Monday, May 27, 2024




Some words may be Edited to make this Review searchable.

With Testing Complete "Fat Man" and "Little Boy", are Carted off by the Air Force to make their Mark on History. Postdam has been a Failure, Japan had not surrendered, and Stalin made a Veiled remark on "America's Great Weapon". Despite the seeds of Russian Espionage Sown, Groves (Matt Damon) says that Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) should be proud of his work. "You Dealt us an Ace, Doctor, it's up to us now to Play it or not!" Seeing the Trucks Ride into the Horizon, Robert sees the Reinstated  Edward Teller ( Apparently he was ordered to return and was in the last scene, but I didn't see him) Robert still doubts if they did the right thing. ("I feel, Edward, that this war, and all future wars will continue to be unthinkable, When Teller Quips "Until Someone makes a Better Bomb!" Oppenheimer Shoots him a look, not because Teller is wrong, but because Teller just maybe right!

August the 6th 1945.

A day that would go down in infamy. 

President Truman has got on the Radio to Announce that Hiroshima has being Destroyed, as the Soldiers' Cheers go out. They are drowned out by Truman's Radio announcement and Robert's Second son Crying. As everyone else celebrates, Oppie Staggers full of emotion, but not with excitement but overcome with fear! 

Oppenheimer return to Princeton university as a hero, and cheered by the student body as he is asked to give a Speech . However his Mental state betrays the Words he says, as the wall behind him shakes like aftershocks, the Cheers are Silenced and replaced the Sounds of Screaming children and falling buildings. A Camera flashes in Robert's face and Robert Hallucinates the Audience awashed in light and Burned out of existence, only time to skip and the Audience behind him, jostling The Professor back into reality. As he leaves the gym, the laughing has Warped into Crying and Distorted Noise, passing a Celebrating Drunk who is throwing up makes Robert sees him dying of Radiation poisoning.

Sometime Later, Robert is in Washington DC to meet President Truman. Oppenheimer is here to talk about nuclear trade and Cooperation with the Soviets, while Truman laughs off the idea of trade, Since the Soviet Union is a threat. Oppenheimer wants no more of this, he wants Los Alamos Disbanded as he feels he has blood on his hands. 

Truman Mockingly removes his handkerchief from his jacket pocket and waves it in Oppenheimer's face. His own face twists  into anger, stating that " Do you think the J*ps give a Sh*t on who MADE the Bomb? No they only care about who dropped it!"

After that Disastrous meeting and Being interviewed constantly by the Media, we hear Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr) saying that Robert took the Persona of father of the A-Bomb  to advocate for Nuclear power, not by being softly spoken anymore, but by being out Spoken about The Communist element of his life, turning traitor on many of his Brother and some of his closest friends.

Frank was Blacklisted from ever working in any University. Lomanitz, he was made to work on the Railroad, and Haakan Chevalier, he was Exiled, Publicly outed as a Soviet Spy. And Admiral Strauss again  was mocked by Oppenheimer for refusing the trade with Norway, only spurs on the Government to work on the H-Bomb.

Despite the wrath towards each other, Robert is still invited to Lewis' Birthday. Still devastated that the government ignored his calls for an arm's deal, Admiral Strauss breaks Robert's heart even further, by revealing the Identity of the Soviet Spy in their Midst: it was Dr Fuchs. After that revelation, the Feds are convinced the 2 Jewish left wing scientists conspired together. And as such, Oppenheimer is trailed at his home by agents. Nevertheless, Robert's Oppenheimer remains the outspoken figure-in fact all this public Scrutiny only bolsters his Conviction. When Eisenhower is elected, Oppenheimer sees it as an opportunity for the new regime to do right. Only for the army chiefs to show Disapproval to Robert's want of public Candour on Nuclear Policy. Strauss is to return to court his lawyers telling him and us a "Dr Hill", a scientist who was part of the Chicago team will testify. Strauss doesn't know him personally, but they do know none of the Chicago team doesn't have the same feelings of shame being surrounded by Oppenheimer for months on end.

This was due to The Los Alamos team shown slides of the Damage created by the impact of the Bombings and they hear Groves describing the Horrific events that Followed. After the meeting, a Shook up Robert is told by Teller that Oppenheimer former Professor, Dr Blackett Condemned his actions making Robert fantasize about Blackett actually Biting into that Apple he Poisoned. Once again Teller wants the Focus to be on his Hydrogen bomb research. And once again Robert refuses and again, not knowing the Guilt that Oppenheimer feels walks off angrily.  Robert is praises at a public procession at Los Alamos by Groves as a hero, but once again He voices his Concerns about Nuclear war! 

