasselhoff
-Oh Hello Eighties Lad! Do you want to join in this road to 100 Review?
-Sure thing, Mang! I've done a lot here on Bogger Box Office, Remember when that Alternative me kidnapped me, Put me In Suspended Animation for a whole year, While a Living Computer Program tried to kill us all? Good Times, Baby, Good times!
We dive straight in, with found footage of Spring breaker is segued into a news report about the prequel, piranhas (and tits!) in 3D. The town of Victoria Falls, Florida has being abandoned.
We cut to the inside of the Producers Mind!
-No we don't it's an empty wall cavity devoid of intelligent lif-OH I GET IT! We are in Alabama as we see something in the water. Something with huge teeth, Something with 1 facial expression and a taste for young, nubile flesh.
Busey is a farmer trying to find his cow in the water. After lighting the methane in the cows farts the heat hatches piranha eggs and they eat Busey and his friend as the Title card segues into...
-not cool, Mang!
We cut to an ad for (I can't believe someone got paid to think of this!) The Big and Wet Waterpark (including a cameo by American Idol reject, Bikini Girl). The Plot, as miniscule as it is, is that this waterpark is reopening after the mother of the heroine, Maddie, died, But her stepfather a Slimy McSlimeball called Chett, has added a Adult Pool and replaced the Lifeguard with Models.
Only good can come from this! Later that night we introduced to characters who probably have names, but will only act on their base stereotypes of Heart-throb, Ass-hole,Slut, Comic Relief, Nerd, Stoner and Black Friend.
Only 3 will survive. And it won't be the last 1! Also Ass-hole is also the park's Rent-A-cop.
So Slut and Nerd separate from the others to skinny dip.
~Night Swimming/Deserves a Quiet Ni---AAAARRRGGGHHH! OH THE HUMANITY! WAIT! A False scare, Come On Dude! I wasted a good joke on this?
No, You don't have to, because Some Ill advised Sex Play has taken the handbrake of Stoner's van as He and Black Girl are plunged into the water. Which means only 1 thing!
The next day, A reluctant Maddie stocks Condoms, As Slut vomits a 3D shot for the camera. Class!
The cops uncover Stoners Van with no sign of the skeletal remains. Which is Bogus! Like all Carnivores, piranhas cannot eat solid bone, Bone has no nutritional value since they always picked clean by all meat eaters. The whole ravenous Piranha fallacy was invented by Theodore Roosevelt who saw piranhas at a demonstration, and Conjectured that IF you put a hand into a pool of piranhas, It MIGHT tear your hand off. In Truth piranhas are vegetarian scavengers that eat anything that lands in their vicinity, but it has to be dead first!
So in what was suppose to be character development for Maddie and Slut turned into the first attack by the glove puppets, So Maddie, Heart-throb and Asshole drive from Alabama to Florida to meet Dr Goodman (Christopher Lloyd)
Dr Goodman shows the teens a piranha tear though weapon Grade Steel and tells them that these prehistoric piranhas thrive in mineral rich water so chlorine filled pools will confuse the fish. He also tells us that the world discredited his works when he theorized that fish will learn to walk.
After confirming that Black Girl is dead (It's a horror film, of course she's dead!) There is more Teasing of something terribly wrong with slut. To check if the pipes are big enough to let piranhas in, Heart-throb let's slip he can't swim, Leaving Maddie all alone for Ass-hole to save her.
Take it, Eighties Lad!
We cut to Slut and Nerd having sex when somehow, I don't know how or when but a piranha egg was inside her vagina has laid and the fish has bitten the Man Cock, to the point of cutting it off with a knife!
We then cut to Chet bribing Asshole to keep the park open tomorrow.
Maddie has a bath and a Nightmare about Piranhas. In a seedy motel room, paid with hookers, the Hoff makes his cameo as it's the day of the parks reopening. The sheriff who lost his legs to the fish in the last film, has being invited to some immersion therapy to heal his new-found fear of water!
From here it's just non-stop gore and stupidity! so here's the quick version, Chet bores into an underwater lake, Hoff takes the place of a first Aid specialist, Asshole arrest Maddie and without the subtly of Jaws, the piranhas attack, the Sherriff gets his sawn-off prosectics, Comic Relief gets his ass chews, the Hoff dooms countless people just to save 1 child, Chet gets his ass handed to him by an escaped Maddie, A distraction by Katrina Bowden decapitates Chet, Maddie and Heart-Throb drain the pool even with him overcoming his fear of water. Asshole leaves his friends to die and in turn is stabbed to death by a flying rubbish pick, after an explosion by Comic Relief's fireworks launches the remaining fish high enough to suffocate them and so the nightmare is over.
Doctor Goodman tells Maddie over the phone that he is right: Fish have learned how to walk, if they learned to breath air, We'd be fucked but no, Walk is what we are going with!
In modern Parlance, that means...
Though you are not surprised in the least? are you? a sleazy, contrived, piece of common denominator gimmicky trash for the biggest useless film gimmick, that never goes away, the 3D Film.
Piranah DD was reviewed, compiled and Edited by, and as Eighties Lad, by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music by-
REM "Night Swimming"
Piranah dd is distributed by Entertainment In Film.
All rights Reserved.
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
And now on Tumblr at enlightenedtowers.tumblr.com
This months theme-night swimming by R.E.M
It's Summertime and you know what that means!
Beach trips and girls in bikinis
And if there was ever a film that does a disservice to that, it's Piranha DD, Which after that "FloorBurger" Fiasco was the last gasp for David Hasselhoff
-Oh Hello Eighties Lad! Do you want to join in this road to 100 Review?
-Sure thing, Mang! I've done a lot here on Bogger Box Office, Remember when that Alternative me kidnapped me, Put me In Suspended Animation for a whole year, While a Living Computer Program tried to kill us all? Good Times, Baby, Good times!
We dive straight in, with found footage of Spring breaker is segued into a news report about the prequel, piranhas (and tits!) in 3D. The town of Victoria Falls, Florida has being abandoned.
We cut to the inside of the Producers Mind!
-No we don't it's an empty wall cavity devoid of intelligent lif-OH I GET IT! We are in Alabama as we see something in the water. Something with huge teeth, Something with 1 facial expression and a taste for young, nubile flesh.
Busey is a farmer trying to find his cow in the water. After lighting the methane in the cows farts the heat hatches piranha eggs and they eat Busey and his friend as the Title card segues into...
-not cool, Mang!
We cut to an ad for (I can't believe someone got paid to think of this!) The Big and Wet Waterpark (including a cameo by American Idol reject, Bikini Girl). The Plot, as miniscule as it is, is that this waterpark is reopening after the mother of the heroine, Maddie, died, But her stepfather a Slimy McSlimeball called Chett, has added a Adult Pool and replaced the Lifeguard with Models.
Only good can come from this! Later that night we introduced to characters who probably have names, but will only act on their base stereotypes of Heart-throb, Ass-hole,Slut, Comic Relief, Nerd, Stoner and Black Friend.
Only 3 will survive. And it won't be the last 1! Also Ass-hole is also the park's Rent-A-cop.
So Slut and Nerd separate from the others to skinny dip.
