I'm taking a break from Wrestling and film reviews for a while (Don't worry, all my reviews I mentioned on my winter schedule will still happen)
I love cartoons and I think the cartoons that came after the 90s were better than them, and I grew up in the 90s! So when the early 00s had it's Anime Boom! this the very first and still few Western Anime Started.
For as long as it takes...we will peer into one of the most beautiful, dramatic, controversial cartoons, one that pulled no punches, but never drew a dime, But is loved to this day, Code: Lyoko
Code Lyoko was a French Cartoon running from 2003 to 2006 with 95 episodes (not including todays origin episodes! The eponymous world of Lyoko is Terrorized by a virus called X.A.N.A. and it's up to a group of kids to save the day, ferry a good AI, and uncover the mysteries of this world and it's existance.
The Origin Story is NOT! the first episode! For reasons that French Cartoonists do the whole time, we are plunged into the story headon without an idea what is going on! And this episode was televised at the end of season 2! I thought about doing the same, but as Linkara said on his series about his favourite show "WE WILL NOT HONOUR STUPIDITY HERE!"

The Origin Story. Xana Awakens, Part 1, starts with the 1st post of the vlog of Jemerie Belpois, a young man with a talent for Robotics. Starting his journal in the 2d "real world" on 7th of October (known as Lief Errikson Day!-PLOT POINT!) Looking for spare parts on campus of his boarding school, KADIC Acedemy (yes that is a reference to Phillip K Dick!) one day, Jeremie finds a secret tunnel that leads him to an abandoned factory, inside said is a huge interface which Jeremie can't help but activate~
"I'm sure I'll regret this!"
-It's not like you are going to release a Humanity Hating Cyber Terrorist that will try to kill you in Voilent ways for the next 3 years, each attempt more deadly than the last! OH WAIT!-
Activating the Super-Calulator, Jeremie comes in contact with an AI with no Memories, this Program drawn in 3d resembles a girl with pink hair, elven ears wearing an off white body suit and a kimono-inspired top and skirt.

The Next day we meet some of the other cast. Jeremie's Dorm Mates, Ulrich Stern and his new room-mate, Odd Dela Robbia
Ulrich is not impressed with this new roommate and his day is further ruined by the arrivial of The Principal's Daughter, Sissy Delmas

Sissy is the Alpha-Bitch Cheerleader who will as a secodary villian, one who will get in the way of the Lyoko Warriors all so Ulrich will go out with her. She is forever flanked by 2 hench-bullies, Nicalous, a 'MURICIAN With a "DUH-DUH!" Voice and a white Trash Mullet, and Herve, a nerd who dresses more like a middle aged man than Jeremie!
Returning to the Factory, Jeremie discovers that the A.I, whom he calls "Maya" is part of a virtual world called Lyoko, Maya ventures out of a tower Into the 3d portion of our episode and into the Forest Zone, a series of Grassy Plateaus help up above a Digital Sea by a sphere of Wirey trees.

Maya finds she is not alone and is attacked by Kankerlauts, Mechanical Drones that fire lasers at her.

Retreating back, Jeremie exposists returning to the tower meant her "Life Points" return but in her haste she falls off the edge and out of a tower in a different zone, The Ice Zone, a Glacial flatland on the Digitail sea instead of floating over it that's stuck in a permanent twillight.

Maya is attacked by a new enemy-Bloks, an upgrade on the Kankerlaut with a block body, interchanging ammo and for some reason, udders!

Maya hides in a hole where she finds out that anything that touches the water is instantly destroyed.
Back in 2D, Ulrich takes A Penchak Silat (Indonesian Martial Arts) night class, held by Gym Teacher/Janitor/Groundskeeper/Comic Relief, Jim Morales. Jim's sthick is that he has had many jobs that have not ended very well for him and to most he would "RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT IT!" The only other student is a Japanese girl called Yumi Ishiyama,

one fight later and the two teens fall for each other, in what will become a arc for the two. Ulrich returns and finds that Odd has smuggled a dog into his room and it has torn up school books and done a off camera shit in Ulrich's bed! Jeremie has his own Problems, as something bearing the mark off the monsters on Lyoko have possessed his robots to attack Until Stern saves him, Jeremie tells him everything including finding what he beleives are scanners, all he needs is a guinea pig. Ulrich has one in mind and Dognaps Odd's Dog Kiwi
Odd looking for Kiwi, is joined by Sissi, who think she has being stood up by Ulrich on a Non-existent date, follows the others to the factory. Putting the dog in a scanner. Finding Kiwi, the dog jumps out of the scanner as the doors close and Odd is Virtualised into 3D, As a spikey haired cat boy with a purple cat-suit and a logo of a pissing Kiwi!

