Monday, January 10, 2011

music and lyrics

allo an happy new year t'ya. it's Joe-jack here fer da new year of bogger box office!
and welcome to a new feature, the Crap films of Drew Barrymore!

Drew barrymore's theme: happy hour (again) by the housemartins
this munt drew teams with da worst actor in da world Hugh "pervo" Grant in a musical rom-com that will shatter yer ear-drums Music and lyrics!

Great i'm offically in hell.

so we are tortured with hugh grant singing in scene one, as hugh plays alex fletcher, a washed-up 80s pop star who is in a tv station for a audition for battle of the 80s has-beens, but turns out to be a program where no-one celebritys do stoopid tings fer money

Huh! must be itv-Eamonn!

So after rejecting ITV'S offer, he returns to his flat and meets his agent who has good news. cora corman the teen sensation wants alex to write a song for her. we also met Drunk-o, playing Sophie, a gardener.

Hey why not cast drew barrymore as a Gardener? drugs are expensive, she probably grew her own!

so they met cora or after other crap song i will call her not-Sharika!
so Not-Sharika hires Alex to write a song for her because shaking her arse down a camera lens will only get you so far!

so Alex hires a lyricist but it turns out Sophie is better at lyrics than the guy he payed for
so a professional is usurped by a common person?
Did Micheal Bay write this film?
if he did, what are the chances drew will get blown up in a big explosion?

so aftah that piece ov contrivince! alex hires his GARDENER as a lycricist!

Clearly Drew and Hugh as bought enough HOOKERS AND BLOW for all the writers!

Since this film is about washed up 80s icons, we have one in this fillium! Kirsty Ally plays rhonda, drew sister and owner of a diet food company
(digusted voice)
oh look she's an owner of a diet company. it's funny cause she's fat
So when sophie tells her she met Alex, she gets her to his concert to met him.
so alex perfoms a rip-ov t' Careless Whisper, after the concert, alex performs a song with some of drew's lyrics, without her permission, and this enough to convince her that her drunken ramblings are lyrics!

at Breakfast, Alex explains that when his band, pop! broke up, his best friend became a superstar while he didn't. In kind Sophie tells Alex that her author ex-boyfriend stole her stories from a writing class and based a slutty charector on her when she fought back.

so they have completed the song and it sucks. but its good enuff for Not-Sharika t'take it.

At dinnah, Sophie see's her ex Sloan, and one Wacky escape later, Alex is in the ladies.

Yeah it's not the first time Hugh Grant has being seen in the Ladie's Jax!

Sophie is afraid of Sloan so she give a practice speech in da toilet but when she comes out she stammers and acts drunk.
yeah ACTS Drunk!
when Alex goes to defend her, Sloan starts a sissy-fight wif da othah sissy!

Our Villian ladies and Gentlemen, a plagerist who can't take a punch!

So Cora has got the song but has changed it to match her style, But Sophie angry that she did!

'Splain to me Eamonn!
Sophie and Alex was payed by Cora's management to write a song her. as the benefactor who paying you money,she has the right to change the song as she sees fit. it's called Creative Control and its nothing new!

So sophie tells Not-Sharika to stick it, but Cora is too stupid to take a hint. Alex berates Sophie for being naive saying the pop business uses people to forfill needs!

not da kind of thing to say if you just did the Nasty in the last scene!

So sophie writes da las' verse herself as a direct message to alex. sophie leaving open a health shop in florida!

it's da night of the concert and alex performs a new first verse directed at Sophie.

And in a replay of the opening song MTV-style factoids tell us that sophie and alex wrote more songs, cora got married for 3 hours, pop! reformed, sloan's fillium bombed and pop! was inducted in the Rock Hall of fame.
you know instead of filming dhose things!
this is what happens when the worst actor is paired with the worst actress in the world the result? DA WORST FILLIUM I'VE Reviewed in 17 months!
Charectors-terrible Story-terrible Premise-terrible Comedy-NONE WHATSOEVER!

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