~Night Swimming/Deserves a Quiet Ni---AAAARRRGGGHHH! OH THE HUMANITY! WAIT! A False scare, Come On Dude! I wasted a good joke on this?
No, You don't have to, because Some Ill advised Sex Play has taken the handbrake of Stoner's van as He and Black Girl are plunged into the water. Which means only 1 thing!
The next day, A reluctant Maddie stocks Condoms, As Slut vomits a 3D shot for the camera. Class!
The cops uncover Stoners Van with no sign of the skeletal remains. Which is Bogus! Like all Carnivores, piranhas cannot eat solid bone, Bone has no nutritional value since they always picked clean by all meat eaters. The whole ravenous Piranha fallacy was invented by Theodore Roosevelt who saw piranhas at a demonstration, and Conjectured that IF you put a hand into a pool of piranhas, It MIGHT tear your hand off. In Truth piranhas are vegetarian scavengers that eat anything that lands in their vicinity, but it has to be dead first!
So in what was suppose to be character development for Maddie and Slut turned into the first attack by the glove puppets, So Maddie, Heart-throb and Asshole drive from Alabama to Florida to meet Dr Goodman (Christopher Lloyd)
Dr Goodman shows the teens a piranha tear though weapon Grade Steel and tells them that these prehistoric piranhas thrive in mineral rich water so chlorine filled pools will confuse the fish. He also tells us that the world discredited his works when he theorized that fish will learn to walk.
After confirming that Black Girl is dead (It's a horror film, of course she's dead!) There is more Teasing of something terribly wrong with slut. To check if the pipes are big enough to let piranhas in, Heart-throb let's slip he can't swim, Leaving Maddie all alone for Ass-hole to save her.
Take it, Eighties Lad!
We cut to Slut and Nerd having sex when somehow, I don't know how or when but a piranha egg was inside her vagina has laid and the fish has bitten the Man Cock, to the point of cutting it off with a knife!
We then cut to Chet bribing Asshole to keep the park open tomorrow.
Maddie has a bath and a Nightmare about Piranhas. In a seedy motel room, paid with hookers, the Hoff makes his cameo as it's the day of the parks reopening. The sheriff who lost his legs to the fish in the last film, has being invited to some immersion therapy to heal his new-found fear of water!
From here it's just non-stop gore and stupidity! so here's the quick version, Chet bores into an underwater lake, Hoff takes the place of a first Aid specialist, Asshole arrest Maddie and without the subtly of Jaws, the piranhas attack, the Sherriff gets his sawn-off prosectics, Comic Relief gets his ass chews, the Hoff dooms countless people just to save 1 child, Chet gets his ass handed to him by an escaped Maddie, A distraction by Katrina Bowden decapitates Chet, Maddie and Heart-Throb drain the pool even with him overcoming his fear of water. Asshole leaves his friends to die and in turn is stabbed to death by a flying rubbish pick, after an explosion by Comic Relief's fireworks launches the remaining fish high enough to suffocate them and so the nightmare is over.
Doctor Goodman tells Maddie over the phone that he is right: Fish have learned how to walk, if they learned to breath air, We'd be fucked but no, Walk is what we are going with!
In modern Parlance, that means...
Though you are not surprised in the least? are you? a sleazy, contrived, piece of common denominator gimmicky trash for the biggest useless film gimmick, that never goes away, the 3D Film.
Piranah DD was reviewed, compiled and Edited by, and as Eighties Lad, by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music by-
REM "Night Swimming"
Piranah dd is distributed by Entertainment In Film.
All rights Reserved.
Follow me on Twitter @RealEnli
And now on Tumblr at enlightenedtowers.tumblr.com
Monday, June 9, 2014
Eamonn Reviews Arthur and The Great Adventure
Mediocrity is dirty word.
Sometimes, children, the world is not as cut-and-dry, Which is why many see the 5-star rating as a flawed system. But While the greats are held in relevance and failures in disdain, Well what of the ever increasing population of the 3-star film? That niggling film that shows up on tv at Christmas and on bank holidays? the one where critics start the paragraph with..."It's Good, But...?"
The Prequel of today's film was one such film. While it did a whole lot better in it's native France,The film's beautifully shot animation turned some heads. And 2 sequels were already greenlighted.
However, it went downhill for Luc Besson's pet project, Most critics scoffed Besson's casting "A-List actors for the sake of being as good as Shrek!", So much so, that only Jimmy Fallon is reprising his role as Beta. Also the Moral Guardians, Tore into the French Film's Moral Dissonance, as Madonna's character of Selinina was drawn in a overt sexualised way, Many scenes of the love-interests ass crack in see through jeans and cleavage, Drinking, French kissing, smoking and even a scene where Arthur uses Sleinina's cord in her corset to swing to safety was edited out!
So now the cast is replaced by D-list pop stars, in a film with no musical numbers. But what about the story?
In 2006, Came the first film, Arthur and the Invisibles, telling the story of Arthur (Freddie Highmore) who lives in 60's California with his Grandma Daisy (Mia Farrow) and this reviewers most hated trope, Useless Parents. When an Evil Development Company of Evil, wants to buy the land, Arthur shrinks to the size of a rice-grain using a magic telescope, to find a stash of rubies, free his also shrunk long-lost grandfather, become the chosen one and stop a deformed warlord from (It's put more subtlety in the film but the context is still there!) taking the princess' youth by taking her virginity!
So due to the lack of faith, both sequels in France were edited together as 1 film in it's worldwide release. but is it really that bad?
Let's Dig into Arthur and the Glorified TV Pilot and find out where the hell it went wrong!
We start in California 1963, 3 years after the events of the first film. As the sun rises, The Minimoy army whose helmets resemble specks of raspberries and Blackberries, use their incest steeds and yetis (what?) to gather Berries for the Royal Full Moon Ball, when they are attacked by bees. so the fairies fire at them with berries.
That's a bit counter Productive, isn't it?
Your main source of food is also your Primary military tactic?
The scared off bee is used to segue into the live action segment, as Arthur's dad used a honey trap to capture it. While in a yurt in their garden, the tribe who Archibald learnt of the minimoys existence makes Arthur a member of the tribe. We also learn that Arthur is allergic to bee stings...too bad it doesn't stop Arthur from freeing the bee with little fear of dying.
As a present for passing the test, Archibald gives Arthur a train for his train set.
...Oh, and in the 3 years between the events of both films...Arthur's mother has no idea about the fairies, the African tribesmen in her garden or even how HER FATHER!,-Yes! Archibald is HER FATHER-returned 3 years after being presumed dead! There's Audience surrogates and there's just plain stupidity.
An over the top scare chord harkens the Not-Hugh Laurie who plays Dad to tell the family that are leaving tonight. An upset Arthur packs his things when a spider gives Arthur a rice grain with a message engraved on it.
"Remember To Always Drink Your Ovaltine?"
It's a distress Message.
Arthur performs a bait-and-switch with a blanket and his dog, that really ends with the conclusion that rose thinks her son has turned into a werewolf, and returns to the garden where the tribe performs the ritual with the telescope to turn Arthur into a Minimoy.
