Breather Episode, mainly to process somehow the events of the last few months, Years ago I reviewed the somewhat forgettable Vaughn/Wilson film, the Internship. Years of doing the wild party shtick had them run on fumes on that caper, but This month's film, is arguably their "best" showing-Old School
But does that film even hold up?

Reviewing the "Unseen" Version, the dvd version with more nudity than the cinema Release (Mostly Ferrell being naked!) , Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and a Brunette Luke Wilson stand in a Blurry Party scene with Ferrell holding a sex doll whilst making a funny face. the funny thing? Vaughn is standing right behind Ferrell and we can't see his hands!
The film starts with Mitch (Wilson), a realtor who cuts out of a seminar early to catch a flight back to Sacramento, only to find his wife having an orgy!
We abruptly cut to a wedding, and Mitch is now a best man giving away his friend, Frank (Ferrell), along with his other best man "Beanie", Beanie being played by Vaughn, naturally is typecasted to have a cynical view on Marriage, "I Have a wife and a kid, do I look happy to you? You are Going to be a One Vagina Man for the rest of your life!" ACTUAL QUOTE FROM THIS FILM!)
The Marriage is Doomed from the Start, the First Dance is Bonnie Tyler's Turn Around Bright Eyes, a song that has lyrics that could be Constructed to be a Warning! Mitch, who like all sad single men at a wedding, gets pissed and support the wall until Nicole, an ex-girlfriend comes up to him. Mitch is too drunk to even remember motor skills, and Spills coffee on her, trying to fix it makes it look like a lewd act!
We Cut again to Mitch's new House, One Practically on Campus off the local College, Vaughn, off course, wants to hold a Wild And Sexy Party! Though Married, Marissa is concerned the party will bring out Frank's Alter Ego, "Frank the Tank", Frank tells his wife not to Worry.
With a cameo by Snoopy Poopy Dogg Dogg Lion, or whatever his name is! The 3 men are in so much Trouble, Frank is the only one streaking, and is picked up by a car that hold all the 3 mens' significant others! Compound the Next day, the Dean (Jeremy Piven) turns out to be a former nerd who was bullied by 3 boys in school, now due to zoning changes, Mitch's Home is now College Property.
With the house rezoned, The boys decide In For A Penny and launch the house as a new Fraternity, Mitch finds out that the Girl he slept with at the Party (Elisha Cuthbert) is his boss' daughter,....AND IS UNDERAGE! Frank is thrown out because of his behavior!
So the Boys start Kidnapping And Hazing Pledges. A Co -worker of Mitch wants in and is willing to Blackmail Mitch to do so! Mitch's Rep as the "Godfather" is really choking any chance he has with Nicole, Frank looks in at Marissa's "Blow job Class", puts 2 and 2 together and attacks the instructor (Played by The King of the Extras, the constantly overlooked Andy Dick) and gets his ass kicked
The Next Hazing is to make the Pledges into unpaid Party entertainers for Mitch's son's Birthday, Mitch is shocked that Nicole has a young daughter and a boyfriend, One with a roving eye. as Nicole sings his Praises, we are shown right behind her Mark and A caterer are getting it on! Mitch Catches them but Nick plays his trump card, saying Mitch will be "less than a man" if he tells. Frank shoots himself with a tranq gun and faceplants into the cake, falls backwards into a pool and drowns. He tongues Sean Williamson Scott when he gives Frank mouth to mouth, Making him throw Frank back in again!
Back to Events that resemble a plot, Dean Pritchard has planted a spy on campus. Mitch tries to tell Nicole about Mark, but doesn't have the heart to tell her!
At the House, the Boys host a topless wrestling event for Octogenarian Frat Boy, Blue. For all his big talk, Beanie is too scared of his wife to cheat on her (But then again, Vaughn's wife in this film Played by Leah Remini, and if she can break free from the brainwashing of Holy Pyramid Scheme that is Scientology, she sure as hell won't put up with your shit!) the sight of boobs makes Blue have a heart attack and die! Frank's Partying has become so much, he forgot his OWN BIRTHDAY! It's enough to make Marissa leave him. Mark Lies To Nicole about the caterer saying he found Mitch sleeping with her, Confronting him, Mitch tries to intervene, but the bosses daughter makes a scene in front of Nicole and she storms out! Mitch Returns to see Eviction Notices all over the Frat House
With Mitch's one night stand with Darcy Public Knowledge, the co-workers who tried to blackmail Mitch are now asked to join the fraternity, and good thing to because Conveniently, they happen to be Lawyers!