Back in the Present, Strauss' lawyers has bought this month's TIME Magazine with Lewis' face on the cover, and he is shocked to read a Quote from Strauss said the other day in his court's greenroom and therefore should not have being Public Knowledge was printed into the magazine. Strauss says he had a good friend in Times Publishing house who needed a good quote. The lawyer However thinks that this had being a Government Hatchet Job to Ruin Oppenheimer's Creditability the whole time!

"You say Agent Borden was Holding up a Knife to You. I now Believe, Sir, he was Holding it FOR you!"

In Robert's Hotel Room, He, Kitty and his lawyers are working our how to deal with Borden and Teller on cross, with Kitty knowing all the the long, It's Strauss who is the real enemy. She throws an ashtray at her Husband, pleading with him again to fight back.

Strauss is the Puppet master the whole time- this meeting with the Prosecutor's, no more than an evaluation for Oppenheimer's Security clearance. But in truth, it's a recorded Evidence gathering against Robert with the Case against  The Defendant coming from his own mouth. "Those who seek the Sun, get eaten, Power....Remains in the Shadows!"

We see the Springing of the trap from Oppenheimer's perspective, Consulting an AEC lawyer, however because of the conflict of interest, Because Oppenheimer was Chairman, they cannot directly help, however they hired Lloyd Garrison, one of the Country's top defence lawyer of his era. However, The Government stack the deck against him, by not Supplying key evidence. Mr Garrison tells Oppenheimer Isador Rabi will testify on his clients behalf. Dr Lawrence was going to testify too, but Lawrence believes Robert had an affair with Ruth Tomlin, that resulted in Dr Tomlin's untimely death. Just like they first met, Isador makes himself known offering a handkerchief full of Orange segments but this time, Robert accepts the food, and the help. Lawrence turns the corner to see Dr Ravi who bolts from his chair to  stare daggers at their former friend. Robert has not seen any of this and Rabi spares him the trouble of knowing Lawrence was there.

Despite his intricate plan to Shame Oppenheimer, the Leading Judge doesn't let Lewis Strauss have it all his way, like Robert, Strauss will not know key Witnesses ahead of time.

In the Boardroom, Mr Garrison tells the prosecutors, Dr Lawrence has come down with Colitis, but I think it's really an attack of Conscience! So instead they are going to continue to cross examine Agent Borden as planned, but with the Government agent Stonewalling, Garrison's every counterpoint, he leaves his seat to whisper an apology to a tired and Exasperated Oppenheimer "is anyone going to tell the Truth?"

Dr David Hill, A physicist who worked in the Chicago Team of the Manhattan Project makes his way to the stand. Hill was Strauss's witness, however Dr Hill cannot ignore the Animosity and Lip Service made towards Dr Oppenheimer.

In fact apart from Teller and those already close to Robert, the Entire scientific community have rallied behind Oppenheimer. Despite Alienating those close to him, when it mattered the most, his friends and even those he never met Personally are here to save him.

But with no Evidence that Strauss, Borden and Teller have Conspired together, Kitty is Furious that Robert continues to martyr himself as she, her husband and their lawyers argue over the Dinner table that night.

Kitty is asked to testify on behalf of her husband, however she is grilled on being a member of the Communist Party,  However Kitty is defiant and speaks circles around Roger Robb, Interrupting his questions with Corrections and Coy Answers, Since Robert, while he had Communist Ideals he was never a party member. That night the Lawyers leave and Albert Einstein reveals himself. He now believes Robert and him are Kindred Spirits,  Two men Betrayed by their Countries. Albert asks why He thinks America would be Accountable, when Germany wasn't. Robert believe they will, simply because America would never come out and say they are similar to their enemies in any way. Einstein is not convinced and wants Strauss to go to hell! 