Our hero lands into Max's Club (First Played by Snoop Liony Lion, now played by Wyclif Jean), who tells about a new villain, Lord-Not-Shown-In-This-Film! and his army of unicorns. But Max still ferries Arthur on his ladybird shaped airship to Paradise Alley, Basically a fairy version of South Beach, Miami.
After a homage to Total Recall, Max finds his cousin Replay (Stacey "Fergie" Ferguson, who sounds like Tara Strong...With a Head Cold!), For the word on the street, just as it happens behind Max's and Arthur's backs, Beta,(Jimmy Fallon) is arrested by Unicorns, hideous Zombies with apropos Headgear.
Arthur and Beta escape into his house, losing the unicorns one by one, Wanting to see Selinina (Selina Gomez, replacing Madonna ) again, Arthur finds her captured by Maltarzard, (The Late Lou Reed, who matches the design of THE EVIL M more than Bowie ever did!), Whose plan is to grow human size and... YOU GUESSED IT! TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Naturally, the now Six Foot incestoid with one arm stands out so he kidnaps a plastic surgeon to make him look human. Back to our heroes, Arthur devises a plan to make it up to Archibald's study to "borrow" a Reserving Potion, by to taking a bubble up a waterpipe. It's there they encounter Darkos(iggy Pop), Maltarzard's Evil but dim-witted son.
Maltarzard, disguised as a magician with very rough features and unhealed scars, enters Arthurs house to kill his old enemy Archibald, but with his family present, the villain bides his time, especially when Rose insensitively screams and faints at the sight of him. Darkos escapes the waterpipe and chases the trio on a toy motorbike, but a fight that destroys the toy train sees him off.
Archibald uncovers Maltazard who in the film was rotting because and I quote from the first film, by "the decadent living and many "interactions" with all life-forms" is now an admirer of Mia Farrow and her cooking.
But Arthur's plan fails when Archibald gives the Potion to M. And his plan is revealed: Grow his army, Destroy California as an example to Archibald, take over the world...And Make Daisy(Farrow) make him a chocolate pie every Sunday.
Being abandoned by his father, Darkos has a Face Turn as the 3 minomoys board a toy plane, but M has already grown his Army. Selinina has attracted a bee to take them to the hive, as the potion is pure royal Jelly but Arthur brings up the allergy, not like that stop him before! Said Bee convinces the queen to give the Jelly to the minimoys, Just as Arthur's Duh-Brain parents and fire-fighters come to spray pesticide. Using the bees to convey a message to Rose, the ever unreliable Mother faints as dad saves her by causing a Zoo-keeper-Esque Pratfall
The fire-fighters are called off as the invasion intensifies, Arthur drinks the potion and becomes human again and steals Dad's fixed car. Archibald, who the entire time had a whole batch of Reversing Potion grows darkos to human size and also drives into town.
Arthus and M's guard battle in a supermarket and hi-jacks a mosquito to have an air-joust but he gets captured.
Maltarzard convinces Darkos, who nearly kills his father, to re-join his cause, only for the M to betray him further. Selininia and Beta stings M with a bee covered in Reserving Potion as the U.S. Army subdues the Evil M Army and so the film ends with Our human heroes having a tea party and Daisy serving Maltazard, imprisoned under a glass, a piece of chocolate pie, without lifting the glass, this make him do the "CURSES!" Pose, As Darkos sings "Rebel, Rebel" over the credits.
Because Iggy Pop's Darkos Voice was such a Joy to listen to, right?
Was there Executive Meddling to change a very original evil overload, into a cake loving pansy who just did evil things to get people to like him? The 1st film's animation was beautiful, Lip syncing aside, as you would expect from a visual creator like monsieur Besson, This go-around, like I said felt more like a tv pilot. Most blended films, especially the cheaply made ones, but more emphasis on the live-action, and oh boy did I had to suffer the "comedy stylings of the Hugh Laurie and Kirsten Wiig Stand-ins playing Arthurs Parents. Put those scenes next to any seen with Jimmy Fallon having Dialogue, and it's too much to bear. In Short, The Moral Guardians Ruined another Franchise.
Arthur and the Great Adventure- separately known as Arthur and the revenge of Maltazard and Arthur and Final battle in France-Was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Clips from
Street fighter
Arthur and the Great Adventure.
Arthur and The Minimoys franchise is distributed by Universal Studios.
All Rights Reserved.
All clips belong to their respective owners.
Follow me on twitter @RealEnli
Sometimes, children, the world is not as cut-and-dry, Which is why many see the 5-star rating as a flawed system. But While the greats are held in relevance and failures in disdain, Well what of the ever increasing population of the 3-star film? That niggling film that shows up on tv at Christmas and on bank holidays? the one where critics start the paragraph with..."It's Good, But...?"
The Prequel of today's film was one such film. While it did a whole lot better in it's native France,The film's beautifully shot animation turned some heads. And 2 sequels were already greenlighted.
However, it went downhill for Luc Besson's pet project, Most critics scoffed Besson's casting "A-List actors for the sake of being as good as Shrek!", So much so, that only Jimmy Fallon is reprising his role as Beta. Also the Moral Guardians, Tore into the French Film's Moral Dissonance, as Madonna's character of Selinina was drawn in a overt sexualised way, Many scenes of the love-interests ass crack in see through jeans and cleavage, Drinking, French kissing, smoking and even a scene where Arthur uses Sleinina's cord in her corset to swing to safety was edited out!
So now the cast is replaced by D-list pop stars, in a film with no musical numbers. But what about the story?
In 2006, Came the first film, Arthur and the Invisibles, telling the story of Arthur (Freddie Highmore) who lives in 60's California with his Grandma Daisy (Mia Farrow) and this reviewers most hated trope, Useless Parents. When an Evil Development Company of Evil, wants to buy the land, Arthur shrinks to the size of a rice-grain using a magic telescope, to find a stash of rubies, free his also shrunk long-lost grandfather, become the chosen one and stop a deformed warlord from (It's put more subtlety in the film but the context is still there!) taking the princess' youth by taking her virginity!
So due to the lack of faith, both sequels in France were edited together as 1 film in it's worldwide release. but is it really that bad?
Let's Dig into Arthur and the Glorified TV Pilot and find out where the hell it went wrong!
We start in California 1963, 3 years after the events of the first film. As the sun rises, The Minimoy army whose helmets resemble specks of raspberries and Blackberries, use their incest steeds and yetis (what?) to gather Berries for the Royal Full Moon Ball, when they are attacked by bees. so the fairies fire at them with berries.
That's a bit counter Productive, isn't it?
Your main source of food is also your Primary military tactic?
The scared off bee is used to segue into the live action segment, as Arthur's dad used a honey trap to capture it. While in a yurt in their garden, the tribe who Archibald learnt of the minimoys existence makes Arthur a member of the tribe. We also learn that Arthur is allergic to bee stings...too bad it doesn't stop Arthur from freeing the bee with little fear of dying.
As a present for passing the test, Archibald gives Arthur a train for his train set.
...Oh, and in the 3 years between the events of both films...Arthur's mother has no idea about the fairies, the African tribesmen in her garden or even how HER FATHER!,-Yes! Archibald is HER FATHER-returned 3 years after being presumed dead! There's Audience surrogates and there's just plain stupidity.
