Grease 2, a seldom televised film and a sequel noone wanted to a film that is considered a classic despite it's caustic message, is this month's review. A rethread with familiar tropes and settings from the 1st, Sees Michael, Sandy's English cousin, fall for Pink Lady Stephanie, The Ex Girlfriend of T-Bird Leader Johnny. Convinced that You Can only be a Biker to get a biker girl, Michael Starts a Cash for Essays Scam to Afford a Junk Bike he fixes up. In the space of half a day, Michael goes from not being able to sit on a Moving Bike, to Outriding a Rival Gang who tried to kill all his class-mates! He is also disguised in a helmet and goggles that covers half his face...AND NOONE RECOGNIZES HIM!)
As the scene at the bowling alley is broken up by cops, Steph is taken Aback by what she saw, so this might not be the best time for Paulette (Who I misheard her name in Part 1 as "Collette" my Apologies!) to bring up that since Stephanie (Michelle Pfieffer) is no longer dating a T-Bird she can't be a Pink Lady, Despite being leader, Only for Michael/Mystery Man to arrive speaking to Stephanie and Paulette in his English Accent, and Despite them knowing one Boy with an English Accent and being Able to see half his face...THEY DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS!
At Chem Lab, Michael Confides in Frenchie ,that he's the Mystery Man, He tries to tell Stephanie, But she doesn't give him the time of day!
It's the night after the School's Bomb shelter Drills, and the T-Birds, Model Citizens That they are, use the school's Bomb shelter to....Prank Girls into thinking war is declared, so they can give up their virginity, Naturally they get caught.
What is the rating of this film again?

...So anyway, Stephanie's being working solo at the Petrol Station, and is over-worked to the point she is sleeping in practice! But when the Mystery Man turns up, it's enough to ditch her job!
After a Montage, it's now night-time! Michael Returns Steph to the petrol Station, He goes to tell her who he is, But The T-birds Arrive, feeling emasculated that a stranger saved them from being killed by actual Bikers. Before Bolting it, Michael tells Stephanie that he will meet her at the talent show...but the t-Birds hear that too! Johnny is angry that a stranger is makin' moves on "HIS GIRL"...Despite now seeing Paulette, this makes The T-Birds lose faces with the Pinks,
So they respond by singing a song about....Scoring it with Married Women...Except it's their act for the HIGH SCHOOL Talent show!
Stephanie Fails her English Homework and is told to rewrite it, When she learns about Max's Cash for Essays Scam, she asks for his help instead. Whilst eating lunch Stephanie confides about the Mystery Man, Despite not being able to put 2 and 2 together. I Think Stephanie may be a more stupid heroine that Jupiter Jones! Johnny sees this lunch and Finally Breaks it off with Stephanie (in Actuality, he finally accepts it's being over for months!) and with that Stephanie is no longer a pink Lady, Making Michael's plan to moonlight as a biker to impress her to fail, after a song sang as an internal Monologue, meaning Max Caulfield's voice echos during the song, which is a good idea ON PAPER! But comes off hard to understand in reality! Causing Him As the Mystery Man after being chased by The T-Birds to Jump off a cliff to his "death"...Though they Never Find The Body!
It's Friday, the Night of the talent show, and Paulette turns on Johnny for gloating about the death of the Mystery Man. The rest of the t-birds sabotage and kidnap a rival act for their place on the show! It's time for the Girl's act, but Michael is not there to play the piano, and Steph is inconsolable after seeing Mystery man's apparent Suicide, And seeing his "ghost" makes her sing a different song, a aubade about all the times they won't spend together and with all the visuals and the smoke and lights, Love Can Turn Back The Hands Of Time is one of the few good things in this film!
Johnny's and Stephanie's performances win prizes and crowns them king and queen of Tomorrow's Luau themed homecoming! I didn't know that what we were building up to...BUT FUCK IT! All these High school films have to a have climax themed around a homecoming so this turd is nearly ready to be covered and flushed!
So as the Entirely White School Holds a Luau and if you thought High School Musical's All white actor Luau Song where they spout gibberish was Cringe and slightly racist, well... Someone had to do it first! Thankfully DVD reviewer so i can just fast forward to dialogue! Falcone's Gang all on bikes burst out of straw shack like the Kool-Aid Man, Only for the mystery man to stand on another Shack looking heroic!, With Falcone's Bike at the bottom of a swimming pool after a quick exchange. Michael reveals himself in front of the Students and Teachers! Johnny is in denial at first, but he makes Michael a T-bird, which after Stephanie falls for the real him, Reinstates herself as a Pink Lady, Michael Whispers something to Delores, the little girl who keeps hounding the pink ladies as their unofficial Mascot, thought that is never revealed, possibly the promise of a real Pink Ladies Jacket, since she told him she tried to make one!
And so this film ends as a bookend to the 1st film- From Girl Gone Bad, to Gang Done good, as Michael, Steph, and all the Pink Ladies and T-Birds Graduate High School!
