Thursday, May 1, 2014

TICKET TO HELL:DamNation: Eamonn reviews Silent Hill Revalation part 2

(This months theme-Silent Hill 3 soundtrack- End of sanctuary)
 We Begin Part 2 by Heather waking after Vince is kidnapped. The ash snowing outside the motel confirms her fears: she has returned to Otherworld.

Heather makes her way on foot to the church where a funeral pyre shows Vincent dead. the only epitaph: TRAITOR. She is met by Dahlia Gillespie, Alessa's mother, who instead of being a-easily-lead Moron who signed the death-warrant for a bullied, sexually abused child born out of wedlock, is more sympathetic and wanting forgiveness. Dahlia confirms that Alessa is no more and only the reaper remains, her mother tells her the darkness will spread and the flashes into Otherworld will last longer now both halves of Alessa are in the one place.

Hiding in a Mannequin Factory from the darkness, the only new monster for this film, the Mannequin Creature, a Spider made of Mannequin Parts, turns the Bionic Woman from the shit remake into a mannequin. and Heather save another girl before she gets used as spare parts too. This new creature is formed from Alessa's Jealously as her own burnt body lies in the furnace from the fire Rose started in the first film.

In the church of the order, Vincent is not dead, spared by the Order, but mostly by his mother Claudia. Still believing Heather is Evil, and Her son is brainwashed. Claudia orders her son to be taken to the asylum.

Heather has made her way to asylum, via the sewers after the other girl is eaten by the Mannequin Creature. She's in MidWich hospital, also known as the Heart of Darkness where Alessa resides and where her powers are at her peak.

In the dark and dilapidated asylum, Heather encounters fierce creatures, madmen and the insane Leonard (Malcolm McDowell) Heather needs to find the other seal to escape otherworld, as Leonard is blind, she gives the seal to feel. He tells her the seals unlock the true power of the reaper, and now we know why leonard is Insane: HE STITCHED THE SEAL INSIDE HIMSELF!
inserting the other disk into his gash, the blind zealot is cured of his affliction and is now a God, transforming into himself into his boss form. but Heather grabs the seal out of his gash and he's reduced to ashes.

Wow, MacDowell must charge by the hour, he's dead after 1 scene! plus as a boss he's as bad as Evrae Atlanta. Or Sheep-man.

So Heather seeing how the 2 seal react to each like magnetism, figures that she and Alessa have some kind of Twin Telepathy, when she is attacked by patients. she calls for help and someone answers: PYRAMID HEAD!

Okay, the helmet is still papier Mache and metallic Paint but By Your God, he has took a level in badass. as he saves Heather by chopping of arms 1 by 1.

Heather goes to rescue Vincent form the nurses who also make a return. Vincent tries to convince heather once again not to find her father because it's a trap, but she interjects that having a real cause is worth fighting for. This Convinces Vincent after a Good-bye kiss to stall the order. Heather is told the sanctuary is under the amusement park.

The events of the opening scene play out only this time, it's the clerics who are burnt by the roundabout's fire.

After Transforming from Alessa aged 10, to Alessa dressed as heather with her hairstyle in their natural black hair covered in blood, Heather tries to reason with her. But Reaper tells Sharon that all is left is Alessa's Rage. So Reaper grabs heather and starts to transform her into herself, Sharing memories of her past. but Heather hugs the empty shell of alessa, and shares her loving past. all the while shouting that if she wanted a part to live that she would want this: Love that she was denied. This causes Alessa to combust and the reaper along with it.

The sanctuary door opens and Heather with a small piece of Reaper absorbed demands Claudia to free Vincent and Christopher.

So lets Wrap this up!
Heather gives Claudia the seal which turns her into Voldo. Pyramid Head, now under heather's command attacks Voldo, and both have a stunningly shot knife fight in a ring of fire. Pyramid Head kills Claudia/Voldo, as Heather frees both men. Chris tells both teenagers that without a leader, the order is confused and now even more dangerous, once more, without Claudia, Leonard, or The Reaper, Silent Hill has no anchor in reality, and since Rose is still missing, he'll search otherworld until he finds her, bringing the seal with him as he walking through the fog. and so the film ends just as when Vincent and Sharon hitchhikes out of Silent Hill, the police trying to hunt the murder suspect Heather Disilva drive into Silent hill...and the fog of Otherworld!

This film is good...but it could have being a whole lot better.

First let's talk about the improvements.
Sean Bean did something in this film! The Lighting that ruined most of the potential scares in the first film was used expertly in this, Notably the flashback at school and the Mannequin Creature chase. Background music was a bare minimum as opposed to it blasting seconds before a failed jump-scare. This time by not changing the costumes in anyway, made the monsters scary.

Now to the negatives.
They should have made McDowell's character the main villain, as Moss was a little lame, and that way his transformation into God will not be anticlimactic. Next gripe the reveal of Vincent past should have being near the end and not in middle. and 3rd and last mumble is Adelaide Clemens who has played two diametrically opposing parts with only 1 facial expression can you guess which 1?

Still, Silent Hill Revelation is a good story, It's just a shame it took it being a sequel to a shit story to finally tell it!

(Eamonn walked for what seemed like miles, in what seemed like days, until he and Ostrich reached the Seal of The Nine Circles, a eldritch symbol that separates Hell from Earth and Other Earths. Ostrich placed his wing onto the glyph. It glows with flames that illuminated all but one intersecting circle.
"we got a problem!"
-It's not excepting me back home. I'm not fully Satanic anymore
-So do you have a plan?
-Yes! But you won't like it...

(Meanwhile, we cut to the fixed spy-drone manned by Joe-Jack and 80's Lad.)
DUUUDDDDEE! WE are so Back online! but Bummer me Jorges  the mic is kuputnik!
Well what evah Da Quere Fella said, it's not gone down well with Townie Bastid!
(Eamonn steps into SatanicOstrich's reach and a magical transformation happens! behind the light show, the seal opens and a blast of flame and smoke knocks down the droid, as from the thick smoke a solitary being walks out.....
I have written 5 endings to this scenario in true SH Style. In addition to the Number of Pageviews, you can now go to my Twitter account @RealEnli, to cast your vote!
the options are:
  • #3TicketsWORSE To deduct 5 points from my final tally
  • #3TicketsBAD To Deduct 2 point from my final tally
  • #3TicketsDOG To add 1 point to my final tally
  • #3TicketsGOOD to add 2 point to my final tally and a following
  • #3TicketsBest to add 5 points to my final tally and a following and personal thank you tweet
Voting ends the 26th of may, with the ending posted the 27th.
Thank you and Happy voting!

Silent Hill revelation was reviewed, edited and compiled by Eamonn Bermingham
With clips and music by
in part 1:
You're not here-Silent hill 3 soundtrack
and in part 2:
End of sanctuary-silent hill 3 soundtrack
Silent Hill is a trademark of Konami and Silent hill  revelation is distributed by Liongate. All rights reserved.
Follow me on twitter @RealEnli and don't forget to vote!

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