As Such, Lewis is freaking out over Oppenheimer turning all the Scientists against Strauss, even thinking the Argument between Him and Einstein all those years ago was a setup! However we get the Kicker-Robert CHOOSE HIROSHIMA AS A TARGET!, And put on the Spot, Robert starts to Sweat and Stammer and Hallucinate The sound of marching Feet, and Brilliant white light. As he is overwhelmed he Confesses he thinks he should be accountable for the deaths. At the same time Strauss is also losing his mind. At the end of the both the Hearing and the trail, years apart from each other, both have lost, in The Fusion Scenes covering the Security Hearing, Robert loses his Security clearance, but he will not be Arrested for Treason, but he will be tried. Five years later admiral Strauss promotion to cabinet is overturned by 3 votes, one by the future President Kennedy. Being driven to his home, Robert finds Catherine in the garden after the hearing. She asks if this was his plan to let the world tar and feather him, they would forgive him? Robert simply says he doesn't know, but they'll have to eventually. As the Oppenheimers leave in Quiet Victory, Strauss leaves in Noisy Humiliation. Before being torn apart by the press, the Indignant Admiral still believes he was stood up by The Scientific Community the very day he Met Oppenheimer, what ever he said to Einstein only proved to be the first Stage of his Downfall. Borden his loyalty now to himself after Strauss lost, says there is no way to prove that, only they knew what they said to each other on that day near the Duck pond in Princeton.

And Through the power of Framing Devices, we see what Albert said not the other way around. He warns Robert that years down the Line, The Government will honour his work but the praise would not be genuine. It'll be a PR Stunt . "They'll say "we Accept You, we praise your work", But they will  never Say "we Forgive you!""

We Flash Forward to exactly that we see that! As the Cast are now elderly men in Washington, Congratulating him. All the while Kitty is beside her husband and when Roger Robb extends the hand of friendship towards her, she gives him the death stare, Robert asks one more question to Albert.

"Remember those equations i showed you that theorized that we could destroy the world?-I THINK WE ALREADY DID! 

The last thing we see and hear is Oppenheimer trying to keep it together, the Sound of Marching and Delusions of the Earth being Destroyed viewed from space continues to Torture his mind, til we see and hear No more!


In this film Robert Downey Jr said a line which i quoted previously; "How could a man who sees so more than us, be so blind?" that line is so Apropos as we are introduced to Cilian Murphy Awkward, Naive, Mentally Unstable Womaniser. Clearly not the Most Heroic Person...And that's the point! We are Shown that there are no Winners in War, Only Victims and Villains-The Idealists are either Broken or Tested, the equal Become Oppressed, The Lonely seek Attention at the cost of Marriage and the powerful Fear losing their influence. This Cast, this Highly touted Cast, each give the Performance of their careers. Murphy is of course the lead, but he is Supported by this great cast, Downey plays a great Fork-tongued Manipulator (Again, praise goes to the Make-up Department for aging these Characters so connivingly) who was a superb Twist Villain. Florence Pugh is magnetic and Alluring as the Femme Fatale, But it's Emily Blunt that gets the nod as the Formidable Kitty Oppenheimer, playing the Pillar of Strength in this shaky marriage to this Cowering Apologist her husband has become.

The Cinematography and Direction is Top notch...Once you figure that Christopher Nolan plans to tell the Story of Robert Oppenheimer from 2 sides like a literal Trial, With Colour scenes being For and The black and white being against! Top that with each scenes contain Flashbacks and Delusions to progress the story, can be jarring for some. This film because of this framing device and it's 3 hour Length, is not the kind of film, you can leave to make a snack and come back later to ask someone "What Did I Miss?". This Film is the Cinematic Event it claims to be. The Actors are on the top of their game, presented in a Trail to draw your own conclusions of a man who at best was Morally grey, The Script sharp and Quotable, as you have read, the Characters are Believable, A ridiculous thing to say to when its about real people, But sometimes Biopics tend to make parody of their Subjects (See: The General!) no such Issues here! And the Music score is Sublime, Some of it peppered with the sounds of Geiger Counters and The Humming of Machinery, gives some Scenes a Feeling of Bemusement and Tension. (The piece of Music that Plays when Albert reads Teller's Atmospheric Ignition equation, that cues up the sound of A Loud Crackle of a Geiger Counter with Albert's Mood switching from Happy to Shocked is essentially effective!)

Again, This film is Incredible!


Oppenheimer was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham

With Media in Part 1 from Oppenheimer. 

Oppenheimer was Produced and Distributed by Warner Bros!


We have another film from last year, that caught my attention, Wes Anderson is also in the desert doing experiments, In a Cold war Comedy drama Caper, called Asteroid City!


When i was 3. I was Introduced to Death.

Scratch that. When i was 3, I was introduced to the Concept of Death.

And it wasn't a Funeral, that wasn't for a while!

When i was Young, and it was Christmas, living in Ireland, that meant being in the Eu meant the member states could buy Programs, even cartoons on the cheap-cheap!

So one such show that was blended into my Subconscious mind for years to come was a Marionette show that had a scene where puppets where dancing with happy Polka music playing until a Ventriloquist's Dummy of the Grim Reaper, Cut their strings and caused the music to end on a Scare Chord, It's eyes glowing and a Maniacal Laugh causing the Crying Toddler i was to seek the lap of my mother.

