Tuesday, February 13, 2018


So we return with Episode 15, Laughing Fit, and yet another Episode showing us how far XANA will go to "remove" his enemies

It starts with a Chekov's Lecture With Miss Hertz giving a demonstration of Nitrogen Peroxide, Laughing Gas, and to reverse it's effects with water.

During Break, Yumi is depressed about something, though being a Goth, It's hard to tell! Ulrich is left in the Lurch Until Sissi tries her charms. There is a play rehearsal tomorrow and Odd is playing the music, It's Romeo and Juliet and there is no Romeo, you can have 3 guesses and the 1st 2 don't count who Juliet is. I am sick not only the trope, but real life as well, when people say "Oh, that couple is like Romeo and Juliet!" I just wish Ulrich had acknowledged the trope and said "You Do Know They Die, Right?" Meanwhile XANA attacks and becomes a gas again, this time it's the Laughing Gas he bonds with.

This is the first episode where we see Yumi's Home life, (well outside of the many baths she takes!) Yumi's father is a salary-man, who uprooted the entire family To France this year, this has lead to long work shifts and arguments between her Parents, This new argument has gotten out of hand and Yumi, confiding in Ulrich who has gone to her house, doesn't even know what the argument is about (Ulrich: "Yep, Those Arguments are the Worst!") Yumi's father is staying with a friend from work, because of it!

At the Rehearsal, Odd is attacked by the Spectre and Uncontrollably laughs his ass off!, Sissi, ever the egotist, thinks Odd is laughing at her, and throws a water bottle at him, curing him, but firing him also! Ulrich has a plan to get Yumi's parents back on speaking terms and it requires Sissi giving Yumi a part in the play.

The Mountain zone is under attack. Aelita is chased by Blox. Because Odd is fired from the play, he is the only one going to the Virtual World, However, XANA has snuck  into the Scanner and Sapped all of his avatar's strength. Jeremie is left running from the Spectre, tripping and falling into sewer water, but like a swarm of bees the cloud patiently waits for The Boy to climb onto solid ground! At the play, Yumi is now a guard and Sissi gets her wish, Ulrich is now Romeo, the price her had to pay to get Yumi in the play.

A frail Odd finds Aelita, but not even the Neutral Tower's life restoring Qualities aids his diminished condition.

The Play is so terrible that when XANA attacks, no one is none the wiser. Back in the sewer, Xana is steadfast waiting for Jeremie to surface and to gas him, or watch him drown. On Lyoko, Odd and Aelita head through a maze to get to a tower, Odd has a vision of the exit, bit is too weak to go on. Hearing Odd's voice this restrained is as frightenening as hearing Yumi Choking laughter this choking  brings Yumi's parents together. Jeremy returns to the Factory and uses what little willpower being gassed to activate the return to the past! And so the Episode Ends with Jeremie sabotaging the play to get Yumi's parents together in this time

The way Episode 16, Claustophobio Starts off, you'll mistake it for an episode of Imazuna Eleven, or given it's French, Street Football (By the way Street Football had the best intro song ever, it's just a same the Irish, Welsh, and Scottish language channels got redubbing rights and..well, noone watches IRISH Language programmes!)

Where was i again? oh yeah...
Sissi's Toadies are losing a game of soccer to our heroes 7 to nothing, Until A new student called Theo arrives, who has a thing for Sissi, angering Herve, her Minion With A Crush! At Dinner Herve makes up that Theo needs to pass an initiation to get into the gang.

Jeremie sends Aelita to the forest to gather data Xana uses to virtualise as a spectre, however, Xana has left out many base codes, so Jeremie cannot use them as is!

It's almost like Lyoko may have a FIFTH Zone, one where Xana fully resides!

Theo goes on his initiation to mummify the skeleton in the Science Lab, but Herve plans to drop a dime on Theo to Jim, so he get's expellled, that's when Ulrich and Odd pranks Herve and Nicolas with a pillow case and Kiwi to make a Ghost Dog!

Overnight Xana attacks the Cafeteria and Electrifies the walls, trapping Ulrich, Odd, Sissi and her Goons, Theo and The Junior Reporters inside. Odd get Electrocuted. Despite Yumi warning the Teachers, cutting the power does nothing to free the students.

Yumi and Aelita are on their own in the Forest Zone. A hidden tower and interconnecting Plateaus have made finding said tower almost impossible, But Time is still Reversed, this time making Theo fall for Yumi, it's to stop Xana from using the fact they were all together in one place to launch an attack. but Ulrich is pissed off about...despite Theo never being mentioned again!

We are about to log off, Next time we finally get an Odd centric episode, but we have to go through an YumixUlrchxSissi episode and we can't get enough of them right(?) In Part 10-Odd Sounds

When we all...


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