More Action Openings for Episode 51 Revelations, Under Fire by Mantas in Carthage, Aelita is downloading more Data that Jeremie can use to make an Anti-Virus for her by Cracking the Dairy of Lyoko's Creator, Franz Hopper.
In the cafeteria, Discussing Grade Averages (How would they know THAT?) Aelita reveals her's is a grade average of 93%. When Ulrich let's slip "It because you are Not Human" Aelita doesn't show offence but feels like she knows it all already, like she had learned it all, it's that Feeling of Deja Vu that she had being experiencing since becoming Human in season 1's finale! Odd splits from the group when a text from a mystery girl tells him to meet her in the Dark Isolated Woods where the Haunted House case it's too subtle for you....

A tower Has Being Activated on Lyoko, Just as Odd get's Evil Dead'd by a Spectre.
"ODD" turns up and Jeremie teleports with the others on the mountain Zone, he realizes his mistake too late. Xana calls of his attack, now that he has an assassin and fall-guy in the heroes midst. Jeremie activates a tower of his own (Much how Franz Did in Contact in the last episode) For the Extra Processing power to Decode the Dairy
An Ambush and Fake Odd makes it's move, Yumi's avatar Returns to earth, Cut to the Hermitage and Odd wakes up in a Submerged Sewer Drain where is left to drown. The Plan by Xana is to corrupt Aelita's Upper limit of Data recovery and Steal Data via her link to Jeremie's Own Data: the Vechile programs, Franz Dairy, even The Realization Program.
Back on the Mountain Zone, Ulrich boasts to Fake Odd that Real Odd never Beaten him in training. Xana's Response?.....
Yumi finds Odd at the Hermitage and Rescues him. Xana is about to win...Until the Tower Becomes a White Tower, Franz has come to help and Jeremie Decodes all of the Dairy. During the Brief in his room a Sombre Jeremie Reveals as much, But he Reveals something else...Before Franz Virtulized Himself onto Lyoko, he Virtualized someone else...
Jeremie confirms Franz is her father!
Code Lyoko is Property of Moonscoop
Star wars is the Property of Lucusfilms and Disney
Harry Enfield and Chums is Property of The BBC
All Rights Reserved.
In the cafeteria, Discussing Grade Averages (How would they know THAT?) Aelita reveals her's is a grade average of 93%. When Ulrich let's slip "It because you are Not Human" Aelita doesn't show offence but feels like she knows it all already, like she had learned it all, it's that Feeling of Deja Vu that she had being experiencing since becoming Human in season 1's finale! Odd splits from the group when a text from a mystery girl tells him to meet her in the Dark Isolated Woods where the Haunted House case it's too subtle for you....
A tower Has Being Activated on Lyoko, Just as Odd get's Evil Dead'd by a Spectre.
"ODD" turns up and Jeremie teleports with the others on the mountain Zone, he realizes his mistake too late. Xana calls of his attack, now that he has an assassin and fall-guy in the heroes midst. Jeremie activates a tower of his own (Much how Franz Did in Contact in the last episode) For the Extra Processing power to Decode the Dairy
An Ambush and Fake Odd makes it's move, Yumi's avatar Returns to earth, Cut to the Hermitage and Odd wakes up in a Submerged Sewer Drain where is left to drown. The Plan by Xana is to corrupt Aelita's Upper limit of Data recovery and Steal Data via her link to Jeremie's Own Data: the Vechile programs, Franz Dairy, even The Realization Program.
Back on the Mountain Zone, Ulrich boasts to Fake Odd that Real Odd never Beaten him in training. Xana's Response?.....
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His Only Child....
A Daughter!
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Episode 52, The Key, and everything from 2 seasons worth of mysteries makes sense. Framz posing as a science teacher living in a house on the campus of Kadic academy, why the school has a Nuclear generator, The Tunnels to the factory all over school grounds, The Hermitage, The flashbacks, EVERYTHING!
Jeremie Uncovers the Truth for Aelita. After Unleashing XANA on an unsuspecting world in 1994, Fearing retribution from various governments and fearing for his life, He used the Return to past program 2000 times on the same day (Meaning he lived and worked non stop for 7 years) To build and program the scanners in an attempt for him and his daughter to escape arrest. Turns out Aelita does not have a virus added that is bonding her to Lyoko, in fact it's the opposite a fragment of herself possibly her human memories, is being guarded in Carthage! Aelita's Confusion, and the fact the others have a nonchalant and relaxed attitude since tonight is the night of the End Of Term dance, Makes Aelita question her Identity. After so long they have to remind us that the Ulrich/Yumi/Sissi/William Love square exists, I get it, It's the season finale and all the loose ends must get tied, but it gets completely ignored compared to what happens next.