And for Years to even now, It's the one thing factor that appears in my Nightmares, where I, Or people die, Regardless of how it doesn't fit the dream to have the Grim Reaper be a Puppet, automatically taller than everything else.

But that is the Thing about the Fear of your Own Morality.

It Shadows over Everything Else.

And that's where we Stand, Joe-jack and I, Facing two Mysterious Men who on no uncertain terms, came to Kidnap Someone! 

"Joe-Jack You take the Guy dressed like a Cowboy, I'll handle the Gimp!

"A Gimp, you zay? Why zat is not very nice? I was expecting some courtesy from the Mara's champion!


Yes, I must be hard to go on when death hits close to home, I vonder if i ever feel bad over the Eons or if i was always Dull to the pain. 


Not at all, i greatly respect him otherwise i would not have come here, with hi....OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW? YOU TRULY DON'T KNOW WHO WE ARE?

"YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHO YOU ARE...RIGHT NOW" Eamonn said as he swung a punch expecting to hit the stranger with the Dimension Shattering Punch, only for the Plague Doctor to grab his arm and inspect his Hand, His Eyes Bulging with Glee behind the Googles, built into the Gasmask.


Herr Doktor raised one of his arms and blasted some knockout gas into Eamonn face, he then Proceeded to take a Syringe out and took a blood sample from his confused preys arm. he then scanned it with his Googles than seemingly had Ai technology to scan Blood.


Eamonn, was wiping off the toxins from his face which were now entering his bloodstream via his Tear Ducts. " you mean....what are you...


What a shame Doc, we actually having a good gunfight there. I Was nearly getting challenged!

"YOU LEAVE MIS'ER EAMONN A LOAN,!" Cried Joe-Jack as he shot the Stetson off the Cowboy. giving all the humans a true glimpse of his face. The face of a Wooden dummy carved into a  skull.

Now, why did you think you could go and think a cheap move like that would work. Don't you know You Can't Cheat Death, Cause if you Didn't Know, I KIND OF TAKE THAT AS A NOT ONLY A PROFESSIONAL INSULT, BUT PERSONALLY!

And now you know, why we need this specimen. We need to study this Happening. Death, restrain my Patient. As i ready the transport to Ze Grey Area!

And like that, Once again, Eamonn was gone, taken by Supernatural Force, But Joe-Jack would learn this Force would Not be taken lightly as Meddling with it would alter the flow of time.

Find  what will happen in the NEW STORYLINE FOR 2024-25



Tuesday, May 21, 2024




Due to Terms of Use, Certain Words have to be censored otherwise this post would not be published.

Please Read The Previous parts, as writing Synopsis will get harder and harder.

We Start part 3 with Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) visiting Chicago, Their testing under a Football field, since the Draft has Effected professional sports. There they meet Doctors Fermi and Szilard have cracked a Self Contained Continuous Nuclear Fission, completely debunking Edward Teller. Returning to Wyoming, A woman named Lilli Horning asks for a job, but when asked if she can type, she reveals she is a Chemistry Graduate from Harvard. Remembering how Groves (Matt Damon) was unreasonable about female staff, he hires Lilli to stick it to The Colonel.

Speaking of, Colonel Groves is livid that Oppenheimer and Tomlin left for Chicago without his permission. This caused Tomlin to quit when Robert throws him under the bus. When Groves Jokes about having Tomlin killed to keep him quiet, Robert calls out Groves on hiring him not despite of his left wing beliefs, but hired because of it; Perfect Ammo for Blackmail. Groves claims to be a humble Soldier. Robert shoots that down as Groves is neither, he has a Engineering Degree.  So Groves Allows Robert to have security clearance to travel between Los Alamos and Chicago. Back at Robert's Pretrial briefing, Colonel Groves is being treated as Robert's Witness. Into another Flashback at Los Alamos, Tomlin's replacement is here or should I say replacements as Berkeley has sent Dr Lawrence and Lomanitz as their Liaison, much to Robert's Delight, as Lawrence breaks Groves rules of Compartmentalization further.  Back to the Dining Table table in the Black and white Future, Admiral Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr) continues to Accuse Robert of Harbouring Communist Spies. He claims his brother Frank had left the Party at this point by then, and that Dr Lomanitz was only a Liaison. But then the now Colonel Nichols mentions Jean Tatlock (Florence Pugh) and the "Chevalier Incident", Which causes Robert to leave the Room Upset.