An over the top scare chord harkens the Not-Hugh Laurie who plays Dad to tell the family that are leaving tonight. An upset Arthur packs his things when a spider gives Arthur a rice grain with a message engraved on it.
"Remember To Always Drink Your Ovaltine?"
It's a distress Message.
Arthur performs a bait-and-switch with a blanket and his dog, that really ends with the conclusion that rose thinks her son has turned into a werewolf, and returns to the garden where the tribe performs the ritual with the telescope to turn Arthur into a Minimoy.
Our hero lands into Max's Club (First Played by Snoop Liony Lion, now played by Wyclif Jean), who tells about a new villain, Lord-Not-Shown-In-This-Film! and his army of unicorns. But Max still ferries Arthur on his ladybird shaped airship to Paradise Alley, Basically a fairy version of South Beach, Miami.
After a homage to Total Recall, Max finds his cousin Replay (Stacey "Fergie" Ferguson, who sounds like Tara Strong...With a Head Cold!), For the word on the street, just as it happens behind Max's and Arthur's backs, Beta,(Jimmy Fallon) is arrested by Unicorns, hideous Zombies with apropos Headgear.
Arthur and Beta escape into his house, losing the unicorns one by one, Wanting to see Selinina (Selina Gomez, replacing Madonna ) again, Arthur finds her captured by Maltarzard, (The Late Lou Reed, who matches the design of THE EVIL M more than Bowie ever did!), Whose plan is to grow human size and... YOU GUESSED IT! TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Naturally, the now Six Foot incestoid with one arm stands out so he kidnaps a plastic surgeon to make him look human. Back to our heroes, Arthur devises a plan to make it up to Archibald's study to "borrow" a Reserving Potion, by to taking a bubble up a waterpipe. It's there they encounter Darkos(iggy Pop), Maltarzard's Evil but dim-witted son.
Maltarzard, disguised as a magician with very rough features and unhealed scars, enters Arthurs house to kill his old enemy Archibald, but with his family present, the villain bides his time, especially when Rose insensitively screams and faints at the sight of him. Darkos escapes the waterpipe and chases the trio on a toy motorbike, but a fight that destroys the toy train sees him off.
Archibald uncovers Maltazard who in the film was rotting because and I quote from the first film, by "the decadent living and many "interactions" with all life-forms" is now an admirer of Mia Farrow and her cooking.
But Arthur's plan fails when Archibald gives the Potion to M. And his plan is revealed: Grow his army, Destroy California as an example to Archibald, take over the world...And Make Daisy(Farrow) make him a chocolate pie every Sunday.
Being abandoned by his father, Darkos has a Face Turn as the 3 minomoys board a toy plane, but M has already grown his Army. Selinina has attracted a bee to take them to the hive, as the potion is pure royal Jelly but Arthur brings up the allergy, not like that stop him before! Said Bee convinces the queen to give the Jelly to the minimoys, Just as Arthur's Duh-Brain parents and fire-fighters come to spray pesticide. Using the bees to convey a message to Rose, the ever unreliable Mother faints as dad saves her by causing a Zoo-keeper-Esque Pratfall
The fire-fighters are called off as the invasion intensifies, Arthur drinks the potion and becomes human again and steals Dad's fixed car. Archibald, who the entire time had a whole batch of Reversing Potion grows darkos to human size and also drives into town.
Arthus and M's guard battle in a supermarket and hi-jacks a mosquito to have an air-joust but he gets captured.
Maltarzard convinces Darkos, who nearly kills his father, to re-join his cause, only for the M to betray him further. Selininia and Beta stings M with a bee covered in Reserving Potion as the U.S. Army subdues the Evil M Army and so the film ends with Our human heroes having a tea party and Daisy serving Maltazard, imprisoned under a glass, a piece of chocolate pie, without lifting the glass, this make him do the "CURSES!" Pose, As Darkos sings "Rebel, Rebel" over the credits.
Because Iggy Pop's Darkos Voice was such a Joy to listen to, right?
Was there Executive Meddling to change a very original evil overload, into a cake loving pansy who just did evil things to get people to like him? The 1st film's animation was beautiful, Lip syncing aside, as you would expect from a visual creator like monsieur Besson, This go-around, like I said felt more like a tv pilot. Most blended films, especially the cheaply made ones, but more emphasis on the live-action, and oh boy did I had to suffer the "comedy stylings of the Hugh Laurie and Kirsten Wiig Stand-ins playing Arthurs Parents. Put those scenes next to any seen with Jimmy Fallon having Dialogue, and it's too much to bear. In Short, The Moral Guardians Ruined another Franchise.
Arthur and the Great Adventure- separately known as Arthur and the revenge of Maltazard and Arthur and Final battle in France-Was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Clips from
Street fighter
Arthur and the Great Adventure.
Arthur and The Minimoys franchise is distributed by Universal Studios.
All Rights Reserved.
All clips belong to their respective owners.
Follow me on twitter @RealEnli
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Eamonn Reviews Hobo with a Shotgun
No, you don't have to check your calendars, I'm doing an independent film studio horror, and it's not even October?
So why am I doing this?
Well , I think it's time I raised my game. While it seems like I'm the only text reviewer on the TGWTG Forum, I feel like I must up my game, even if I have no desire to make videos. And doing an obscure film will show off my range a bit more.
So with that we have no real storyline just reviews until I reach 100 episodes next year. And with that, Let's head down to THE ROAD TO 100! With Hobo With A Shotgun
After the trailer for Eyedroids (what do you reckon? should I review it?) I was hit with the theme music and it is...AWESOME! HAVE A TASTY LICK OF THIS!
So the film begins as the eponymous Hobo (Rutger Hauer) Shuffling of an express train to a new city. However his fresh start is not what he envisioned as crime happens in broad daylight in the graffiti and garbage covered streets, he has to contend with not just the problems of the homeless but with the theatrical crime boss, The Drake who is introduced to us in grand fashion, decapitating his brother in a display of dominance over the city.
The hobo who picks up his wrecked trolley which was destroyed in the display, has a dream but it's a small one, he wants to earn money for a lawnmower so he can Earn his money for a change. But being elderly he is sick of being pushed around.
So he invades Drake's Arcade, where his dick sons, Slick and Ivan, get kids high on Cocaine and kill them with the rides and games.
When Slick attempts to traffic a girl, the hobo attack slick and brings him to the police, but the police are corrupt and Drake's boys ambush him and carve FUCK LAW Into his chest. Staggering with the loss of blood, he finds the girl he saved, Abbey and she returns the favour.
At her house. She explains to a stitched up hobo, that she is a prostitute because she has no choice, the hobo says years of being homeless has thought him 2 lessons, people always have a choice and people usually don't do the right thing on their own! When given a shirt with a bear on it, Hobo gives us a foreshadowing metaphor about how dangerous attacking a bear's family is and what to do when a bear gets a taste for blood.
