Monday, July 12, 2021


 Dog Day Afternoon is a filler episode which is More or Less, The Fly for a Children Show. Odd Sneaks Kiwi into his scanner and instead of The Bull terrier being virtalized, Odd slowly turns canine. the Sub-plot is Sissi is Suspicious of Fake William's behavior and Yumi, under the guise of dating him babysits the program as Jeremy Updates his behavior. Meanwhile Xana Possesses a Biker Gang who has trespassed on the ground of the factory. the only things of note is that William can absorb Aelita's energy blasts into his sword, and the biker gang is scared off by a reassembled Kiwi and and a tube of toothpaste. Jeremy also updated Fake William's intelligence leading us to the next episode

In "Lack of Goodwill"

The "Intelligence" Update has William Copy a prank Odd did and he gets caught. This worries Jeremy as his his clone's Programming should not be able to make amoral decisions. this conversation is eavesdropped by the Junior Reporters...Seriously How many times has the top secret mission being eavesdropped by someone who just happened to be standing on the other side of a tree or support pillar?

Another Mission to the Digital Sea Uncovers another Desert Replika linked to, of all Places, Area 51! OK, So they don't name it outright, calling it a "Top Secret Base Near Roswell, New Mexico", With Ulrich and Aelita as the away team at the abandoned site. Aelita Joking maybe they were all "Beamed Up"

Personally, I blame the Naruto Runners!

Back on Earth, Milly and Tamiya trick Fake William into revealing himself, Xana and bringing them to the factory when Mily asks for proof. On Replika, A hive of Hornets attacks the skids. Jeremy interrupts with a warning: someone has just virtualized on Earth. Yumi and Odd confirm it's not them. It was the Real William Out to Destroy the SuperCalculator. In New Mexico, their Supercalculator Powers and Automated Factory of some kind. William is about to Choke Jeremy Until Fake William and the Junior Reporters turn up, The Two Williams fight in the Factory's Power room as The Juniors Replace Jeremy as Mission Control, who has broken his ankle. With Outsiders in the factory, the Away team must divirtualize themselves by killing each other back to Lyoko. But like the Last time, Energized Avatars Divirtualized back to Lyoko return Unconscious to the Skid, which is under attack. Real William tricks Tamiya into trapping A Realized Yumi in a scanner, Destroys Fake William and creates a Shark-type Monster in the digital Sea. Worse still has raised the temperature of the battery room and it will explode using the delayed Virtualization program as a countdown. Thankfully Aelita is back on Earth to reset the Sub-zero temperature, and not to stop William, she only had time to do one thing and continuing the mission was more important!

The heroes humor the Junior Reporters by letting them film and interview them, only to activate the return to the past program. During lunch, Jeremy reveals why Fake William got into trouble. Turns out when creating the Intelligence program. Jeremy used some Sub-routines that came from Franz. In otherwords, Protocols that eventually were used to create Xana! And while the others are afraid that Fake William will become evil. Jeremy doesn't think so as Fake Willam is the one thing XANA Hates the most-HUMAN!

Join me next time as we review Distant Memory and Hard Luck. when we



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