In another Flashback, Oppenheimer gets a Panicked Phonecall from Rossi Lomanitz, The liaison is being Drafted, Punished for Maintaining ties With Unions and The Communist Party. Despite being told that Rossi is, the Valet is too jingoistic to allow that to happen, he also has Oppenheimer's Q pass to be used to leave for Chicago, but of course, it can be easily removed if "Outside Influences" are told about Manhattan!

The Committee turn to asking About this Jean Tatlock. In 1943, Robert had a Second Affair with her, while talking after a night of passion (and both still naked!) Jean wanted Robert back. This is is the First time Kitty (Emily Blunt) has heard more about the Affair in detail and it makes Kitty Hallucinates Robert and Jean making Love in the room right now, with the Delusion of Jean Tatlock, Staring right at Kitty while in the Throes of pleasure.

The Hearing is Adjourned for today and Naturally, Kitty is upset, not because of the affair, Since she knew about it, but because of Robert's Nonchalant stance and Matter-of-fact retelling. "Every day they come to pick away at our lives, why won't you fight back?" 

Another Flashback shows Robert at the local recruitment centre trying to find and reinstate Lomanitz, but knowing it won't be easy he tells the recruiter about Ellenton, the Shell Exec that Haakan Chevalier was Spying for.  Robert thinking that if he can't pull an Equivalent Exchange, at least it will be revenge on Ellenton turning his best friend into a traitor!

Instead we met a Colonel Pash, head of Security. Pash, according to Groves later in a train journey was the one who authorized the spies trailing Jean and Oppenheimer. Pash is so Paranoid about the Russians to the Point, to the point that Groves tells us The Psychotic Self loathing Russian-American bragged about a plan to row a boat with Lomanitz in it onto a lake and torture him for names, then kill all the witnesses later. Learning about such an unhinged man, makes Robert go Physically pale, as he had told him a Version of the truth that painted Chevalier as being coerced by Ellenton.

It's Now Christmas and Oppenheimer Wants Tomlin back in the Fold, But even his wife is keeping quiet, but at the Christmas party, there is good news, Groves and Tomlin had Staged the Argument, to get the Team a "Christmas present"... Niels Bohr has being rescued by the British and flown here tonight!

Dr Bohr Briefs, Robert, Bethe and Teller on the ins and outs of Heisenberg's Bomb saying the Moderator is not Graphite but Heavy water. This means the American Team had being first in this race all the time. However Niels is not here to help create the Bomb, he saw too much of the War and will be a Consultant instead, mainly because this new power will outlive the N*zis. He calls Robert the "American Prometheus" he has given man the power to destroy themselves. While this is going on, Robert is Interrupted by a Secretary with a phonecall from San Francisco.


Dramatically, we cut to Kitty on a Horse trying to find Robert in a Snow Covered Forest at night.

Finding him slumped against a tree, he tells his wife that Jean had Committed suicide by drowning herself fully clothed bent over, her kneeling on cushions and her head dipped in a bath, though they also found Barbiturates in her blood. Robert blames himself for the death, maybe the affair was a cry for help, but Kitty shakes Him out of this despair. She's still mad about the Cheating, But there are people who depend on Robert, even if she can't fully trust him anymore.

This Breakdown leads to Discord in the Manhattan Project, Concluding with Edward Teller leaving Los Alamos. The H-bomb Theory is just that, a Theory, which causes the Judicial committee to ask Robert that If he had the power to Designate Scientists, why didn't he have someone else work on the "Super"?

This Brings them to AEC's first Meeting, worried that the Russians are making H-bombs Already, Oppenheimer proposes that the newly christened  United Nations should enforce Concessions on The making of H-Bombs...onto themselves! Hoping this act of Good Faith would deter Russian From replication, despite Oppenheimer mocking Strauss for thinking the Russians know about them Already. Robert meets Agent Borden of the FBI, the Catalyst of this whole affair, Suggesting the H Bomb should be deployed by rocket. When Robert blows off the Then Supposed Pilot, for not listening to a single thing that was Said, Borden would investigate Oppenheimer and Accuse him of Sabotage the development of the H bomb in favour of the "Inferior" Atomic Bomb.

1945-Adolf H*tler has being Found dead in his Bunker, Lover and top Brass also dead. While at a town hall meeting, All the Scientists Agree to Disband. Robert only learned about the Meeting made without the Director, Himself, Approval, only learning if it whilst seeing a flyer on a post on horseback. Entering the town hall like a outlaw Cowboy in a western. He says the Germans are defeated but the Japanese are still fighting on. They propose not to use Gadget on the Japanese as far as anyone knows, Japan does not have a atomic bomb  program. But Robert is so single minded , "They won't fear it, until they understand it." Robert will show them the Nightmares under Los Alamos, and after the Bomb is used, we will have the Everlasting peace that Roosevelt envisioned, a World of cooperation. This gets an Applause from the Scientists.

