Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Crap films of drew barrymore:Eamonn reviews Donnie Darko

(The Story so far....
After reviewing Sex in the city,Eamonn tempted fate by saying that it was the worse film he ever seen.Only for a meteorite to deliver leap year. after watching the racist film, he passed out. last month was 3 tickets to hell, Eamonn returned to rare form, not only reviewing a 3 films but destroying a rent-a-cop with the Hadou-Kara Punch, a move from his xwa street fight.This got the attention from a mysterious figure whose future plans may hinge on Eamonn, ...whether he wants to or not!)

(looks at watch)
say do you know what time it is?
Which means its time for crap review Drew Barrymore film, this review is a request from my friend, Rufus in kuwait, if you have a request for september give me a friend invite at my youtube address at the bottom of this review.

So the film is set in 1988.
Celine Dion represented Switzerland in Eurovision the concert to free Mandela hits Wembley Stadium and we were dancing to Cult of personality by living colour.

The Film starts with a shot of the emponymous Donnie (Jake Gynnenhal) lying on a road. While this may be confusing to everyone else, he seems to be used to it.During a family dinner the subject of Donnie's psycosis comes up.Turns out  Donnie has not being taking his meds.

That night, a distorted voice leads donnie to sleepwalk out the house. the voice belongs to frank who tells donnie the world will end in 28 days.

the Next day and a  plane engine crushes the Darko house.Donnie is treated as a school celebrity.And Drunko is introduced as a teacher.
"if i add one eighth to one sixteenth, how stoned would I be?"

a new student comes in,and becomes interested with donnie.

Donnie gets picked up from school by his dad. he nearly drives over an old woman. she whispers something into donnies  ear. In class they watch a self-help video about  controling fear. That night, Donnie dreams of a submerged school, so he takes an axe to a water pipe. Walking home he saves Gretchen from the only non-white children with makes them bullies.They threathen with knives because he thinks he did it.

The old woman that was nearly ran over by the Darkos was a former teacher nicknamed Grandma Death, whos psycosis is to check her mailbox over and over

Next scene and a pointless class exercise is enough to send Donnie into a raging rant about the human condition.

20 Days Remain.
And donnie asks his science teacher about time travel since Frank claims to be from the future.The Professer gives donnie a book by the woman who will become Grandma Death.

Reeling from this revalation he tells the shrink that she whispered "every living thing dies alone"

We get a trippy scene where liquid cgi leads donnie to a hidden gun.

Donnie wants to break free from Frank and stabs the rabbit. But he just won't die.The self-help guru in the class videos does a seminar in school, Donnie insults Jim saying people like him prey on people who cant think for themselves, next day he finds jims wallet and his house.

During Donnies date,Frank reveals that he is a boy with a bullet hole where is right eye should be. he tells Donnie to burn down Jim's House,
With the entire town at a talent show, the fire reveals a secret room that ousts Jim as a pedophile.

Six days remain and Drew gets fired for her radical thinking. i dont know she was in this film for  a minute.
the coach wants donnie mother to go a plane because her daughter run the talent show.

So let's wrap this up!
Donnie throws a Halloween party,Frank tells donnie to go Grandma Deaths house. The Token Mexicans Jump Them. A car driven by Present Day Frank scares the Fajita Brothers but kills Gretchen, Donnie kills Frank. A donnie goes back in time by killing frank to the time of  the accident, where the jet engine, from his mothers plane in the future went back in time too. but this time to kill Donnie who didnt sleepwalk this time.

So Donnie destiny was never to expose the peado, he was to die in a over elarobate revenge scheme by a guy in a rabbit suit who can travel in time involving a Jet engine!

Seriously what the Hell? Despite the goofy stuff this was a great film but the ending was a downer

(Eamonn goes to get a drink but is met by Frank from this film)
11 months 29 Days
Have you seen a little girl? black hair and about this high?...

If want to request a film to review please drop me a line at my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePathofenlightment
I have a opening for September and would like to hear your suggestions.

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