Monday, July 19, 2021


 There will be no review of episode 83, Hard Luck as it's a filler episode. Just when you thought Odd couldn't be more Stupid, he becomes Superstitious! The only thing of merit is that they return to Area 51 and destroy the factory, which were making Compliance Chips for the Spiders in the amazon Factory, previously destroyed. However Xana has created enough chips already.....

82, Distant Memory is a better episode....To start with, then it gets bad in the third act. The first two minutes of the episode is a fantastic nightmare sequence. The art shifts to an Uncanny Valley style to capture the Joy of a young Aelita being Ripped out as Aelita's Mother finally named as Anthea, is kipnapped by the Men in Black. Even the Music which is Sinister and mixed with a warped Wolf's howl is a great touch!

It's Christmas and the Boys return to their respective families. Ulrich gets stuck in a traffic jam with his Stern (IF YOU PARDON THE PUN!) Father and Cloying Mother. Jeremy with his father who asks about his romance with Aelita, and Odd leaving the country outright by plane! Aelita, who is here under false pretenses, is staying at the dorm at night and working at the factory all day to avoid caretakers. Yumi who lives in town wants Aelita to join her, but The pink haired girl insists she's fine!

Later that Day, Aelita gets an Email Attached to A Sound File of Franz playing Twinkle twinkle Little star on the Piano. Franz has Seemingly returned to Lyoko and wants to speak to Aelita. Faster than you can say "IT'S A TRAP!" Aelita has gone to the factory! (For Closure, We are shown that even if Yumi COULD help! She is stuck doing Housework!)

On the Ice Sector Aelita spots a Simulation Bubble. She enters it and it's the Hermitage as she remembers it, on a snowy day when she was young. Entering her childhood home, she tearfully hugs her Father. Franz tells her he built this simulation to spend time with his daughter, if only for one evening. 

Yumi calls Aelita but can't reach her, so she calls the others! Jeremy's father is supportive and  makes a U-turn. Ulrich flat out ditches the car in the Traffic Jam, in the middle of his Father's Reason You Suck Speech,....and Odd......WE GET TO SEE WHERE ODD GETS IN FROM AS HIS FAMILY FORGOT IT WAS CHRISTMAS AND FORGOT TO PICK THERE SON UP! So all 4 head to the factory!

In the Simulation Franz Tells Aelita he plans on emailing a program to cure William. Franz asks Aelita about his her progress and she speaks about the Skidbladnir. When Franz comments about the strange name, Aelita says he would have known that name from the book of Norse legends he would read as a bedtime story. He dismisses it, but Aelita is not the Naive Girl she was. When she calls out Franz for not creating a program to resemble her mother, She rumbles the plan as XANA Reveals himself and William enters the Bubble.

The warriors are Virtualized As soon as the Bubble get Guarded by Monsters. Aelita is soon Surrounded by William and XANA/WOLVES chased into a barrier, But it was a plan to find the barrier, since Aelita can use Creativity to Shatter fake realities like before! With the bubble gone. Aelita, William and A Blok, which was the Wolf, return to the ice Sector

And then the Bullshit that undermines all the good in this episode happens.

Aelita gets thrown into the Digital Sea and is destroyed.



We have established that Jeremy can bring back people destroyed By Digital Water.


Remember that time, also in season 1, Aelita Virtualised one Hair That be Digitized into a Source Code THE LAST TIME! Aelita was Destroyed. I doubt Jeremy is freeing up space on the Memory of his Supercomputer by deleting Important files like that!


Here's Ulrich on his Overbike having his "BIG NOOOOOO!" Moment....A Motorbike, THAT CAN FLY!


....So, as you can expect it's all False Drama, for Franz in the Form of the Guardian, to reveal himself to save his Daughter, As Creations Attack him as he drops Aelita on land and Beats it like the Deadbeat he is! Out of Frustration. William kills all the avatars in a clear loss for our heroes. Back on Earth, Odd Gives Presents to his Friends ans Aelita is Invited to Jeremy's for Christmas.

Distant Memory starts so well, but by the third act, The false Drama of Permanently deleting Aelita is Laughable given everything that has happened beforehand over 3 seasons!

A Disappointing place to stop!

This is my last Review of Code Lyoko of 2021! we will return Next year to finish the story. Next Month, Normal Service resumes with the review of The live action Dora the Explorer Movie!

But until Next Year, you have to wait for the last 4 times we



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