So the Premise of Cousins, Once Removed is the Daniel Cooler Daniel Meme, But in a twist, This Patrick character, despite looking like Ulrich dressed as James Dean, and having his voice actor, is actually Jeremy's Cousin! Jeremy is the one who needs to learn a lesson on forgiveness and asking for help....
.... A lesson he wouldn't have the need to be driven home, if Patrick and Sissi didn't break into Jeremy's Room to teach him a lesson by hacking his programs with Herve's help, Leaving The Skidbaldnir weak to attack, while Xana Possesses Sissi and Herve, While Aelita is attacked by a squid with a drill-bit for a thorax, called Kalamar in it's one and only appearance
Jeremy switches off the electricity at the mains to stop XANA/HERVE hacking the files, and to save his cousin's life, He tells Aelita to Launch s return to the past, ending the episode, quite literally, having A do-over...until we learn Patrick was never going to Enroll here, So Patrick got Chuck Cunninghamed
But that was a our last Filler Episode, with 6 shows left, the kid gloves are off!
Episode 89, Music To Soothe the Savage Beast is the conclusion to Aelita's Character Arc, Her Rediscovered Musical Talent that had led her winning a competition to be an opening DJ to a band we previously met, But she is suffering from stage Fright, while Odd continues to be the classroom Casanova, by trying to blag an extra ticket for background character of the week. But the pressure is getting too much, not helped by Jeremy working through the night, So an upset Aelita leaves the ticket for him. Odd gives Odd a ticket on the condition she is Ulrich's Date.
It's the night if the concert and Odd's Dirty Dealing Bites him when Sissi and the Background character reject him, Yumi lies to a nervous Aelita that Jeremy is here, but he isn't. Xana attacks and because Jeremy stayed at Kadic Academy to detect it, he can warn the others, but it's too late, Xana possesses a Road Manager to kidnap Aelita as Chris' band start without her, as an Extended remix of the shows intro plays out as Ulrich deals with a possessed Millie and Tamiya, as the Possessed Roadie, Sophie brings an unconscious Aelita to the factory to virtualize on Lyoko's Mountain Zone, Surrounded by Monsters and William, as Yumi and Odd Join the fray, Jeremy tying up XANA/SOPHIE after she is knocked from behind. But XANA/SOPHIE frees herself and knocks out Jeremy, tampering with all his best laid plans. William kills Yumi's avatar, Just as Her Fans Finish him off!
An Errant Lightning Bolt by XANA/TAMIYA Blasts over the hall, which the band takes in stride, playing an extended version of the show's Outro as the fight reaches its dramatic end. It also has lyrics!
ContentID no longer allows me to link music anymore so instead check this episode out! Jeremy launches a return to the past and attends the concert, backstage the couple forgiving each other for their past actions, as Aelita takes to the stage as her friends cheer her on!
Music To Soothe the Savage Beast is A Terrific Episode, It has Character Development, Humour, Action, Fanservice (In Music and A new DJ Costume For Aelita) and the best part? Realizing that Aelita's arc was put on the Backburner for a long time, They give us a lot with it never feeling Rushed!
And it get better in the Last Episode we cover Today, Wrong Exposure.
Desperate on a leg up on XANA, Jeremy and Aelita Explore Her former home, the Heritage. Sifting through boxes, they find a photograph of a young Aelita with her father, Franz Hopper, in what looks like Kadic Academy's Science Room, on the blackboard are 2 equations that maybe Useful.
Odd in his quest to woo the Background character of the week, Accidentally sends the photo to Sissi, who the principal's daughter looks at it and vaguely Remembers Franz.
Sissi shows a physical Copy to her father and he cannot believe Aelita is somehow related to one of his former employees, One that Disappeared from his house so abruptly in 1992, remembering that the Story he was told is the Aelita is her cousin, all the heroes are brought in to answer tough questions
However Jeremy uses the logic that the girl in the photo is one taken timestamped 1992, who appears to be 9 years old, meaning this girl would be 22 years old, not 13. (of course we know that Aelita was sealed in Lyoko and In Suspensed Animation, which slowed her aging by a 3rd, making her 12 by the First season and 13 by staying a year in reality.) However Delmas is not convinced and confines the heroes in the library as he does a simple search of his records as Xana attacks.
Possessing Mr Delmas to separate Aelita from the others, knocking her out to virtualize her so he can kill her, Odd Stays behind to deal with XANA/DELMAS as Yumi and Ulrich are sent to the forest zone where Xana has used the Psycozoa To implant Suicidal Thoughts into Aelita! which can only be solved by Mercy killing her Avatar!
But it turns out the equations which Jeremy dismissed as a Universal Reset So readily as useless, Is Exactly what he need to get out of this jam, It works at a cost of weakening every thing touched by the shockwave, Friend or Foe alike. Ulrich Powers through, carrying a weakened Aelita to deactivate the tower, as Jeremy returns to the past.
Afterwards Aelita Explains she remembers her real Surname, It's Schaffer: Franz is her father's Middle Name, His real name is Waldo Schaffer (as in the name of the file in the second season and beyond's outro!) Aelita explains he came to work as a science teacher to lie low, but as far as anyone Asks Aelita Stones is an Orphan, though she keeps the photograph as a reminder of better times.
Next Wednesday, we have the Penultimate Episode of Code Lyoko return to the past now! as we get closer to the Final Battle. As we Return, the 1st of 2 last times, To the Past....
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