The Next day, Hobo sees Abbey attacked by the other hookers, a paedophile dressed as Santa and he is accosted by filmmakers paying hobos and retards to do stupid things for money
Paid to chew glass by MTV, He uses it to pay for a lawnmower but the pawnshop gets robbed, he makes the decision, to use the 50 dollars that he has saved all his life to real use, Buys a shotgun and kills the robbers, MTV and Paedo Santa, in one day. Embarrassed that he didn't kill the hobo, the Drake tells slick and Ivan to stand out on their own, if they ever wanted to inherit his empire, So Slick and Ivan Kills a busload of children with flamethrowers as Disco Inferno plays in the background and a newscaster with ice-skates to send a message to the town: Either kill every hobo, or Slick will kill every child in the city.
Frightened, and in hiding, we get a montage of Hobos killed in imaginative ways. It's not until Abbey needs saving (AGAIN!) he shakes of this rut he's in.
While the 2 heroes try to escape the city, Slick and Ivan in their ice-skates attack them. Ivan gets electrocuted by accidently kicking a toaster and getting badly burned, while Slick who tries to rape Abbey(AGAIN!) Gets his dick blown off by the Hobo.
The Drake is saddened that his son has being killed that he has no choice but to hire the cyborg killers, The Plague to kill the hobo. The drake's Hookers are shocked as they are the only men the Drake fears.
In hospital, the hobo tells a recovered Abbey that he'll get the Drake 1 way or another.
The Plague, A ruthless band of Armoured Killers, separately named Rip and Grinder, storm the hospital their modus operandi his hanging their victims with harpoon guns. they capture the hobo before giving him a chance to reload. Abbey who has being nothing but a Dumbass in Distress for the whole film, picks up the gun for a rescue mission.
In the Plague's Castle, The hobo wakes in an iron maiden watching the Plague fight a giant Octopu...WHAT THE FUCK? I mean this is so out of place! I'm I the only 1 who thinks this is a little out of place? The plague is one thing, i'll let that slide, But a giant octopus....that's out there!
Abbey breaks into the pawn shop and customises the shotgun adding an axe-blade to the handle, weaponizing the lawnmower and having an Important Costume Change.
The drake plans to kill the Hobo the same way he killed his brother, but in front of the whole city, But Abbey Kills Grinder only for the drake to cut of her hand with the lawnmower, to the shock of the townspeople, he also kills Ivan for being a disappointment to him. Rip tells the Hobo that since Abbey killed Grinder she must replace him as a new member of the Plague. (This is infact the alternative Ending on the dvd release)
So let's wrap this up!
The hobo has the drake in his sights, the police surround the hobo, but the townspeople surround them with their guns. The hobo shoots the drake dead, but so is the Hobo, as the police are mowed down with bullets, all the while Abbey, bleeding slowly to death, cries and lets out a big "NO!" as the outro for the cartoon the Raccoons plays out.
Hobo With A Shotgun harkens back to the Grindhouses and Video Nasties of Yore: Big Hams and Hand-cams, No-one Actors, Blood, Gore and Hot Girls-All that good stuff! But HWASG Has a lot more going on-fleshed out characters, stark social commentary, A Tarintino-esque script and a twisted sense of humour. Some will hate the bear monologue that foreshadows the downer ending, and if your tolerance for blood is low, give this a wide berth. For more adventurous types, get yourselves a copy.
Hobo with a Shotgun was Reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music:
Pacer by Adam T Burke
Hobo with a shotgun is Distributed by Momentum Pictures, all rights reserved.
Next Month: Arthur and the great Adventure.
No, you don't have to check your calendars, I'm doing an independent film studio horror, and it's not even October?
So why am I doing this?
Well , I think it's time I raised my game. While it seems like I'm the only text reviewer on the TGWTG Forum, I feel like I must up my game, even if I have no desire to make videos. And doing an obscure film will show off my range a bit more.
So with that we have no real storyline just reviews until I reach 100 episodes next year. And with that, Let's head down to THE ROAD TO 100! With Hobo With A Shotgun
After the trailer for Eyedroids (what do you reckon? should I review it?) I was hit with the theme music and it is...AWESOME! HAVE A TASTY LICK OF THIS!
So the film begins as the eponymous Hobo (Rutger Hauer) Shuffling of an express train to a new city. However his fresh start is not what he envisioned as crime happens in broad daylight in the graffiti and garbage covered streets, he has to contend with not just the problems of the homeless but with the theatrical crime boss, The Drake who is introduced to us in grand fashion, decapitating his brother in a display of dominance over the city.
The hobo who picks up his wrecked trolley which was destroyed in the display, has a dream but it's a small one, he wants to earn money for a lawnmower so he can Earn his money for a change. But being elderly he is sick of being pushed around.
So he invades Drake's Arcade, where his dick sons, Slick and Ivan, get kids high on Cocaine and kill them with the rides and games.
When Slick attempts to traffic a girl, the hobo attack slick and brings him to the police, but the police are corrupt and Drake's boys ambush him and carve FUCK LAW Into his chest. Staggering with the loss of blood, he finds the girl he saved, Abbey and she returns the favour.
At her house. She explains to a stitched up hobo, that she is a prostitute because she has no choice, the hobo says years of being homeless has thought him 2 lessons, people always have a choice and people usually don't do the right thing on their own! When given a shirt with a bear on it, Hobo gives us a foreshadowing metaphor about how dangerous attacking a bear's family is and what to do when a bear gets a taste for blood.
The Next day, Hobo sees Abbey attacked by the other hookers, a paedophile dressed as Santa and he is accosted by filmmakers paying hobos and retards to do stupid things for money
Paid to chew glass by MTV, He uses it to pay for a lawnmower but the pawnshop gets robbed, he makes the decision, to use the 50 dollars that he has saved all his life to real use, Buys a shotgun and kills the robbers, MTV and Paedo Santa, in one day. Embarrassed that he didn't kill the hobo, the Drake tells slick and Ivan to stand out on their own, if they ever wanted to inherit his empire, So Slick and Ivan Kills a busload of children with flamethrowers as Disco Inferno plays in the background and a newscaster with ice-skates to send a message to the town: Either kill every hobo, or Slick will kill every child in the city.
Frightened, and in hiding, we get a montage of Hobos killed in imaginative ways. It's not until Abbey needs saving (AGAIN!) he shakes of this rut he's in.
While the 2 heroes try to escape the city, Slick and Ivan in their ice-skates attack them. Ivan gets electrocuted by accidently kicking a toaster and getting badly burned, while Slick who tries to rape Abbey(AGAIN!) Gets his dick blown off by the Hobo.
The Drake is saddened that his son has being killed that he has no choice but to hire the cyborg killers, The Plague to kill the hobo. The drake's Hookers are shocked as they are the only men the Drake fears.
In hospital, the hobo tells a recovered Abbey that he'll get the Drake 1 way or another.
The Plague, A ruthless band of Armoured Killers, separately named Rip and Grinder, storm the hospital their modus operandi his hanging their victims with harpoon guns. they capture the hobo before giving him a chance to reload. Abbey who has being nothing but a Dumbass in Distress for the whole film, picks up the gun for a rescue mission.
In the Plague's Castle, The hobo wakes in an iron maiden watching the Plague fight a giant Octopu...WHAT THE FUCK? I mean this is so out of place! I'm I the only 1 who thinks this is a little out of place? The plague is one thing, i'll let that slide, But a giant octopus....that's out there!
