Remember when Russel Brand was A Thing?
You Know, the Former Vapid Pondscum from Big Bugger, the sometimes Comedian, definite sexpest who use to bump the uglies with the Equally Vapid Fake Feminist Katy Perry As a Meal ticket to Penetrate America Like his many Page 3 slags! Long story short, Katy Ditched Brand and Neither side of the Atlantic could give a Monkey's!
And today, of all the talentless actors that have graced BBO for nearly 12 years, I finally Hang Russel Brand's Potrait new to Gervais, Sandler and Grant in my Rouge's Gallery
The Cover is...Well it's Effective!

A disheveled Jason Segel is on A Beach sadly holding a crumbled picture of Brand and Kirsten Bell in an embrace. Over his head a heartshaped cloud and a jetstream makes a cupid's arrow through the heart. The dvd claims that we have the option of seeing an extended version, but we only care about what was expressed to cinema goers, unless they pull another Ella Enchanted on us and conspired to make the real ending a dvd extra!
We Open to a Shirtless Segel eating children's cereal and watching access hollywood about...himself! This is Peter Bretter, a small time composer who works backstage in a show headed by his girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Kirsten Bell). On the same show A song by The band Infinite Sorrow, headed by Alvis Snow (Brand) Think Bono, But A Bigger Wanker, because his actor is a Real-Life Wanker!
Sarah calls Peter and Peter Lazily cleans his flat and changes into a towel, When Sarah breaks with him we see Segal naked and crying (If i decided to watch the extended version all the male nudity would what the scenes extended!)
After Bleaching my Eyeballs, Peter goes on a Downward Spiral of One night Stands and Career Suicide, Eventually his brother has to stop him from commiting Arson, so he tells him to go on Holiday and sort his shit out!
He arrives in Hawaii and he is checked in and checked out by a receptionist played by Mila Kunis. Sarah and Alvis turn up and that's our Premise!
You Know, the Former Vapid Pondscum from Big Bugger, the sometimes Comedian, definite sexpest who use to bump the uglies with the Equally Vapid Fake Feminist Katy Perry As a Meal ticket to Penetrate America Like his many Page 3 slags! Long story short, Katy Ditched Brand and Neither side of the Atlantic could give a Monkey's!
And today, of all the talentless actors that have graced BBO for nearly 12 years, I finally Hang Russel Brand's Potrait new to Gervais, Sandler and Grant in my Rouge's Gallery
The Cover is...Well it's Effective!
A disheveled Jason Segel is on A Beach sadly holding a crumbled picture of Brand and Kirsten Bell in an embrace. Over his head a heartshaped cloud and a jetstream makes a cupid's arrow through the heart. The dvd claims that we have the option of seeing an extended version, but we only care about what was expressed to cinema goers, unless they pull another Ella Enchanted on us and conspired to make the real ending a dvd extra!
We Open to a Shirtless Segel eating children's cereal and watching access hollywood about...himself! This is Peter Bretter, a small time composer who works backstage in a show headed by his girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Kirsten Bell). On the same show A song by The band Infinite Sorrow, headed by Alvis Snow (Brand) Think Bono, But A Bigger Wanker, because his actor is a Real-Life Wanker!
Sarah calls Peter and Peter Lazily cleans his flat and changes into a towel, When Sarah breaks with him we see Segal naked and crying (If i decided to watch the extended version all the male nudity would what the scenes extended!)
After Bleaching my Eyeballs, Peter goes on a Downward Spiral of One night Stands and Career Suicide, Eventually his brother has to stop him from commiting Arson, so he tells him to go on Holiday and sort his shit out!
He arrives in Hawaii and he is checked in and checked out by a receptionist played by Mila Kunis. Sarah and Alvis turn up and that's our Premise!
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