Wednesday, January 9, 2019



Everything about this film is nothing more than a gender flipped rethread of the first film, a film that has the worst moral of any film directed to young girls "if you want a boy to like you, abandon all your core beliefs and dress like a slut!" Even the box art, which was part of a boxset with the 1st film, because who in their right mind would want to buy this film on it's own? is nothing more than a copy from the original film's promotional art!
Image result for grease 2 dvd

In goes the DVD into player, I press play for English...and it just plays! No title screen, no menu options, it just does the DVD equivalent of an outclassed fighter who drops hands and shouts "GET ON WITH IT!"

We Open in Rydell High school 1961, we don't have a budget for an Animated Opening so Make do with 2 stuffy Middle Aged Teachers Getting the vapours watching a very tame Dance Sequence. If you remember my LA LA Land review, i am keeping links and photos to bare minimum to avoid copyright strikes, So I'm only using photos and links to move the story along and show scenes that are too stupid not to be believed!

The New Alliteration of the Pink Ladies (Because Retread!) have drove up and waiting for their leader Stephanie (Michelle Pfeiffer)...and dear lord she was terrible as singing and dancing as she was as acting!

And for those saying "But Eamonn, Batman Returns was the Greatest Batman film ever!"...well IT IS!, But don't act like Pfieffer wasn't hired solely so she could fit into the Catwoman costume!
Image result for i know i'm not the only one
....who thinks that!

We also Meet Main Villain, A T-Bird (because Retread!) Johnny, who hits on one of his teachers

And of course since this is a rethread, it's about a nice BOY! falling for a bad GIRL! So the film-makers can says "iTZ nOT tHE sAME aS tHE fIRST fILM iT'S dIFFERENT!"
Image result for grease 2
This sweet lamb to the slaughter is Michael (Max Caulfield) Sandy's Cousin from England, looked after by Frenchie, Despite Being a Beauty School Drop-Out (the phrase is repeated a lot, you would think it be a song or something! like it was in the 1st film!)

Frenchie is Back to get her GED in Chemistry, so she can mix her own chemicals for make-up.

Stephanie and Johnny use to be a thing but Johnny is a real jack-ass, Giving Max the "Big-man on Campus" Bullshit that makes these High School slice of life films so Unbearable to watch!

It's the start of term at Overused Tropes High, with a Teacher who suffers nervous breakdowns, a Hot female Teacher, and a Coach that is obsessed with SPORTZZZ!!!!!!!

....Frenchie nearly kills everyone in Chem Lab, and The Principal just announced Michael as a grade-A student aka "Hey Bullies, Beat this guy Up!"

Also why would do that to a student, especially someone who excelled in an entirely different school and class systems that emphasize on different skill sets? 

In the case of real-life 1961 America, it was post-war, drafting was still thing and Korea and Vietnam was looming in the years to come! American High Schools at the time were driven so young men could have a trade in building something before he was drafted to extend that craft in the army!
Given that Max is English, is dressed in Posh Boy Tropes and that England is Only London in most films, Max probably only avails of being a class-A student, because he is Upper Class! During this time, the upper class Brits had Private Boarding schools, that men who were the sons of business and soldiers themselves, were thought skills to AVOID being drafted any further wars like commerce and business, since you can't inherit businesses of you are dead!

After being cajoled into being in the talent show, Frenchie warns Michael That since Steph is a Pink Lady, Only T-Birds can ever go out with her! Frenchie is now an adult so she doesn't know the ins and outs of Johnny and Stephanie's Relationship!

A Rival Motorcycle gang threatens T-Birds, But Lucky for the GROWN ASS BEARDED MEN! The T-Birds have bowling tonight. Johnny is now seeing Collette, the Pink Lady who looks like Marilyn Monroe. After another song (Which I am Fast Forwarding through, because DVD reviewer!), Michael enters the alley just as Stephanie claims that "She'll Kiss the next man who enters!" which turns out to be Michael...OFF COURSE IT FUCKING IS!

With the alley closed and the T-Birds pissed with Michael, he's left with Sophomore Pink Lady "Mascot", Delores. She confirms what Frenchie said, If you are not a Biker, you can't have a Pink Lady as a girlfriend.

A New Teacher comes to replace The Teacher who had a Nervous Breakdown, And his name is Mr Speers. who Miss Mason, the Catch A Predator Episode on Legs, takes a shine to!

It's Rehearsals For the Talent show, and while Michael has not entered, He is playing the piano as the acts' Musicial Accompliment, Michael asks Stephanie out But she is too Coy for him, when he asks her why she kissed him and why she won't go out with him, she explains....
....IN SONG!

As Stephanie continues to sing as she dances out of School and earshot, Michael Gets Entangled in a Cash for Essays scam so he can buy a Motorbike of his own.

