Today is the Big Soccor Game and the Boarding School is Opening to the Public, Maybe that's Why Ulrich is Nearly Killing himself with all this big Over-Dramatic Shots!
Sissi, despite being kicked off the Cheerleading Team in the origin Episodes, Is Practicing twirling her Baton, Until Xana takes control of the Street lights and it's light anti-Gravity field that sends the baton to outer space!
Even Yumi gets Almost Spirited away by Xana's anti-grav street light. Well, God Job, Stupid! You just gave away your plan to your Enemy!
With Xana activating a Tower on Lyoko, Jeremie rallies the Warriors Together to be virtualised on the mountain zone, except Ulrich refuses. Jeremie gets angry about His lack of Commitment, until Odd explains that Ulrich's father is a bit of a hardass, and since Ulrich is not doing as well in school, the only way to make his father proud is through....SPORTZ!
Whilst Speaking with Aelita, we have a Continuity Error. Jeremie says he doesn't know what Xana is up to...DESPITE, explaining exactly what Xana is up to 5 minutes Prior!
When Mrs Hertz is evacuated, Xana increases the attack causing everyone to float uncontrollably, Ulrich goes to save his father. Meanwhile on Lyoko, Yumi's plan to use Telekinesis to make a floating shield backfires as the mental strain. On both worlds, Ulrich and Aelita perform Leaps Of Faith, Ulrich to save his parents, but fails making him do a BIG "NO!" And Aelita to get to the tower, to cause the trip back in time making the big No! False drama!
Episode 22, Routine, is well, a more complex and dare I say it, Adult Story!
With the Constant Attacks and Time Jumps, Ulrich now knows what will happen prior to the events of the now erased Xana attack, He is Just Bored with the Routine of Doing the same day twice, and because the day is probably is going to be rewritten, he wants to have fun, he confides this with Odd, who Promptly goes to sleep out of boredom!
Taking Odd's advice to take a shower to relax, Ulrich runs into Emily, a side character that in a previous Episode Odd causes a nasty rumour about her fancying the caretaker, now in a bathrobe, and nothing else, looking for Jim! Ulrich thinks Emily may have a thing for him, and since the day may be erased from existence, he decides to cheat on Yumi with Emily!
Meanwhile, During the Night, The Factory Springs to life as XANA Takes control Once More.
The Next Day Yumi and Sissi find Ulrich taking to Emily and not taking it well! Sissi lies to Yumi about Ulrich seeing Emily for 2 months now, Yumi goes to talk to Ulrich and...that's when this happens, we don't know if this is a Xana attack or there own feelings conveyed for the audience but it is a striking sequence, I can't find a clip of just this sequence alone, but the red filter and the jarring increase in frame speed, especially when you can see the gamut of Yumi's face going from angry to a sarcastic smile, as well as the 2 seeming floating away at angles, conveys amazingly how the twos emotions have gotten the best of them.
So XANA has activated a tower...the thing is, XANA has not issued an attack....Until the team is Virtualised, they realize what has happened...Xana has bugged the Avatar program to make the heroes as vulnerable as Aelita. Jeremy goes to fix the hard-drive manually until Xana takes control of the winch
Aelita Goes to Deactivate The tower, Just as Ulrich saves Yumi from Plunging to her Death, Leading to Ulrich and Yumi finally expressing their feelings with a kiss...or would, if Aelita didn't activate Flashpoint to send everyone back in time!

And so this adventure ends with Ulrich and Yumi finally confirming that they are a couple, but they want to keep it a secret!
Next Time, The Pentultimate Double Bill, We have character development for Odd, that he stays awake for, but more importantly, Xana engages the heroes personally for the first time in Episode 23-24: Cells, Soul and Circuitry!
When we Return to the past,
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