I'm Ignoring Episode 9, because it's the "Bad Science" episode where XANA gets control of a satellite with a Death Laser! Where the Sound of it Charging can be heard deep in the VACCUUM OF SPACE! And Odd and Yumi can dodge the shots coming at the speed of light!

..and a stupid subplot where xana calls every phone in the school and they confiscated...which is fine it this was any other school, not a boarding school where most, if not all, and I'm not just talking about our main cast are from other countries! So lets focus on the very 1st dark episodes-Girl of the Dreams, (or The Girl of his dreams, as the hd re-release on Youtube calls it!)
It's here that Jeremie's obsession with Aelita's Realization takes a dark and frightening that will put a total stranger in mortal peril!
Given that the enemy has Realization powers and the only time the Warriors were even close was when their Dumbass choked on a sweetie (TRUE STORY!), Jeremie has being experimenting around the clock. How do we know this, well Odd comes in and tells Jeremie he's going to miss class "again". As Jeremie leaves, he launches a new program. Meanwhile on Lyoko's Mountain Zone, something "Evil Dead's" Aelita from behind, her scream causing a black screen!
In the Real world, Ulrich is helping Yumi move a project for show and tell. when they leave, the Juniour Reporter sneak in to look at what it is-A samurai Armour-Your Instrument of Terror this episode.

Meanwhile Mr Delmas introduces a new girl to Jeremie's class-Taelia, a girl who looks and sounds a lot like Aelita-hell, her name is a deliberate misspelling of Thalia and an obvious Anagram-assuming Taelia is Aelita she soon brushes off the boys when questions about her parents comes up!
Not taking no for an answer, Jeremie himself goes to do a search for Aelita on Lyoko-if Aelita is not there, then Taelia must have amnesia like Ulrich Suggested-one search and Aelita is not contacting him, so he is convinced her has done it!

Yumi's Samurai gets controlled by XANA, And it attacks Jim with a sword...that was bought to a high post 9/11 and columbine a Goth...whose has being bullied by the daughter of principal...who is a racist!
Jeremie's so adamant that Taelia is Aelita, he's on Borderline "NICE GUY!" levels so he kidnaps this girl when the samurai targets Jeremie when he bursts into Taelia's room like a crazy person!
The two run to the factory where Jeremie intends to "jog her memory." Yumi is talking to detectives about the stolen armour. In the factory, Jeremie is taken aback on how cold "Aelita " is about Lyoko, but he's too lovestruck to see sense, until Odd and Ulrich convinces him make sure, Seeing Humans turned into pure data before her eyes, makes Taelia turn tail and run.
On Lyoko, Odd has a future flash of Aelita in a Guardian. Yumi exits the principal's office as Taelia enters. Sure enough Taelia brings Delmas, Jim and the detectives to the factory. Worst still, Jeremie has located the Red tower in different zone, Without Aelita, zone to zone travel is impossible, more impossible, Guardians can only be destroyed by Using Creativity to clone a Replika-sorry replica of it's prisoner. Yumi is ambushed by her own armour!
Jeremie has wrote a basic program for imitating anyone with clones (and I'm sure, you won't be using this program to cover up and make worse an illegal action you did in Season 3!) and frees Aelita who travels to the Forest zone to Deactivate the tower and Return to the past as the police drags Jeremie out...Turns out Taelia was defensive about her past because she was an never mentioned of ever again!
Join me next time when XANA takes a walk on the wild side in EPISODES 11+12-Do Androids Dream of Pink Haired Sheep?
I'm Ignoring Episode 9, because it's the "Bad Science" episode where XANA gets control of a satellite with a Death Laser! Where the Sound of it Charging can be heard deep in the VACCUUM OF SPACE! And Odd and Yumi can dodge the shots coming at the speed of light!
..and a stupid subplot where xana calls every phone in the school and they confiscated...which is fine it this was any other school, not a boarding school where most, if not all, and I'm not just talking about our main cast are from other countries! So lets focus on the very 1st dark episodes-Girl of the Dreams, (or The Girl of his dreams, as the hd re-release on Youtube calls it!)
It's here that Jeremie's obsession with Aelita's Realization takes a dark and frightening that will put a total stranger in mortal peril!
Given that the enemy has Realization powers and the only time the Warriors were even close was when their Dumbass choked on a sweetie (TRUE STORY!), Jeremie has being experimenting around the clock. How do we know this, well Odd comes in and tells Jeremie he's going to miss class "again". As Jeremie leaves, he launches a new program. Meanwhile on Lyoko's Mountain Zone, something "Evil Dead's" Aelita from behind, her scream causing a black screen!
In the Real world, Ulrich is helping Yumi move a project for show and tell. when they leave, the Juniour Reporter sneak in to look at what it is-A samurai Armour-Your Instrument of Terror this episode.
Meanwhile Mr Delmas introduces a new girl to Jeremie's class-Taelia, a girl who looks and sounds a lot like Aelita-hell, her name is a deliberate misspelling of Thalia and an obvious Anagram-assuming Taelia is Aelita she soon brushes off the boys when questions about her parents comes up!
Not taking no for an answer, Jeremie himself goes to do a search for Aelita on Lyoko-if Aelita is not there, then Taelia must have amnesia like Ulrich Suggested-one search and Aelita is not contacting him, so he is convinced her has done it!
Yumi's Samurai gets controlled by XANA, And it attacks Jim with a sword...that was bought to a high post 9/11 and columbine a Goth...whose has being bullied by the daughter of principal...who is a racist!
Jeremie's so adamant that Taelia is Aelita, he's on Borderline "NICE GUY!" levels so he kidnaps this girl when the samurai targets Jeremie when he bursts into Taelia's room like a crazy person!
The two run to the factory where Jeremie intends to "jog her memory." Yumi is talking to detectives about the stolen armour. In the factory, Jeremie is taken aback on how cold "Aelita " is about Lyoko, but he's too lovestruck to see sense, until Odd and Ulrich convinces him make sure, Seeing Humans turned into pure data before her eyes, makes Taelia turn tail and run.
On Lyoko, Odd has a future flash of Aelita in a Guardian. Yumi exits the principal's office as Taelia enters. Sure enough Taelia brings Delmas, Jim and the detectives to the factory. Worst still, Jeremie has located the Red tower in different zone, Without Aelita, zone to zone travel is impossible, more impossible, Guardians can only be destroyed by Using Creativity to clone a Replika-sorry replica of it's prisoner. Yumi is ambushed by her own armour!
Jeremie has wrote a basic program for imitating anyone with clones (and I'm sure, you won't be using this program to cover up and make worse an illegal action you did in Season 3!) and frees Aelita who travels to the Forest zone to Deactivate the tower and Return to the past as the police drags Jeremie out...Turns out Taelia was defensive about her past because she was an never mentioned of ever again!
Join me next time when XANA takes a walk on the wild side in EPISODES 11+12-Do Androids Dream of Pink Haired Sheep?
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