Ulrich joins next and his form is a samurai, Odd complaining that his form looks stupid accidently shoots a arrow from his cat gloves. But with no idea what they are doing, and X.A.N.A possessing the wires to bind Jeremie from helping. Sissi is no help, Citeing that Cheerleader is more important. when Odd and Ulrich lose all their "Life Points" they return to the 2d world and free Jeremie Part one ends with the 3 lads shaken.
Part 2 starts with Jeremie Programming a XANA warning system on his own computer so he can communicate with Maya, Odd has now decided to spike his hair like his 3D model (though the Purple patch is never explained!) Sissi's Important Cheerleading Trail ends with her kicked off her own team. Angry she is attacked by a ball of Electricity! Ulrich Finds Yumi and Challenges her to rematch, eventually leading the Japanese Girl to be caught in the middle of an Attack. Yumi becomes the 3rd and final Lyoko Warrior

Yumi's 3D Form is that of a Geisha that can throw Impi, Serrated fans. she joins the boys in their first mission in the Mountain Zone, A maze of floating Bonzai trees and Zen Gardens,

It's here we meet another Monster, Hornets an Irritating, flying foe if Odd is indisposed early to be sure!

Maya teleports her new Bodyguards to the Ice Zone where her role is no clear now clear, if Xana is a virus, she is an anti-virus! and must deactivate a tower when it glows red, This Red Tower and all of Lyoko's 4 zones have many, act as a conduit for Xana to attack the real world! Sissy comes to and Blurts out everything to her father.
A new enemy is unleashed Giant Enemy Krabbes

Despite now having a handle on their powers and weapons, the Krabbes are powerhouses that dispatch Odd and Ulrich, Maya can now be destroyed, ever! because she doesn't have a human body, if her life points reach 0, she is permanently erased! so she reveals she has a power too, by singing a sustained note, she can rewrite code and create walls in the environment she is in! Entering the tower Maya uses the interface to deactivate it, killing the ball of electricity and learning her real name is Aelita, (Yes it is reference to the Tolstoy book about a lonely scientist who falls in love with a woman from another world, how poetic!) When she turns on her friends and brings her father and Jim to force Jeremie to shut the Super Calculator Down, the boy Genius reveals a secret weapon.
A Nuclear Attack!