Later That Day, Mr Speers tries to Teach a Sex Ed Class But can't get through to his students

And What? It's not like he's going to Sing a Song about Sex Education?
Image result for jontron there's a lot to see in this life
"There's a Lot to see in this life. And I'm not wasting it here!"
Well kids, that was....a thing!
Michael has earned enough money to buy a Junk Bike, though considering what happens to Michael later, and to all the wrecks in the yard, Maybe he should not try to win a bad egg. Working on and learning how to ride a Motorbike on his own, gives Frenchie cause for concern

The Pink Ladies Make the Cut for the talent Show, But the t-Birds don't.

Michael gets the hang of riding the motorbike, Stephanie's Bad Behavour is making her sleep through practice!

That Night at the Bowling Alley, Doleres sees Falcone, the rival gang leader alone, so she tells the t-Birds inside...Only for the rest to arrive. It's 3 T-Birds vs 10 grown men with weapons, Only for a MYSTERIOUS (BUT NOT REALLY!) Helmeted Biker to speed up, Kick Falcone and Speed off again, as his gang gives chase. Inside the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds Literally Sing the Praises of their New Hero. 

Despite Not being able to stay on the bike mere hours ago, Michael is now able to clown Grown Men on their bikes!
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Monday, January 7, 2019


I hope you like Possessions and kidnappings, cos that's XANA's Schick for the rest of season 2!
Saint Valentines Day mystery package guy image 1Aelita's Necklace
It's the Middle of the night when a Courier possessed by Xana leaves a package at Aelita's Door. she wakes from a nightmare and sees an email confirming the delivery, she opens it and and finds a translucent pearl on a chain. Jim Catches XANA/COURIER who promptly uses Powers to escape!
Yumi 0079
After Yumi Tells Aelita that today is St Valentines Day, the name of today's first episode, she thanks Jeremie for the gift...which he did not give her. Suspicious, Jeremie gets more Paranoid as he asks Ulrich and Odd, Odd casting some foreshadowing for later seasons saying he wouldn't need a gift to steal a girl like Aelita, causing a verbal fight in class, giving Odd and Jeremie 2 hours of Detention, Sissi causes a rift between Ulrich and Yumi when Sissi tries to buy his love with concert tickets, which escalates when William gives her a present, Ulrich gets Jealous, reads Sissi a poem where he swaps Yumi's name with Sissi's, despite it NOT Rhyming ("With you around my life's not gloomy")
Saint Valentines Day The necklace takes over Aelita image 1Aelita kissing Jeremie
Since Virtualised people can't be possessed directly, The Pearl acts as a conduit for this to happen, XANA/AELITA Flirts with Jeremie causing him to fall in class and get 4 hours of detention. Not that has ever stopped the warriors from sneaking out to the factory, Yumi in tow! During the scan, Jeremie finds something odd with the necklace, In the Forest Zone, XANA/AELITA blindsides Yumi and escapes to the Ice Zone to give herself to The Sycozoa. With Odd in detention, Jeremie tricks Jim with a Voice Emulator to poses as Mr Delmas

This is also the 1st time we see the Vehicles travel from one zone to another, via the unactivated towers!

In the end it takes Jeremie taking a huge risk, ordering Odd to fire on Aelita, so the Sycozoa can stop draining her memories, a risk that nearly didn't pay off!
Saint Valentines Day XANA chip in the necklace image 1
With Aelita Free, Yumi Smashes the pearl with her big Edgelord Boots to reveal a chip that Jeremie pockets, and to avoid Suspension, Ulrich goes out with Sissi so she can bend her father's ear!

Posessing Aelita to willfully get her mind erased is a good idea, but personally, i would kept a plot like that for a 2 part-finale!

Episode 33, Final Mix Is a filler episode, It's the day of the Valentines Dance. One of the djs....sorry!
one of the....
Image result for kevin the teenager dj
....Is sick, and one of the turntables is broken, and when Aelita fixes it, she learns she has a knack for making music, something that will come up when i'm taking about her character development and the symbolism of her costume in the season 2 finale. 

Jim gets Possessed by Xana, who delivers Aelita to the factory, when Xana is defeated, Jim wakes up in the factory giving Jeremie no choice, but to Return to the Past, making Xana stronger next time!

I'm currently now working on Getting Grease 2 out for February, so it could be March by the time the next episodes come out, but when we come back, it will be time for "PICK ON YUMI WEEK"


Wednesday, January 2, 2019


We Start 2019 with A Great Day. In Carthage, Aelita is stealing data in the hopes that the Virus that links her to the Virtual World of Lyoko can be Broken. When the Mantas arrive and after some Chauvinistic Banter from Ulrich and Odd, The heroes escape with no Causalities, it's now 3am and the kids return to there homes and dorms. Sissi overhears Jeremie incriminating himself that Aelita is not who she says she is.