Jeremie finds Aelita has shut down the Supercalculator, the pink haired girl slumped on the cold metal floor. Since Lyoko, XANA and Aelita draw their existence from Aelita tried to commit Suicide, basically. Jeremie resets the computer and Promises that he will save Aelita from a Bleak future!
Ulrich and Yumi stood up Sissi and William, Odd has basically become the most hated Man in Kadic due to his mass dating, means they are free to conduct the final dive into Carthage. But Xana doesn't make it Easy: They have 3 minutes to find "The Key" or it is lost forever!

Revealing a staircase into the depths of Carthage "The Key is Still Heavily guarded. Then the room starts to collapse. One by One, Odd, Yumi and then Ulrich sacrifice themselves to Get Aelita Closer to the key, Even Franz comes out of hiding and takes control of some Mantas to act as steads for Aelita and Ulrich.
But in the end the Key is a fake!
With Aelita all alone, The Sycozoa can absorb all of Aelita's Memories. Xana has Won.

Jeremie cries as Aelita's Body is disrespectfully tossed onto the ground.

Lyoko shuts down from the inside out.

All the towers in the zones turn red and now, No longer bound to The Supercomputer, Xana's plan for world conquest can go unabated and Unchallenged as it enters our world!

Franz, now just a ball of data visits his daughter as her life...her very short life (as evidenced by her voice actress, Sharon Mann, making Aelita's voice higher pitched and her dialogue more juvenile!) Flashes before her eyes. Happy memories of living at the Hermitage until her Mother Disappeared and the day the CIA came to arrest her father, it was Franz that told Aelita to Hide the Train station Locker key in Mister Puck and the last thing she remembers as a human is being Virtualised before the Supercalculator was shut down, stealing her memories and making her an AI, 9 YEARS LATER!
Franz sacrifices his own data and life to restore his daughter and Lyoko.