It's a Deus Ex Machina called Return To the Past, That returns the Virtualised Children to hours ago, with their memories intact. Jeremie has to be de-Briefed on his own missions for a time. And so these 4 Fire-forged friends have become the world's most unlikely Protectors..or 3 rubes that Jeremie has convinced to protect his Made up Waifu, YOU DECIDE!
Join me soon as we start the show, proper, 2 episodes at a time!
See you next time when we...
I love cartoons and I think the cartoons that came after the 90s were better than them, and I grew up in the 90s! So when the early 00s had it's Anime Boom! this the very first and still few Western Anime Started.
For as long as it takes...we will peer into one of the most beautiful, dramatic, controversial cartoons, one that pulled no punches, but never drew a dime, But is loved to this day, Code: Lyoko
Code Lyoko was a French Cartoon running from 2003 to 2006 with 95 episodes (not including todays origin episodes! The eponymous world of Lyoko is Terrorized by a virus called X.A.N.A. and it's up to a group of kids to save the day, ferry a good AI, and uncover the mysteries of this world and it's existance.
The Origin Story is NOT! the first episode! For reasons that French Cartoonists do the whole time, we are plunged into the story headon without an idea what is going on! And this episode was televised at the end of season 2! I thought about doing the same, but as Linkara said on his series about his favourite show "WE WILL NOT HONOUR STUPIDITY HERE!"
The Origin Story. Xana Awakens, Part 1, starts with the 1st post of the vlog of Jemerie Belpois, a young man with a talent for Robotics. Starting his journal in the 2d "real world" on 7th of October (known as Lief Errikson Day!-PLOT POINT!) Looking for spare parts on campus of his boarding school, KADIC Acedemy (yes that is a reference to Phillip K Dick!) one day, Jeremie finds a secret tunnel that leads him to an abandoned factory, inside said is a huge interface which Jeremie can't help but activate~
"I'm sure I'll regret this!"
-It's not like you are going to release a Humanity Hating Cyber Terrorist that will try to kill you in Voilent ways for the next 3 years, each attempt more deadly than the last! OH WAIT!-
Activating the Super-Calulator, Jeremie comes in contact with an AI with no Memories, this Program drawn in 3d resembles a girl with pink hair, elven ears wearing an off white body suit and a kimono-inspired top and skirt.
The Next day we meet some of the other cast. Jeremie's Dorm Mates, Ulrich Stern and his new room-mate, Odd Dela Robbia
Ulrich is not impressed with this new roommate and his day is further ruined by the arrivial of The Principal's Daughter, Sissy Delmas
Sissy is the Alpha-Bitch Cheerleader who will as a secodary villian, one who will get in the way of the Lyoko Warriors all so Ulrich will go out with her. She is forever flanked by 2 hench-bullies, Nicalous, a 'MURICIAN With a "DUH-DUH!" Voice and a white Trash Mullet, and Herve, a nerd who dresses more like a middle aged man than Jeremie!
Returning to the Factory, Jeremie discovers that the A.I, whom he calls "Maya" is part of a virtual world called Lyoko, Maya ventures out of a tower Into the 3d portion of our episode and into the Forest Zone, a series of Grassy Plateaus help up above a Digital Sea by a sphere of Wirey trees.
Maya finds she is not alone and is attacked by Kankerlauts, Mechanical Drones that fire lasers at her.
Retreating back, Jeremie exposists returning to the tower meant her "Life Points" return but in her haste she falls off the edge and out of a tower in a different zone, The Ice Zone, a Glacial flatland on the Digitail sea instead of floating over it that's stuck in a permanent twillight.
Maya is attacked by a new enemy-Bloks, an upgrade on the Kankerlaut with a block body, interchanging ammo and for some reason, udders!
Maya hides in a hole where she finds out that anything that touches the water is instantly destroyed.
Back in 2D, Ulrich takes A Penchak Silat (Indonesian Martial Arts) night class, held by Gym Teacher/Janitor/Groundskeeper/Comic Relief, Jim Morales. Jim's sthick is that he has had many jobs that have not ended very well for him and to most he would "RATHER NOT TALK ABOUT IT!" The only other student is a Japanese girl called Yumi Ishiyama,
one fight later and the two teens fall for each other, in what will become a arc for the two. Ulrich returns and finds that Odd has smuggled a dog into his room and it has torn up school books and done a off camera shit in Ulrich's bed! Jeremie has his own Problems, as something bearing the mark off the monsters on Lyoko have possessed his robots to attack Until Stern saves him, Jeremie tells him everything including finding what he beleives are scanners, all he needs is a guinea pig. Ulrich has one in mind and Dognaps Odd's Dog Kiwi
Odd looking for Kiwi, is joined by Sissi, who think she has being stood up by Ulrich on a Non-existent date, follows the others to the factory. Putting the dog in a scanner. Finding Kiwi, the dog jumps out of the scanner as the doors close and Odd is Virtualised into 3D, As a spikey haired cat boy with a purple cat-suit and a logo of a pissing Kiwi!
Ulrich joins next and his form is a samurai, Odd complaining that his form looks stupid accidently shoots a arrow from his cat gloves. But with no idea what they are doing, and X.A.N.A possessing the wires to bind Jeremie from helping. Sissi is no help, Citeing that Cheerleader is more important. when Odd and Ulrich lose all their "Life Points" they return to the 2d world and free Jeremie Part one ends with the 3 lads shaken.
Part 2 starts with Jeremie Programming a XANA warning system on his own computer so he can communicate with Maya, Odd has now decided to spike his hair like his 3D model (though the Purple patch is never explained!) Sissi's Important Cheerleading Trail ends with her kicked off her own team. Angry she is attacked by a ball of Electricity! Ulrich Finds Yumi and Challenges her to rematch, eventually leading the Japanese Girl to be caught in the middle of an Attack. Yumi becomes the 3rd and final Lyoko Warrior
Yumi's 3D Form is that of a Geisha that can throw Impi, Serrated fans. she joins the boys in their first mission in the Mountain Zone, A maze of floating Bonzai trees and Zen Gardens,
It's here we meet another Monster, Hornets an Irritating, flying foe if Odd is indisposed early to be sure!
Maya teleports her new Bodyguards to the Ice Zone where her role is no clear now clear, if Xana is a virus, she is an anti-virus! and must deactivate a tower when it glows red, This Red Tower and all of Lyoko's 4 zones have many, act as a conduit for Xana to attack the real world! Sissy comes to and Blurts out everything to her father.
A new enemy is unleashed Giant Enemy Krabbes
Despite now having a handle on their powers and weapons, the Krabbes are powerhouses that dispatch Odd and Ulrich, Maya can now be destroyed, ever! because she doesn't have a human body, if her life points reach 0, she is permanently erased! so she reveals she has a power too, by singing a sustained note, she can rewrite code and create walls in the environment she is in! Entering the tower Maya uses the interface to deactivate it, killing the ball of electricity and learning her real name is Aelita, (Yes it is reference to the Tolstoy book about a lonely scientist who falls in love with a woman from another world, how poetic!) When she turns on her friends and brings her father and Jim to force Jeremie to shut the Super Calculator Down, the boy Genius reveals a secret weapon.
A Nuclear Attack!
It's a Deus Ex Machina called Return To the Past, That returns the Virtualised Children to hours ago, with their memories intact. Jeremie has to be de-Briefed on his own missions for a time. And so these 4 Fire-forged friends have become the world's most unlikely Protectors..or 3 rubes that Jeremie has convinced to protect his Made up Waifu, YOU DECIDE!
Join me soon as we start the show, proper, 2 episodes at a time!
See you next time when we...
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