Some time later and the Goldfish bowls full of Marbles to Signify the amount of Plutonium and Uranium needed for working bombs have been filled, kitty is pregnant again and so the Bomb is now moved from Research to Development stage-The "Trinity" Testings. Groves and Robert argue about the start date and Robert will only agree to July- if Frank is allowed on Los Alamos, As a known Communist, even though he left the Party, he is still a security risk if it's a lie. But they need a liaison since Lomanitz remains Drafted.

After a test Run, the President and Secretary of Ear want to meet Robert and Groves in person in Washington DC. As Groves Hails a Taxi, Robert is blindsided by Dr Szilard and a man with a clipboard.

They want Robert Oppenheimer, "The Great Salesman of Science'"  to tell the Government to back down from the Atomic Program, Now that Victory in Europe has been achieved. The Assistant shoves the Petition in his face, Robert swats out if his hands and it clatters loudly onto the Hotel lobby's floor.

At the Meeting with Secretary Stimson, Robert advocates on what the Physical and Psychological damage to the Atomic explosion will have on it's victims. The Chief of Staff says there is no target in Japan big enough, not even Tokyo. So instead 2 major cities will be chosen at Random. But not Kyoto, Due to its Cultural importance and Because he Honeymooned there!

A man opposed asks if they can film a Demonstration to Japan. Groves says very Bluntly the two Attacks WILL!  be the Demonstration. Once this war is over, it's only a matter of time until it becomes a race against the Soviets -while the Public Knowledge is that Russia had no Uranium Supply, that's False Information. Secretary Stimson gives Groves a Deadline. He has until The Postdam Peace Talks next month. If Negotiations Fail, the Bomb will be Plan B.

With Frank's Engineering Help he sets up a test site, However Robert wants to know why are there Airmen Burying light strips in the Desert. Frank Explains the pilot wanted guiding lights for their test flight. Robert Baulks at this revelation. This was only going to be a Detonation, nothing more. Meaning added Velocity of the drop will only add to the Yield and Inflate the Results. He returns home to see Kitty and both of his sons, while she is putting up washing. He joked that he if dies she'll Forget to bring in the sheets!

The day of the testing is marred with Disaster, Sandstorms in the Desert only Begats Thunderstorms. There is more Trouble, Dr Hans Bethe's test on the Ignition explosion in the lab had failed. But he is certain that the real deal will work. The Storm would let up til Dawn and Robert and Frank use their local knowledge to determine that the Storm will pass at 5:30. With it all on the Line, it's Possible that the Bomb would be a Dud, all due to a freak storm and the Army's unreasonable Demands. While waiting for the Rain to Subside, Groves asks what Dr Fermi meant by a remark about "Atmospheric ignition"? Robert explains that  before Teller left, he had a Formula that Calculated a Chance the Chain Reaction would never Stop pass the Ignition point. This gets the Hard boiled Army Hero actually Show Fear for the first time, but in less than 2 hours we will know. 

The Pilot Circles the Test Site and Descends into the Drop Zone, Everyone Seals themselves into the Bunker, making final preparations and hope for the Best. Frank has the most important job of all, to press the Abort button, if the Voltage Counter on the Detonator dies not reach Threshold, even if it's our by One, the Result will be considered a failure. The would goes Silent as the Bomb explodes, the only thing we hear is everyone's Breathing. They are so mesmerized by the flames that everyone forgets about the Shockwave that stuns Oppenheimer. Everyone cheers as the Sun rises over the Mesa, But for Oppenheimer his celebrations are all a ploy, in his mind the only thing he could think is one Quote "And I have Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds!" Kitty learned of Robert's success when his secretary phones Kitty to pass on a five worded message. "Kitty Bring in the Sheets!"

Part 4 NEXT WEEK! 