That night They Realize that Franz sacrificed himself so his daughter can continue the fight. Despite Xana no longer bound to the supercalculator, at least neither is Aelita. Despite Nearly Dying Aelita promise to fight on, but her friends tell her it's a fight she will never be alone in!
Despite Artistic and Continuity Errors, Season 2 Builds on the Mystery and Drama. The Action is Ratcheted Up as the 3D graphics improve in resolution and Movement, 13 years later, the 3D graphics from season 2 and beyond are good quality: The models do more than run and jump for 5 minutes, though there is plenty of that still! Whether or not you predicted Aelita was Human after all back in the day, The Reveal was a slow burn, not to the level of the slow burn that will lead into Season 3, but still paced well!
Now to Character Development, Though we are introduced to a few new characters, Sam and Trevor were one-shots and Yumi's family doesn't extend Yumi's home-life any further than Horoki jeering his sister about Ulrich, No, of all the new characters, Let's talk about William!
Establishing his character early as the Love-sick Delinquent Who Graffiti-Tagged his last school with Love Poetry, kind of sets off William as a Complicated Character, He is in love in Yumi at first Sight and Because Yumi is in a kinda-sorta Relationship with Ulrich, he does see Ulrich as a threat. But surprisingly, he can give Ulrich Sage advice when he acts Possessive and Immature, almost like having a code of honour, like stealing another man's girl is not what he wants. He can hold his own in XANA attacks, something that makes his involvement in season 3 important.
Ulrich sadly gets progressed into a unlikable character, due to William's arrival, coming off as an insecure, clingy, selfish dickhead. His "Relationship" with Yumi is still not official, so most of his Interactions with her are speaking for her, Aping William and being more Emo and Aloof than the Aloof Emo he is supposedly dating. The Limit was Attack of the Zombies, the Heroes were not comfortable with attacking there transformed friends....Until William was turned into a Zombie and then Ulrich couldn't help himself! Let's not Forget The time Ulrich used Time Travel to cheat on the Lottery, Not to help Yumi so she wouldn't move back to Japan, but to Keep her near him!
Spaking of, Yumi gets a little progression, but it's realistic, she hates the extra attention she has from William and Ulrich and from Sissi, She is also Protective of Aelita like during her Night-Terrors. Though treated more like a stock female has a drawback, it seems Yumi is always the first to die on Lyoko, this became the basis to the Running In-Joke "Pick on Yumi Week"
Odd has 3 things going for him in Season 2: His Big Eater Tropes, His Artistic Flair and His Reputation for Being the Schoolyard Cassanova! Having No Upper limit in food, translates to his love life, and if Odd were just 2 years older, that fact would be terrifying to the Mothers of the students! It has bitten him in the ass as seen above. Odd is not the smartest academically, bit makes up for it in Art, and can pass tests if motivated. I am not a fan of him gaining Powers as the plot demands such as shields and being able to swim usually lethal Digital Water
Jeremie has the lion's share of development, Despite Not Taking an Active role in battle, he has an Emotional Investment in the Mission: His love for Aelita. What started as a friendship amongst intellectual Equals in Season 1, became a tender first love, whilst Ulrich and Yumi is toxic, Jeremie and Aeita is pure, Jeremie is devoted to his girlfriend even to the point of when she was Drowning her dove in to save her, no questions asked. Anything that disrupts the relationship is met with raw feelings that sometimes the Jeremie can't cope with (Valentine's Day and XANA'S kiss for example!)
Now that the secret that Aelita is and always was Human is revealed, We can talk about her Lyoko form and it's Deeper Meaning.
Resembling an Elf, A mysterious Creature who is said to be the originators of The knowledge of arts and Music and a Deadly weakness to Iron, Fits Aelita Hopper, a Girl of Germanic Descent with a seemingly Out of Nowhere talent for Music, when she takes up being a Dj, sorry when she takes up being a
This knack for Music, becomes weaponized like the others talents On Lyoko, as her Creativity is activated by singing a sustained note, we only learn that She was thought piano by her father. Elves being weak to Iron is possibly a nod to why Aelita is so vulnerable to the threats in her "own" world, Aelita is Intelligent, Formal and Friendly, all thought to be traits from just being an interactive interface for Lyoko, but as time went on other feelings of anger and sarcasm and even sultriness towards Jeremie (though she was brainwashed at the time!) have rising to the surface. Aelita has lost Memories from episode 1, explaining her Clothes, her pink hair, and clothes and being constantly rescued, gave her the nickname princess by odd, it also explains her strange look of one earring, a kimono style top, sarong and a ribbon tied around one leg of her bodysuit. She's "Incomplete" without her human memories something that get's fixed in season 3. as of this season, Aelita's progression from Naivete to the truth is a steady one!
Jeremie Uncovers the Truth for Aelita. After Unleashing XANA on an unsuspecting world in 1994, Fearing retribution from various governments and fearing for his life, He used the Return to past program 2000 times on the same day (Meaning he lived and worked non stop for 7 years) To build and program the scanners in an attempt for him and his daughter to escape arrest. Turns out Aelita does not have a virus added that is bonding her to Lyoko, in fact it's the opposite a fragment of herself possibly her human memories, is being guarded in Carthage! Aelita's Confusion, and the fact the others have a nonchalant and relaxed attitude since tonight is the night of the End Of Term dance, Makes Aelita question her Identity. After so long they have to remind us that the Ulrich/Yumi/Sissi/William Love square exists, I get it, It's the season finale and all the loose ends must get tied, but it gets completely ignored compared to what happens next.

Jeremie finds Aelita has shut down the Supercalculator, the pink haired girl slumped on the cold metal floor. Since Lyoko, XANA and Aelita draw their existence from Aelita tried to commit Suicide, basically. Jeremie resets the computer and Promises that he will save Aelita from a Bleak future!
Ulrich and Yumi stood up Sissi and William, Odd has basically become the most hated Man in Kadic due to his mass dating, means they are free to conduct the final dive into Carthage. But Xana doesn't make it Easy: They have 3 minutes to find "The Key" or it is lost forever!

Revealing a staircase into the depths of Carthage "The Key is Still Heavily guarded. Then the room starts to collapse. One by One, Odd, Yumi and then Ulrich sacrifice themselves to Get Aelita Closer to the key, Even Franz comes out of hiding and takes control of some Mantas to act as steads for Aelita and Ulrich.
But in the end the Key is a fake!
With Aelita all alone, The Sycozoa can absorb all of Aelita's Memories. Xana has Won.

Jeremie cries as Aelita's Body is disrespectfully tossed onto the ground.

Lyoko shuts down from the inside out.

All the towers in the zones turn red and now, No longer bound to The Supercomputer, Xana's plan for world conquest can go unabated and Unchallenged as it enters our world!

Franz, now just a ball of data visits his daughter as her life...her very short life (as evidenced by her voice actress, Sharon Mann, making Aelita's voice higher pitched and her dialogue more juvenile!) Flashes before her eyes. Happy memories of living at the Hermitage until her Mother Disappeared and the day the CIA came to arrest her father, it was Franz that told Aelita to Hide the Train station Locker key in Mister Puck and the last thing she remembers as a human is being Virtualised before the Supercalculator was shut down, stealing her memories and making her an AI, 9 YEARS LATER!
Franz sacrifices his own data and life to restore his daughter and Lyoko.