Abbey breaks into the pawn shop and customises the shotgun adding an axe-blade to the handle, weaponizing the lawnmower and having an Important Costume Change.
The drake plans to kill the Hobo the same way he killed his brother, but in front of the whole city, But Abbey Kills Grinder only for the drake to cut of her hand with the lawnmower, to the shock of the townspeople, he also kills Ivan for being a disappointment to him. Rip tells the Hobo that since Abbey killed Grinder she must replace him as a new member of the Plague. (This is infact the alternative Ending on the dvd release)
So let's wrap this up!
The hobo has the drake in his sights, the police surround the hobo, but the townspeople surround them with their guns. The hobo shoots the drake dead, but so is the Hobo, as the police are mowed down with bullets, all the while Abbey, bleeding slowly to death, cries and lets out a big "NO!" as the outro for the cartoon the Raccoons plays out.
Hobo With A Shotgun harkens back to the Grindhouses and Video Nasties of Yore: Big Hams and Hand-cams, No-one Actors, Blood, Gore and Hot Girls-All that good stuff! But HWASG Has a lot more going on-fleshed out characters, stark social commentary, A Tarintino-esque script and a twisted sense of humour. Some will hate the bear monologue that foreshadows the downer ending, and if your tolerance for blood is low, give this a wide berth. For more adventurous types, get yourselves a copy.
Hobo with a Shotgun was Reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham
With Music:
Pacer by Adam T Burke
Hobo with a shotgun is Distributed by Momentum Pictures, all rights reserved.
Next Month: Arthur and the great Adventure.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
TICKET TO HELL 2014! The Alternative Endings!
(Eamonn stepped forward until he was in wing-reach of Ostrich, a Surge of power flowed out of him and blazed in the avian's eyes.)
Thank you for you power, well my power, you thief, now I'm going to eat you!
(SatanicOstrich lunged with it's serrated beak before Eamonn Could react. It took 4 years and Ostrich has finally defeated the Enlightened.
(As Eamonn and Ostrich's minds were psychically linked, Voices told the Enlightened false promises and lies of Wealth and Power. Seduced, Eamonn realised that of the 2 beings here with SatanicPower, that it wasn't going to be Ostrich. Reversing the current, Eamonn syphoned all of Ostriche's power into him, he was above his own Humanity, he was above him own Enlightenment!
(The Seal of the 9 Circles opened up as the real mastermind behind the Master Control and the Breach of reality was revealed, as the seal opened into a office where a little old lady was at a computer.
So it was you all the long! Mastermind of all these attacks...is JOE-JACK'S MAMMIE!
-Am I on da T'interwebz yet?
-(Laughs) OH, MAMMIE!
(As the smoke cleared, the Seal behind him exploded but Eamonn teleported out with the Power Remaining.
the next day, at the personnel meeting at Enlightened Towers, explained that Satan needed enough power to get home to stop the invasion and for the 2 worlds to separate back into 2 dimensions, However with a piece of hell still remaining on Earth, what else was left behind?
(We cut to Butt-Craic Parochial House, As Frs. Tacs-Cryme, Lecher, Leeche and Hip-O'Crete greet the new priest.)
With your charity work and Knowledge of music,You'll be a great addition to da village, Fr. Jimmy!
(Eamonn stepped forward until he was in wing-reach of Ostrich, a Surge of power flowed out of him and blazed in the avian's eyes.)
Thank you for you power, well my power, you thief, now I'm going to eat you!
(SatanicOstrich lunged with it's serrated beak before Eamonn Could react. It took 4 years and Ostrich has finally defeated the Enlightened.
(As Eamonn and Ostrich's minds were psychically linked, Voices told the Enlightened false promises and lies of Wealth and Power. Seduced, Eamonn realised that of the 2 beings here with SatanicPower, that it wasn't going to be Ostrich. Reversing the current, Eamonn syphoned all of Ostriche's power into him, he was above his own Humanity, he was above him own Enlightenment!
(The Seal of the 9 Circles opened up as the real mastermind behind the Master Control and the Breach of reality was revealed, as the seal opened into a office where a little old lady was at a computer.
So it was you all the long! Mastermind of all these attacks...is JOE-JACK'S MAMMIE!
-Am I on da T'interwebz yet?
-(Laughs) OH, MAMMIE!
(As the smoke cleared, the Seal behind him exploded but Eamonn teleported out with the Power Remaining.
the next day, at the personnel meeting at Enlightened Towers, explained that Satan needed enough power to get home to stop the invasion and for the 2 worlds to separate back into 2 dimensions, However with a piece of hell still remaining on Earth, what else was left behind?
(We cut to Butt-Craic Parochial House, As Frs. Tacs-Cryme, Lecher, Leeche and Hip-O'Crete greet the new priest.)
With your charity work and Knowledge of music,You'll be a great addition to da village, Fr. Jimmy!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Thank you so much for exceeding my expectations, even if Twitter voting was a big bust.
WITH 262 Pageviews between 16th of April and the end of May, you've deserved this.
81-100+ pageviews
(As the dust cleared, the Figure on the screens of the control room confirmed that it was Eamonn. The gateway behind him glowed infernally and exploded throwing him to the roof of the cave.)
"Mister DiCulchie? Mister Tantalus? The doctor says you can see him now!"
(Lying in A hospital bed, with bandaged ribs, was Eamonn.)
Well, it looks like we pulled the rug out of the fire again.
-Totally! but one thing bugs me, Enlightened-Dude!
-What's that?
-Why didn't you use your Teleportation Powers to get the swe-eeeet hell outta Dodge?
-YA! An' wot was ye and SatanicHostagewich talkin' abou'?
The Seal to Hell didn't recognise Ostrich was fully Satanic, ever since our battles, a piece of his power lodged in my fist. So I agreed to have it excommunicated from me to seal hell up for good. It was a jarring experience, I almost was seduced by the power and desires, but somehow I pulled through.
So ye are sayin' dat if Hostagewich wuld invade Earf again, ye'll be powerless?
I wouldn't say that! Your spydroid is powered by a digitised source code of my former power, so by inventing, I don't know, a powerglove?, We'll be back in the game. and as for Ostrich feeling un-appreciated, I have that sewn up!
(We cut to Hell. In a icy prison, the force's of the universe give SatanicOstrich the Riot Act.)
-My job is to control the evil of this world. That doesn't make me evil!
I Just want to feel appreciated, y'know? someone to come up and say, "Good Job Satan"
(Ostrich returned to his quarters. Standing out from his desktop was a wrapped present. His talons opened it. It was a mug. He turned to see the legend written on it and a smile grew on his beak.
it read:
WITH 262 Pageviews between 16th of April and the end of May, you've deserved this.
81-100+ pageviews
(As the dust cleared, the Figure on the screens of the control room confirmed that it was Eamonn. The gateway behind him glowed infernally and exploded throwing him to the roof of the cave.)
"Mister DiCulchie? Mister Tantalus? The doctor says you can see him now!"
(Lying in A hospital bed, with bandaged ribs, was Eamonn.)
Well, it looks like we pulled the rug out of the fire again.
-Totally! but one thing bugs me, Enlightened-Dude!
-What's that?