Monday, May 13, 2024



Due to New Google Terms and Conditions Certain words had to be censored to make this post searchable


Meanwhile Jean (Florence Pugh) doesn't want a serious relationship with Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy). Things are not going better for him professionally, as what was to be the day of Robert's crowning achievement, is overshadowed by H*tler's invasion of Poland. Back to him recanting to the committee, Robert tells them that he had long renounced Communism and it's then Pacifistic Ideals, however renouncement when he was not officially a member didn't mean he wasn't in contact with Family and friends within the party, including his wife Catherine (Kitty) (Emily Blunt)

We Return to Flashback as we see Robert Meeting Kitty Harman for the first time at a community gathering. She's a Biologist in a loveless marriage. Robert invite the Harmans to Ranching with him in Wyoming, where he makes his move and steals her from her husband. Robert Dumps Jean when she learns Kitty is Pregnant. He may wanted to leave the party's influence but that may be impossible. Jean warning him not to Alienate his friends, one day he will need them.

Sadly that nearly what he did when Oppenheimer makes it public he wants to Unionize the Chemistry Profession, Causing a Falling out with Dr Lawrence. This so called "Union" with card carrying Communists, is why Oppenheimer is not asked to join the "Project", in fact he shouldn't be taking about it, but Robert knows what it is, I mean, how could he not, Not after Einstein's open letter to Washington, and the Rumours of Jews in Prison Camps. If the Germans are making a Weapon, then learning a Jew helping America will only Spur on the Third Reich. Lawrence tells Robert not to be so Dahm Naive, Not to think about his own self importance and except his real importance, But he has to cut ties with the Commies, and only then would the Government would consider him onto the "Project" 

Flash Forward into Fission Segment as Admiral Strauss Survives Cross Examination For Today. His Lawyers asks about why Oppenheimer was Considered a Security risk after the war, Strauss says he didn't accuse Robert, a Federal Agent named Borden Did, and rather than come to the AEC Directly, he did an investigation without the American Energy Committee's Knowledge, with all the Paranoia of the Cold war, if you even knew A Commie, you were publicly Blacklisted, since Robert's Wife, Family and Immediate friends were all Redshirts. It Didn't didn't help that Oppenheimer was bought in a Debate to stop Strauss from Denying the export of isotopes from Norway and Ruin Strauss' Public Image. "How could someone who sees more than all of us, could be so Blind?"

Back into Fusion And a new Flashback after Kitty Gave Birth, he returns to tell his wife he's in the Project, But Robert is greeted by a Drunk Kitty and a Crying Child. Kitty is not coping as a Parent, Single or otherwise. 

This Makes Robert Consider Something painful for the safety of Baby Peter. He asks Haakan Chevalier and his now wife, Jean to adopt and Raise Peter in their Stead. Haakan agrees but says there is a price to be paid. I would do my "FORESHADOWING!" Bit, but the film already did that by mentioning a "Chevalier Incident"

Some time later in Wyoming, A Detoxed Kitty tells her Husband she's alright with him joining "The Project". Cut to a Banquet table in the White House, president Hoover has gathered the most brilliant minds in the free world. Dr Lawrence has noticed the 2 soldiers at the buffet and afterwards, Colonel Groves (Matt Damon) and his valet Lt. Gordon Nichols. Groves, the real life architect of the Pentagon, is tasked to find a director out of the Physicists who came today.... And Robert wasn't even a choice! After all, the data says that Robert Oppenheimer is a brash, Antisocial Womaniser who is literally in bed with Known Communists. But Drs Tomlin and Rabi vouch for his great Body of work. So groves asks how do they defeat The N*Zis. Robert says in a Straight race with their theories and Heisenberg at the helm, America has already lost. But Oppenheimer has his own plan-Use Antisemitism against the N*Zis 

Robert explains H*tler called Quantum Physics "Jew Science" to Einstein's face. The plan is to galvanize all Jewish, and leftwing minded Scientist together. Hoping that H*tler's Regime will become so Apoplectic seeing Jews on the newsreel that The F*hrer will cut funding and resources out of spite. Groves doesn't sit too well on working with Commies, but Robert asks Groves "Remind me, who are we at war with?" Groves says he has final say in what goes, But Robert says "But I'm the Director!"- Despite Groves hasn't nor considered Oppenheimer. Groves smiles though ("You are everything they said....And More!)

The second phase is An Audacious one, Move All the Players from 4 cites by train to a location where the eastern and western lines intersects, in Wyoming. There, build an underground lab and over it, Build a Fake, But Functioning Town over it, To home the scientists and their families. Though recruiting Scientists proves to be a struggle, namely most don't want to lose their cushy teaching jobs and more worryingly a lot of Jews feel like they will be used by the Government. 

Robert also wants to Rescue Niels Bohr from German occupied Denmark, But to work for their cause.

But there is a Faller at the First Hurdle- Isador Rabi does not want to join the project he's Too Afraid on what this project may unleash onto both the just and the Unjust.