The script is pushing the envelope of it's film rating, though it's medium and hokey dialogue may have saved it's ass from a 12 rating! The plot has being called a rethread, I think it's more of a do-over, 2 people changing personalities and since this is a comedy, not a drama, it's for the better! As unlike the 1st we see the former gang members actually graduate, as getting with the other, and earning the respect of the t-birds was not this film's goal but a product of it's goal! But the film has plot-holes, like where Michael was when he dropped off the cliff? That's never explained! And sure the T-birds and Stephanie graduated, after being shown they they were flunking hard in classes. But we have a Problem and it's called "Show, DON'T Tell!". Show us they were getting better in class don't just skip to graduation and have us assume they got better!
In the end this film is better than the first, despite it's lower budget. It has a few good songs and a better message than the 1st, But it doesn't change the fact that it's still terrible!
Grease 2 was reviewed, compiled and edited into 2 parts by Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli on twitter!)
With Music and Media from
In Part 1
Grease 2
Jontron: Bootleg Pokemon Games
Mystery Science Theater 3000
And In part 2
Grease 2
All media used are the properties of there respective owners. All rights reserved!
Grease 2 is the Property of Paramount Studios.
Get ready for a Bitter Taste!
Keith Lemon The Movie is next!
(the Diary of Lord Yusef Commonman Of Earth 3)
It has being 3 Months since the Attack of the Humanoids that we suspect are responsible for the kidnapping on The forests that came from Earth 5. We have sent communicae to the Fifth Reality But it seems the shadow of Culture has not touched the pristine Verdance of this forested land! I've being tasked to investigate the Disappearances, Mainly by that Perfumed Flower of the Sahara Desert, Lord Barnum, The Eamonn and Champion of Earth 9, for a little comment I made.
Speaking of Eamonn, the Man I once Fought beside is no more than a slave to his impluses, I tried to use my knowledge of Chi To cure the Curse on his arm, Instead his arm has gained Sapience. The husk of an incest that was nesting as his arm, has hatched like a Cuckoo and is making Eamonn feed on Indulgences, His mind turning carnal to the point that the burst Wasp has moved from his right arm, leaving it as misshapen and glowing like Amber, to reside on his back, Whispering thoughts in his ears as it's 6 hairy legs dig into his skin for control. The last straw was him trying it on with Oracle, I Threatened him with my Taser, only for him to just stare, mouth open like an expectant chick would when A mother bird flew back with a worm, I withdrew my Chi Infused Water and Whiskey to let whatever is feeding Eamonn's mind starve, though his anguish is making Heavenscar Existence Unstable. The Floating City of Heavenscar is still a stopgap filling a hole in the tear of existence! If that goes all of reality will crumble, hopefully i can find Edwin Tantalus and free those from his Humanoid Minions!
Grease 2, a seldom televised film and a sequel noone wanted to a film that is considered a classic despite it's caustic message, is this month's review. A rethread with familiar tropes and settings from the 1st, Sees Michael, Sandy's English cousin, fall for Pink Lady Stephanie, The Ex Girlfriend of T-Bird Leader Johnny. Convinced that You Can only be a Biker to get a biker girl, Michael Starts a Cash for Essays Scam to Afford a Junk Bike he fixes up. In the space of half a day, Michael goes from not being able to sit on a Moving Bike, to Outriding a Rival Gang who tried to kill all his class-mates! He is also disguised in a helmet and goggles that covers half his face...AND NOONE RECOGNIZES HIM!)
As the scene at the bowling alley is broken up by cops, Steph is taken Aback by what she saw, so this might not be the best time for Paulette (Who I misheard her name in Part 1 as "Collette" my Apologies!) to bring up that since Stephanie (Michelle Pfieffer) is no longer dating a T-Bird she can't be a Pink Lady, Despite being leader, Only for Michael/Mystery Man to arrive speaking to Stephanie and Paulette in his English Accent, and Despite them knowing one Boy with an English Accent and being Able to see half his face...THEY DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS!
At Chem Lab, Michael Confides in Frenchie ,that he's the Mystery Man, He tries to tell Stephanie, But she doesn't give him the time of day!
It's the night after the School's Bomb shelter Drills, and the T-Birds, Model Citizens That they are, use the school's Bomb shelter to....Prank Girls into thinking war is declared, so they can give up their virginity, Naturally they get caught.
What is the rating of this film again?
...So anyway, Stephanie's being working solo at the Petrol Station, and is over-worked to the point she is sleeping in practice! But when the Mystery Man turns up, it's enough to ditch her job!
After a Montage, it's now night-time! Michael Returns Steph to the petrol Station, He goes to tell her who he is, But The T-birds Arrive, feeling emasculated that a stranger saved them from being killed by actual Bikers. Before Bolting it, Michael tells Stephanie that he will meet her at the talent show...but the t-Birds hear that too! Johnny is angry that a stranger is makin' moves on "HIS GIRL"...Despite now seeing Paulette, this makes The T-Birds lose faces with the Pinks,
So they respond by singing a song about....Scoring it with Married Women...Except it's their act for the HIGH SCHOOL Talent show!