-Why didn't you use your Teleportation Powers to get the swe-eeeet hell outta Dodge?
-YA! An' wot was ye and SatanicHostagewich talkin' abou'?
The Seal to Hell didn't recognise Ostrich was fully Satanic, ever since our battles, a piece of his power lodged in my fist. So I agreed to have it excommunicated from me to seal hell up for good. It was a jarring experience, I almost was seduced by the power and desires, but somehow I pulled through.
So ye are sayin' dat if Hostagewich wuld invade Earf again, ye'll be powerless?
I wouldn't say that! Your spydroid is powered by a digitised source code of my former power, so by inventing, I don't know, a powerglove?, We'll be back in the game. and as for Ostrich feeling un-appreciated, I have that sewn up!
(We cut to Hell. In a icy prison, the force's of the universe give SatanicOstrich the Riot Act.)
-My job is to control the evil of this world. That doesn't make me evil!
I Just want to feel appreciated, y'know? someone to come up and say, "Good Job Satan"
(Ostrich returned to his quarters. Standing out from his desktop was a wrapped present. His talons opened it. It was a mug. He turned to see the legend written on it and a smile grew on his beak.
it read:
Thursday, May 1, 2014
TICKET TO HELL:DamNation: Eamonn reviews Silent Hill Revalation part 2
(This months theme-Silent Hill 3 soundtrack- End of sanctuary)
We Begin Part 2 by Heather waking after Vince is kidnapped. The ash snowing outside the motel confirms her fears: she has returned to Otherworld.
Heather makes her way on foot to the church where a funeral pyre shows Vincent dead. the only epitaph: TRAITOR. She is met by Dahlia Gillespie, Alessa's mother, who instead of being a-easily-lead Moron who signed the death-warrant for a bullied, sexually abused child born out of wedlock, is more sympathetic and wanting forgiveness. Dahlia confirms that Alessa is no more and only the reaper remains, her mother tells her the darkness will spread and the flashes into Otherworld will last longer now both halves of Alessa are in the one place.
Hiding in a Mannequin Factory from the darkness, the only new monster for this film, the Mannequin Creature, a Spider made of Mannequin Parts, turns the Bionic Woman from the shit remake into a mannequin. and Heather save another girl before she gets used as spare parts too. This new creature is formed from Alessa's Jealously as her own burnt body lies in the furnace from the fire Rose started in the first film.
In the church of the order, Vincent is not dead, spared by the Order, but mostly by his mother Claudia. Still believing Heather is Evil, and Her son is brainwashed. Claudia orders her son to be taken to the asylum.
Heather has made her way to asylum, via the sewers after the other girl is eaten by the Mannequin Creature. She's in MidWich hospital, also known as the Heart of Darkness where Alessa resides and where her powers are at her peak.
In the dark and dilapidated asylum, Heather encounters fierce creatures, madmen and the insane Leonard (Malcolm McDowell) Heather needs to find the other seal to escape otherworld, as Leonard is blind, she gives the seal to feel. He tells her the seals unlock the true power of the reaper, and now we know why leonard is Insane: HE STITCHED THE SEAL INSIDE HIMSELF!
inserting the other disk into his gash, the blind zealot is cured of his affliction and is now a God, transforming into himself into his boss form. but Heather grabs the seal out of his gash and he's reduced to ashes.
Wow, MacDowell must charge by the hour, he's dead after 1 scene! plus as a boss he's as bad as Evrae Atlanta. Or Sheep-man.
So Heather seeing how the 2 seal react to each like magnetism, figures that she and Alessa have some kind of Twin Telepathy, when she is attacked by patients. she calls for help and someone answers: PYRAMID HEAD!
Okay, the helmet is still papier Mache and metallic Paint but By Your God, he has took a level in badass. as he saves Heather by chopping of arms 1 by 1.
Heather goes to rescue Vincent form the nurses who also make a return. Vincent tries to convince heather once again not to find her father because it's a trap, but she interjects that having a real cause is worth fighting for. This Convinces Vincent after a Good-bye kiss to stall the order. Heather is told the sanctuary is under the amusement park.
The events of the opening scene play out only this time, it's the clerics who are burnt by the roundabout's fire.
After Transforming from Alessa aged 10, to Alessa dressed as heather with her hairstyle in their natural black hair covered in blood, Heather tries to reason with her. But Reaper tells Sharon that all is left is Alessa's Rage. So Reaper grabs heather and starts to transform her into herself, Sharing memories of her past. but Heather hugs the empty shell of alessa, and shares her loving past. all the while shouting that if she wanted a part to live that she would want this: Love that she was denied. This causes Alessa to combust and the reaper along with it.
The sanctuary door opens and Heather with a small piece of Reaper absorbed demands Claudia to free Vincent and Christopher.
So lets Wrap this up!
Heather gives Claudia the seal which turns her into Voldo. Pyramid Head, now under heather's command attacks Voldo, and both have a stunningly shot knife fight in a ring of fire. Pyramid Head kills Claudia/Voldo, as Heather frees both men. Chris tells both teenagers that without a leader, the order is confused and now even more dangerous, once more, without Claudia, Leonard, or The Reaper, Silent Hill has no anchor in reality, and since Rose is still missing, he'll search otherworld until he finds her, bringing the seal with him as he walking through the fog. and so the film ends just as when Vincent and Sharon hitchhikes out of Silent Hill, the police trying to hunt the murder suspect Heather Disilva drive into Silent hill...and the fog of Otherworld!
This film is good...but it could have being a whole lot better.
First let's talk about the improvements.
Sean Bean did something in this film! The Lighting that ruined most of the potential scares in the first film was used expertly in this, Notably the flashback at school and the Mannequin Creature chase. Background music was a bare minimum as opposed to it blasting seconds before a failed jump-scare. This time by not changing the costumes in anyway, made the monsters scary.
Now to the negatives.
They should have made McDowell's character the main villain, as Moss was a little lame, and that way his transformation into God will not be anticlimactic. Next gripe the reveal of Vincent past should have being near the end and not in middle. and 3rd and last mumble is Adelaide Clemens who has played two diametrically opposing parts with only 1 facial expression can you guess which 1?
Still, Silent Hill Revelation is a good story, It's just a shame it took it being a sequel to a shit story to finally tell it!
(Eamonn walked for what seemed like miles, in what seemed like days, until he and Ostrich reached the Seal of The Nine Circles, a eldritch symbol that separates Hell from Earth and Other Earths. Ostrich placed his wing onto the glyph. It glows with flames that illuminated all but one intersecting circle.
"we got a problem!"
-It's not excepting me back home. I'm not fully Satanic anymore
-So do you have a plan?
-Yes! But you won't like it...
(Meanwhile, we cut to the fixed spy-drone manned by Joe-Jack and 80's Lad.)
DUUUDDDDEE! WE are so Back online! but Bummer me Jorges the mic is kuputnik!
Well what evah Da Quere Fella said, it's not gone down well with Townie Bastid!
(Eamonn steps into SatanicOstrich's reach and a magical transformation happens! behind the light show, the seal opens and a blast of flame and smoke knocks down the droid, as from the thick smoke a solitary being walks out.....