They find out to count as a Fratnerity, They must excel in 5 trials of the Fraternal Code-Athletics, Academics, Debate, Charity and School Spirit. Because of a loop-hole, All the older members, that are not even students are eligible. The Guys clean their act up...but Pritchard has plans to fight Dirty!, As in the Debate Trail, He hires real life political commentator Jimmy Carville, But loses when Frank remembers a few things that where dormant in his brain whilst drunk!
Knowing that The Dean is playing Dirty, The Boys return in kind being wired to the lawyers who provide the answers to the Academics Test, But during the Spirit Test, Frank in a wolf costume is set on fire! However Pritchard's spy complains that she never got into Stanford because noone in Stanford knew who Gordon is. It seems that Gordon not who he claims to be!
In the Athletics test, Pritchard has chosen Rhythmic Gymnastics as the final test, meaning in the space of 2 months I have to look at Beerguts and BallSacks in Leotards Again.

Somehow the Morbidly Obese Quentin is a latent Gymnast!
However Dean Pritchard still have revenge on his mind and closes down the Civilian Fraternity, because one menber did not compete-Blue!-you know the guy who died?
The spy plays a tape recording that has Pritchard confessing the Test fixings, that he has stolen.
So let's finish this!
Frank and the Dean fight in front of the students, Frank steals the tape, Dean Pritchard is fired, the students are safe, Mitch is leaving the house and Nicole has left Mark for him, Frank becomes a college DJ and the Chartered Leader of the Civilians, During the Credits, a car accident kills off Gordon and Mark, Beanie fits into being a family becoming on of those Jerks who shout at Children Soccer games and Frank being invited to an orgy by Mitch's ex-wife!
This film show us, that once upon a time, the Wilson/Vaughn partnership worked and wasn't going through the motion like it did in The Internship. Joining the 2 is Will Ferrell, who brings his child-like energy and complements Wilson's dramatic chops with Vaughn's Fast-talking Bravado. combined with a sweet and simple story of 3 men who want one last hurrah! and a great supporting cast and you have film with good laughs and strong storytelling!
However despite being "Unseen" a lot of the offensiveness of the Charity test and Mark calling Nicole's child Retarded was cut out! leaving plot-holes and making the violent death ending a bit mean!
However, the jokes are funny and the heart is there!
Old School was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham @RealEnli
With music and clips from
"Party Hard" by Andrew WK
The Simpsons
Adventure Time!
Old School was produced by Dreamworks. All Rights Reserved.
All media used belongs to there respected owners!
But does that film even hold up?
Reviewing the "Unseen" Version, the dvd version with more nudity than the cinema Release (Mostly Ferrell being naked!) , Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and a Brunette Luke Wilson stand in a Blurry Party scene with Ferrell holding a sex doll whilst making a funny face. the funny thing? Vaughn is standing right behind Ferrell and we can't see his hands!
The film starts with Mitch (Wilson), a realtor who cuts out of a seminar early to catch a flight back to Sacramento, only to find his wife having an orgy!
We abruptly cut to a wedding, and Mitch is now a best man giving away his friend, Frank (Ferrell), along with his other best man "Beanie", Beanie being played by Vaughn, naturally is typecasted to have a cynical view on Marriage, "I Have a wife and a kid, do I look happy to you? You are Going to be a One Vagina Man for the rest of your life!" ACTUAL QUOTE FROM THIS FILM!)
The Marriage is Doomed from the Start, the First Dance is Bonnie Tyler's Turn Around Bright Eyes, a song that has lyrics that could be Constructed to be a Warning! Mitch, who like all sad single men at a wedding, gets pissed and support the wall until Nicole, an ex-girlfriend comes up to him. Mitch is too drunk to even remember motor skills, and Spills coffee on her, trying to fix it makes it look like a lewd act!
We Cut again to Mitch's new House, One Practically on Campus off the local College, Vaughn, off course, wants to hold a Wild And Sexy Party! Though Married, Marissa is concerned the party will bring out Frank's Alter Ego, "Frank the Tank", Frank tells his wife not to Worry.
With a cameo by Snoopy Poopy Dogg Dogg Lion, or whatever his name is! The 3 men are in so much Trouble, Frank is the only one streaking, and is picked up by a car that hold all the 3 mens' significant others! Compound the Next day, the Dean (Jeremy Piven) turns out to be a former nerd who was bullied by 3 boys in school, now due to zoning changes, Mitch's Home is now College Property.
With the house rezoned, The boys decide In For A Penny and launch the house as a new Fraternity, Mitch finds out that the Girl he slept with at the Party (Elisha Cuthbert) is his boss' daughter,....AND IS UNDERAGE! Frank is thrown out because of his behavior!