That night They Realize that Franz sacrificed himself so his daughter can continue the fight. Despite Xana no longer bound to the supercalculator, at least neither is Aelita. Despite Nearly Dying Aelita promise to fight on, but her friends tell her it's a fight she will never be alone in!
Despite Artistic and Continuity Errors, Season 2 Builds on the Mystery and Drama. The Action is Ratcheted Up as the 3D graphics improve in resolution and Movement, 13 years later, the 3D graphics from season 2 and beyond are good quality: The models do more than run and jump for 5 minutes, though there is plenty of that still! Whether or not you predicted Aelita was Human after all back in the day, The Reveal was a slow burn, not to the level of the slow burn that will lead into Season 3, but still paced well!
Now to Character Development, Though we are introduced to a few new characters, Sam and Trevor were one-shots and Yumi's family doesn't extend Yumi's home-life any further than Horoki jeering his sister about Ulrich, No, of all the new characters, Let's talk about William!
Establishing his character early as the Love-sick Delinquent Who Graffiti-Tagged his last school with Love Poetry, kind of sets off William as a Complicated Character, He is in love in Yumi at first Sight and Because Yumi is in a kinda-sorta Relationship with Ulrich, he does see Ulrich as a threat. But surprisingly, he can give Ulrich Sage advice when he acts Possessive and Immature, almost like having a code of honour, like stealing another man's girl is not what he wants. He can hold his own in XANA attacks, something that makes his involvement in season 3 important.
Ulrich sadly gets progressed into a unlikable character, due to William's arrival, coming off as an insecure, clingy, selfish dickhead. His "Relationship" with Yumi is still not official, so most of his Interactions with her are speaking for her, Aping William and being more Emo and Aloof than the Aloof Emo he is supposedly dating. The Limit was Attack of the Zombies, the Heroes were not comfortable with attacking there transformed friends....Until William was turned into a Zombie and then Ulrich couldn't help himself! Let's not Forget The time Ulrich used Time Travel to cheat on the Lottery, Not to help Yumi so she wouldn't move back to Japan, but to Keep her near him!
Spaking of, Yumi gets a little progression, but it's realistic, she hates the extra attention she has from William and Ulrich and from Sissi, She is also Protective of Aelita like during her Night-Terrors. Though treated more like a stock female has a drawback, it seems Yumi is always the first to die on Lyoko, this became the basis to the Running In-Joke "Pick on Yumi Week"
Odd has 3 things going for him in Season 2: His Big Eater Tropes, His Artistic Flair and His Reputation for Being the Schoolyard Cassanova! Having No Upper limit in food, translates to his love life, and if Odd were just 2 years older, that fact would be terrifying to the Mothers of the students! It has bitten him in the ass as seen above. Odd is not the smartest academically, bit makes up for it in Art, and can pass tests if motivated. I am not a fan of him gaining Powers as the plot demands such as shields and being able to swim usually lethal Digital Water
Jeremie has the lion's share of development, Despite Not Taking an Active role in battle, he has an Emotional Investment in the Mission: His love for Aelita. What started as a friendship amongst intellectual Equals in Season 1, became a tender first love, whilst Ulrich and Yumi is toxic, Jeremie and Aeita is pure, Jeremie is devoted to his girlfriend even to the point of when she was Drowning her dove in to save her, no questions asked. Anything that disrupts the relationship is met with raw feelings that sometimes the Jeremie can't cope with (Valentine's Day and XANA'S kiss for example!)
Now that the secret that Aelita is and always was Human is revealed, We can talk about her Lyoko form and it's Deeper Meaning.
Resembling an Elf, A mysterious Creature who is said to be the originators of The knowledge of arts and Music and a Deadly weakness to Iron, Fits Aelita Hopper, a Girl of Germanic Descent with a seemingly Out of Nowhere talent for Music, when she takes up being a Dj, sorry when she takes up being a
XANA has the Most Development, For an Emotionless Killer Virus, He sure has an Ego, XANA seems to now take it Personally that Teenagers are whooping his ass, his plans now seem to be targeted Murder and Psychological Warfare, over just The Genocide of the Human species!
I deserve a break After all this, but no! Join me soon for part 1 of Forgetting Sarah Marshall,
Code Lyoko is Property of Moonscoop
Star wars is the Property of Lucusfilms and Disney
Harry Enfield and Chums is Property of The BBC
All Rights Reserved.
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