I have written 5 endings to this scenario in true SH Style. In addition to the Number of Pageviews, you can now go to my Twitter account @RealEnli, to cast your vote!
the options are:
Thank you and Happy voting!
Silent Hill revelation was reviewed, edited and compiled by Eamonn Bermingham
With clips and music by
in part 1:
You're not here-Silent hill 3 soundtrack
and in part 2:
End of sanctuary-silent hill 3 soundtrack
Silent Hill is a trademark of Konami and Silent hill revelation is distributed by Liongate. All rights reserved.
Follow me on twitter @RealEnli and don't forget to vote!
We Begin Part 2 by Heather waking after Vince is kidnapped. The ash snowing outside the motel confirms her fears: she has returned to Otherworld.
Heather makes her way on foot to the church where a funeral pyre shows Vincent dead. the only epitaph: TRAITOR. She is met by Dahlia Gillespie, Alessa's mother, who instead of being a-easily-lead Moron who signed the death-warrant for a bullied, sexually abused child born out of wedlock, is more sympathetic and wanting forgiveness. Dahlia confirms that Alessa is no more and only the reaper remains, her mother tells her the darkness will spread and the flashes into Otherworld will last longer now both halves of Alessa are in the one place.
Hiding in a Mannequin Factory from the darkness, the only new monster for this film, the Mannequin Creature, a Spider made of Mannequin Parts, turns the Bionic Woman from the shit remake into a mannequin. and Heather save another girl before she gets used as spare parts too. This new creature is formed from Alessa's Jealously as her own burnt body lies in the furnace from the fire Rose started in the first film.
In the church of the order, Vincent is not dead, spared by the Order, but mostly by his mother Claudia. Still believing Heather is Evil, and Her son is brainwashed. Claudia orders her son to be taken to the asylum.
Heather has made her way to asylum, via the sewers after the other girl is eaten by the Mannequin Creature. She's in MidWich hospital, also known as the Heart of Darkness where Alessa resides and where her powers are at her peak.
In the dark and dilapidated asylum, Heather encounters fierce creatures, madmen and the insane Leonard (Malcolm McDowell) Heather needs to find the other seal to escape otherworld, as Leonard is blind, she gives the seal to feel. He tells her the seals unlock the true power of the reaper, and now we know why leonard is Insane: HE STITCHED THE SEAL INSIDE HIMSELF!
inserting the other disk into his gash, the blind zealot is cured of his affliction and is now a God, transforming into himself into his boss form. but Heather grabs the seal out of his gash and he's reduced to ashes.
Wow, MacDowell must charge by the hour, he's dead after 1 scene! plus as a boss he's as bad as Evrae Atlanta. Or Sheep-man.
So Heather seeing how the 2 seal react to each like magnetism, figures that she and Alessa have some kind of Twin Telepathy, when she is attacked by patients. she calls for help and someone answers: PYRAMID HEAD!
Okay, the helmet is still papier Mache and metallic Paint but By Your God, he has took a level in badass. as he saves Heather by chopping of arms 1 by 1.
Heather goes to rescue Vincent form the nurses who also make a return. Vincent tries to convince heather once again not to find her father because it's a trap, but she interjects that having a real cause is worth fighting for. This Convinces Vincent after a Good-bye kiss to stall the order. Heather is told the sanctuary is under the amusement park.
The events of the opening scene play out only this time, it's the clerics who are burnt by the roundabout's fire.
After Transforming from Alessa aged 10, to Alessa dressed as heather with her hairstyle in their natural black hair covered in blood, Heather tries to reason with her. But Reaper tells Sharon that all is left is Alessa's Rage. So Reaper grabs heather and starts to transform her into herself, Sharing memories of her past. but Heather hugs the empty shell of alessa, and shares her loving past. all the while shouting that if she wanted a part to live that she would want this: Love that she was denied. This causes Alessa to combust and the reaper along with it.
The sanctuary door opens and Heather with a small piece of Reaper absorbed demands Claudia to free Vincent and Christopher.
So lets Wrap this up!
Heather gives Claudia the seal which turns her into Voldo. Pyramid Head, now under heather's command attacks Voldo, and both have a stunningly shot knife fight in a ring of fire. Pyramid Head kills Claudia/Voldo, as Heather frees both men. Chris tells both teenagers that without a leader, the order is confused and now even more dangerous, once more, without Claudia, Leonard, or The Reaper, Silent Hill has no anchor in reality, and since Rose is still missing, he'll search otherworld until he finds her, bringing the seal with him as he walking through the fog. and so the film ends just as when Vincent and Sharon hitchhikes out of Silent Hill, the police trying to hunt the murder suspect Heather Disilva drive into Silent hill...and the fog of Otherworld!
This film is good...but it could have being a whole lot better.
First let's talk about the improvements.
Sean Bean did something in this film! The Lighting that ruined most of the potential scares in the first film was used expertly in this, Notably the flashback at school and the Mannequin Creature chase. Background music was a bare minimum as opposed to it blasting seconds before a failed jump-scare. This time by not changing the costumes in anyway, made the monsters scary.
Now to the negatives.
They should have made McDowell's character the main villain, as Moss was a little lame, and that way his transformation into God will not be anticlimactic. Next gripe the reveal of Vincent past should have being near the end and not in middle. and 3rd and last mumble is Adelaide Clemens who has played two diametrically opposing parts with only 1 facial expression can you guess which 1?
Still, Silent Hill Revelation is a good story, It's just a shame it took it being a sequel to a shit story to finally tell it!
(Eamonn walked for what seemed like miles, in what seemed like days, until he and Ostrich reached the Seal of The Nine Circles, a eldritch symbol that separates Hell from Earth and Other Earths. Ostrich placed his wing onto the glyph. It glows with flames that illuminated all but one intersecting circle.
"we got a problem!"
-It's not excepting me back home. I'm not fully Satanic anymore
-So do you have a plan?
-Yes! But you won't like it...
(Meanwhile, we cut to the fixed spy-drone manned by Joe-Jack and 80's Lad.)
DUUUDDDDEE! WE are so Back online! but Bummer me Jorges the mic is kuputnik!
Well what evah Da Quere Fella said, it's not gone down well with Townie Bastid!
(Eamonn steps into SatanicOstrich's reach and a magical transformation happens! behind the light show, the seal opens and a blast of flame and smoke knocks down the droid, as from the thick smoke a solitary being walks out.....
I have written 5 endings to this scenario in true SH Style. In addition to the Number of Pageviews, you can now go to my Twitter account @RealEnli, to cast your vote!
the options are:
- #3TicketsWORSE To deduct 5 points from my final tally
- #3TicketsBAD To Deduct 2 point from my final tally
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- #3TicketsGOOD to add 2 point to my final tally and a following
- #3TicketsBest to add 5 points to my final tally and a following and personal thank you tweet
Thank you and Happy voting!
Silent Hill revelation was reviewed, edited and compiled by Eamonn Bermingham
With clips and music by
in part 1:
You're not here-Silent hill 3 soundtrack
and in part 2:
End of sanctuary-silent hill 3 soundtrack
Silent Hill is a trademark of Konami and Silent hill revelation is distributed by Liongate. All rights reserved.
Follow me on twitter @RealEnli and don't forget to vote!
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