Stephanie Fails her English Homework and is told to rewrite it, When she learns about Max's Cash for Essays Scam, she asks for his help instead. Whilst eating lunch Stephanie confides about the Mystery Man, Despite not being able to put 2 and 2 together. I Think Stephanie may be a more stupid heroine that Jupiter Jones! Johnny sees this lunch and Finally Breaks it off with Stephanie (in Actuality, he finally accepts it's being over for months!) and with that Stephanie is no longer a pink Lady, Making Michael's plan to moonlight as a biker to impress her to fail, after a song sang as an internal Monologue, meaning Max Caulfield's voice echos during the song, which is a good idea ON PAPER! But comes off hard to understand in reality! Causing Him As the Mystery Man after being chased by The T-Birds to Jump off a cliff to his "death"...Though they Never Find The Body!
It's Friday, the Night of the talent show, and Paulette turns on Johnny for gloating about the death of the Mystery Man. The rest of the t-birds sabotage and kidnap a rival act for their place on the show! It's time for the Girl's act, but Michael is not there to play the piano, and Steph is inconsolable after seeing Mystery man's apparent Suicide, And seeing his "ghost" makes her sing a different song, a aubade about all the times they won't spend together and with all the visuals and the smoke and lights, Love Can Turn Back The Hands Of Time is one of the few good things in this film!
Johnny's and Stephanie's performances win prizes and crowns them king and queen of Tomorrow's Luau themed homecoming! I didn't know that what we were building up to...BUT FUCK IT! All these High school films have to a have climax themed around a homecoming so this turd is nearly ready to be covered and flushed!
So as the Entirely White School Holds a Luau and if you thought High School Musical's All white actor Luau Song where they spout gibberish was Cringe and slightly racist, well... Someone had to do it first! Thankfully DVD reviewer so i can just fast forward to dialogue! Falcone's Gang all on bikes burst out of straw shack like the Kool-Aid Man, Only for the mystery man to stand on another Shack looking heroic!, With Falcone's Bike at the bottom of a swimming pool after a quick exchange. Michael reveals himself in front of the Students and Teachers! Johnny is in denial at first, but he makes Michael a T-bird, which after Stephanie falls for the real him, Reinstates herself as a Pink Lady, Michael Whispers something to Delores, the little girl who keeps hounding the pink ladies as their unofficial Mascot, thought that is never revealed, possibly the promise of a real Pink Ladies Jacket, since she told him she tried to make one!
And so this film ends as a bookend to the 1st film- From Girl Gone Bad, to Gang Done good, as Michael, Steph, and all the Pink Ladies and T-Birds Graduate High School!
The script is pushing the envelope of it's film rating, though it's medium and hokey dialogue may have saved it's ass from a 12 rating! The plot has being called a rethread, I think it's more of a do-over, 2 people changing personalities and since this is a comedy, not a drama, it's for the better! As unlike the 1st we see the former gang members actually graduate, as getting with the other, and earning the respect of the t-birds was not this film's goal but a product of it's goal! But the film has plot-holes, like where Michael was when he dropped off the cliff? That's never explained! And sure the T-birds and Stephanie graduated, after being shown they they were flunking hard in classes. But we have a Problem and it's called "Show, DON'T Tell!". Show us they were getting better in class don't just skip to graduation and have us assume they got better!
In the end this film is better than the first, despite it's lower budget. It has a few good songs and a better message than the 1st, But it doesn't change the fact that it's still terrible!
Grease 2 was reviewed, compiled and edited into 2 parts by Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli on twitter!)
With Music and Media from
In Part 1
Grease 2
Jontron: Bootleg Pokemon Games
Mystery Science Theater 3000
And In part 2
Grease 2
All media used are the properties of there respective owners. All rights reserved!
Grease 2 is the Property of Paramount Studios.
Get ready for a Bitter Taste!
Keith Lemon The Movie is next!
(the Diary of Lord Yusef Commonman Of Earth 3)
It has being 3 Months since the Attack of the Humanoids that we suspect are responsible for the kidnapping on The forests that came from Earth 5. We have sent communicae to the Fifth Reality But it seems the shadow of Culture has not touched the pristine Verdance of this forested land! I've being tasked to investigate the Disappearances, Mainly by that Perfumed Flower of the Sahara Desert, Lord Barnum, The Eamonn and Champion of Earth 9, for a little comment I made.
Speaking of Eamonn, the Man I once Fought beside is no more than a slave to his impluses, I tried to use my knowledge of Chi To cure the Curse on his arm, Instead his arm has gained Sapience. The husk of an incest that was nesting as his arm, has hatched like a Cuckoo and is making Eamonn feed on Indulgences, His mind turning carnal to the point that the burst Wasp has moved from his right arm, leaving it as misshapen and glowing like Amber, to reside on his back, Whispering thoughts in his ears as it's 6 hairy legs dig into his skin for control. The last straw was him trying it on with Oracle, I Threatened him with my Taser, only for him to just stare, mouth open like an expectant chick would when A mother bird flew back with a worm, I withdrew my Chi Infused Water and Whiskey to let whatever is feeding Eamonn's mind starve, though his anguish is making Heavenscar Existence Unstable. The Floating City of Heavenscar is still a stopgap filling a hole in the tear of existence! If that goes all of reality will crumble, hopefully i can find Edwin Tantalus and free those from his Humanoid Minions!
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