So the Boys start Kidnapping And Hazing Pledges. A Co -worker of Mitch wants in and is willing to Blackmail Mitch to do so! Mitch's Rep as the "Godfather" is really choking any chance he has with Nicole, Frank looks in at Marissa's "Blow job Class", puts 2 and 2 together and attacks the instructor (Played by The King of the Extras, the constantly overlooked Andy Dick) and gets his ass kicked
The Next Hazing is to make the Pledges into unpaid Party entertainers for Mitch's son's Birthday, Mitch is shocked that Nicole has a young daughter and a boyfriend, One with a roving eye. as Nicole sings his Praises, we are shown right behind her Mark and A caterer are getting it on! Mitch Catches them but Nick plays his trump card, saying Mitch will be "less than a man" if he tells. Frank shoots himself with a tranq gun and faceplants into the cake, falls backwards into a pool and drowns. He tongues Sean Williamson Scott when he gives Frank mouth to mouth, Making him throw Frank back in again!
Back to Events that resemble a plot, Dean Pritchard has planted a spy on campus. Mitch tries to tell Nicole about Mark, but doesn't have the heart to tell her!
At the House, the Boys host a topless wrestling event for Octogenarian Frat Boy, Blue. For all his big talk, Beanie is too scared of his wife to cheat on her (But then again, Vaughn's wife in this film Played by Leah Remini, and if she can break free from the brainwashing of Holy Pyramid Scheme that is Scientology, she sure as hell won't put up with your shit!) the sight of boobs makes Blue have a heart attack and die! Frank's Partying has become so much, he forgot his OWN BIRTHDAY! It's enough to make Marissa leave him. Mark Lies To Nicole about the caterer saying he found Mitch sleeping with her, Confronting him, Mitch tries to intervene, but the bosses daughter makes a scene in front of Nicole and she storms out! Mitch Returns to see Eviction Notices all over the Frat House
With Mitch's one night stand with Darcy Public Knowledge, the co-workers who tried to blackmail Mitch are now asked to join the fraternity, and good thing to because Conveniently, they happen to be Lawyers!
They find out to count as a Fratnerity, They must excel in 5 trials of the Fraternal Code-Athletics, Academics, Debate, Charity and School Spirit. Because of a loop-hole, All the older members, that are not even students are eligible. The Guys clean their act up...but Pritchard has plans to fight Dirty!, As in the Debate Trail, He hires real life political commentator Jimmy Carville, But loses when Frank remembers a few things that where dormant in his brain whilst drunk!
Knowing that The Dean is playing Dirty, The Boys return in kind being wired to the lawyers who provide the answers to the Academics Test, But during the Spirit Test, Frank in a wolf costume is set on fire! However Pritchard's spy complains that she never got into Stanford because noone in Stanford knew who Gordon is. It seems that Gordon not who he claims to be!
In the Athletics test, Pritchard has chosen Rhythmic Gymnastics as the final test, meaning in the space of 2 months I have to look at Beerguts and BallSacks in Leotards Again.
Somehow the Morbidly Obese Quentin is a latent Gymnast!
However Dean Pritchard still have revenge on his mind and closes down the Civilian Fraternity, because one menber did not compete-Blue!-you know the guy who died?
The spy plays a tape recording that has Pritchard confessing the Test fixings, that he has stolen.
So let's finish this!
Frank and the Dean fight in front of the students, Frank steals the tape, Dean Pritchard is fired, the students are safe, Mitch is leaving the house and Nicole has left Mark for him, Frank becomes a college DJ and the Chartered Leader of the Civilians, During the Credits, a car accident kills off Gordon and Mark, Beanie fits into being a family becoming on of those Jerks who shout at Children Soccer games and Frank being invited to an orgy by Mitch's ex-wife!
This film show us, that once upon a time, the Wilson/Vaughn partnership worked and wasn't going through the motion like it did in The Internship. Joining the 2 is Will Ferrell, who brings his child-like energy and complements Wilson's dramatic chops with Vaughn's Fast-talking Bravado. combined with a sweet and simple story of 3 men who want one last hurrah! and a great supporting cast and you have film with good laughs and strong storytelling!
However despite being "Unseen" a lot of the offensiveness of the Charity test and Mark calling Nicole's child Retarded was cut out! leaving plot-holes and making the violent death ending a bit mean!
However, the jokes are funny and the heart is there!
Old School was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham @RealEnli
With music and clips from
"Party Hard" by Andrew WK
The Simpsons
Adventure Time!
Old School was produced by Dreamworks. All Rights Reserved.
All media used belongs to there respected owners!
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