The Next day-Tuesday-Yumi's father is upset with her daughter being out too late. She's upset that she has to lie all the time even with the Returns to the past resetting the days of attacks. Sissi Blackmails Jeremie with a tape she recorded of the night before ("There's not much Music, but the words are very...interesting!") Odd is embarrassed by Mrs Hertz in front of class.
A Great Day Ulrich and Sissi image 1
In an attempt to get the tape back, Ulrich gives her a Martial Arts Lesson, However, it's a double Bluff as Odd and Jeremie are found by Sissi's Lackey's, Until a Return to the past comes out of Nowhere!
A Great Day Sissi talks with her dad image 1
All the Lyoko Warriors, (except Jeremie) Odd uses this chance to study to avoid the embarrassment in Mrs Hertz' Class. Jeremie Discovers that the data they uncovered is booby-trapped and he is working to regain control of the Return Program, though he can't figure out why XANA has control of it! With the tower Detected on the Mountain Zone, the team skip class
A Great Day Odd teaches the class image 1
(except for Odd, who has studied and stood up Mrs Hertz!)

Since Jeremie is trying to regain control, he is working with Limited Resources, Just as Aelita reaches the tower and Sissi shows her father, the Principal, her tape, XANA causes another Time will cause Sissi and XANA to join forces!
Sissi Delmas (Possessed)
...Sort of!
You'll remember that XANA had the power to control Animals, well now it's Plan is clear, everytime Jeremie had used the Return program, he inadvertently made XANA stronger, and it has possessed Sissi, we are no longer dealing with the same XANA That possessed Toys anymore! XANA/SISSI has kidnapped Jeremie, However in possessing a 14 year old girl, XANA Has the strength of a 14 year old girl!
A Great Day XANA-Sissi attacks Ulrich image 1
Ulrich quickly dispatches her in a sword fight destroying the walkman and tape. On Lyoko the Sycozoa's Memory Drain takes Aelita onces more, before Odd and Yumi rescue her. With the tower deactivated, the safety net of the Return trip is now off limits, as even though Jeremie has control of it, the fact that the jumps back in time will always strengthen XANA means it's a risk they can't take, The Heroes have Detention for Skipping class and Destruction of Property, However Ulrich realizes that next time XANA Strikes, he will strike Hard!

Leading us to Episode 31, Mister Puck, The Episode where Aelita's Bizzare Night Terrors are Explained

To recap, Aelita has being having Dreams of an Elf chased by Wolves, in a forest, a Forest exactly like the one surrounding Kadic Academy, and hiding an abandoned House called the Hermitage that has a tunnel leading to the factory!

The Night Terrors are now so real, they now happen in Aelita's waking moments too!
Aelita 0070
In An Attempt to Get to the Bottom of this, Aelita is brought back to the Hermitage, The Abandoned house, instinctively, the pink-haired girl goes into a child's bedroom, takes down a poster of a tree, uncovering a hole that contains a plush toy bearing a likeness to the elf in her dreams, exclaiming that it's name is Mister Puck!

Later, Sissi takes the doll in home room and in the game of keep away, a key falls out! One that leads to a locker at the train station. Inside? 30 CD-ROMS! All encrypted, however It's a video diary of Franz Hopper, the Mysterious Science Teacher who lived in the hermitage and may have a connection to Lyoko, Aelita, and XANA.
Mister Puck XANA attacks Odd image 1A Spectre Coming Out of UlrichJeremie 0085
The next morning, XANA Attempts to possess Ulrich and Odd but fails (Odd quipping he couldn't because of their "Sex Appeal"!) Jeremie is not so lucky and is assimilated to Kidnap Aelita and Destroy the CD-ROMS!

Yumi is the only one half decent enough to virtualize the others, even despite her track record of fails. XANA has one fatal flaw when Possessing Humans, A drop in intelligence, despite giving His shell electrokiniesis, XANA/JEREMIE Just smashes the case the cds were in! Yumi and Ulrich smash a wrench in XANA/JEREMIES, face, rescuing Aelita andleaving Odd to stall him!

After an Ambush on the Ice Zone, XANA/JEREMIE Electrocutes Odd, goes to the control room and realizes Yumi. Ulrich cuts the Sycozoa's Memory draining Tentacles, The 1st time it ever took damage, Aelita Deactivates the tower, Ridding Xana from Jeremie. Working out XANA can't possess those who have being Virtualized, Jeremie is Virtualized off-screen, so we never see his "Ridiculous" Lyoko Form, But it means 2 Progress in Storyline was made, Jeremie no longer needs to be briefed on his own missions after the Returns to the Past and That the realization that Aelita dreamed of and had knowledge of the Hermitage the others didn't know, hints that Aelita maybe human after all, something I will get into when taking about the character development and her lyoko form at the end of Season 2!

WE ARE NOW 33% LOADED in our Retrospective of Code Lyoko, As our heroes celebrate Valentines day, when we RETURN TO THE PAST,