But Robert Consoles his best friend. He knows that we have no right to wield such power. But they Definitely can't let the N*zis have it first. But there is another reason Izzy won't join-and Robert is Wearing it! The Military requires everyone to wear uniforms. Isador leaves his friend with some advice "You are a Scientist, Oppie! Be what they asked for-But Better" 

Soon Robert ditches the Uniform for a Blue shirt, black tie, Charcoal jacket and  Trousers, a pork pie hat and pipe. Returning to Caltech as Construction at Los Alamos is delayed. Oppenheimer welcomes upstart Physicist Edward Teller to the project. Teller's own equation seemingly Contradict what's been proven by Heisenberg and Oppenheimer. So Robert takes the Study to Princeton to have them looked over by Einstein.

When he gets there, Albert is already being in council with Dr Kurt Gobel, a N*zi Physicist. But Albert, not Staking any claim in this race invited his old friend for a meal, who despite this is worried about being Poisoned by the N**is, even here in Princeton.

Robert shows Albert Tellers Theron and it frightens the Great Genius out of his good mood. The Equation shows the sum of everyone's fears- A Chain reaction that has no ending point.

Total Nuclear Destruction.

Albert's Advice is have one Dr Bethe in California have a second opinion, or share their Finding with the Germans. Hoping seeing this equation will put off both sides. Dr Bethe puts Oppenheimer's fears to rest when his calculations proves an endless chain reaction is near zero. Though Oppenheimer wants him to run it again as "Theory can only get you so far!"

We Cut to The Oppenheimer's going to the Chevailer's for a dinner party and to check on Peter's condition. Chevailer brings up the Shell Executive that tried to employ Robert years ago, and apparently, he wants to know what Oppenheimer is working on as he is complaining that the war is Doing a number on free trade, maybe If there was a Communist sympathiser who was a lab worker, maybe they know what patents they were working on.

Robert doesn't bat an eye,  he calls this what it really is-Treason! As he is hearing this , he can't believe he trusted his son's safety to someone who was all this time was a Spy!

Cut to Strauss' testimony. The Judge reveal that after recess a Scientist will give his testimony. Strauss asks who it is, But the Judge has no Obligation to reveal his identity. Strauss asks his lawyer to find out who this witness is, and hope he was not stationed at Los Alamos. "That place became the "Cult of Oppie" Not only was he the head scientist, he was Town Founder, the mayor, the Sheriff, Everything!

Los Alamos was finally Constructed and the Oppenheimers, Baby Peter included move into the fake town, But it's too fake, the house has no kitchen.

During the Brief, the Physicists agree not to use the word "Bomb", instead opting for more Subtle term "Gadget"! The Study project of the brief?- Halifax 1917. A tanker full of Munitions caught fire and caused what was at the time, the biggest man-made explosion in history. The brief is to calculate the known damage of the Halifax Explosion, if instead of a Chemical reaction, it was a nuclear reaction, but express the Output and yield in Tons of TNT. When Bethe exclaims that number would go into the thousands, Robert corrects himself and says "Kilotons". Robert gives Dr Tomlin the floor, he has Bad News. The Mining Operation is not going as well as expected. In the back of the room, Dr Teller gives a Wry laugh to himself. He has a solution to the problem-Acceleration!

If the issue is uranium quality-FINE! Use the little they have already to ignite Hydrogen Atoms. If Teller's Formulas are Correct this 'H Bomb" would be far more powerful it's output would be "Megatons ". The detonator to Ignite the Hydrogen bomb would be the An atomic bomb. The other Fellows laugh at Teller...but in the Future, Strauss is Cross Examined about the proposed H Bomb. Court is Adjourned for the Day when Both He and Oppenheimer are pulled into a Late night meeting. As bad as the Animosity between them has become, it gets worse -The Russians are Testing bombs. Strauss can't believe it. We are years ahead, but Somehow here we are -No doubt Oppie and or any of his Commie Buddies have Spied on us and turned Traitor! Strauss asks if there is anyone who can Refute Oppenheimer's claim of tight Security, at the Trail, that's when Colonel Gordon Nichols, Groves' Valet makes himself known 

In the past, The then Lieutenant Gordon watches the team theorise the Ignition Mechanic. This was the day the British Contingent, including Jewish Scientist Karl Fruchs was inducted into the Manhatten Project". Groves is here to inspect the town, he's shocked to find the Staff's wives are working in administrative roles. Oppenheimer says it's not a matter of Security, it's a matter of equality. All the Woman here are as Intelligent and Erudite as any of the men in their field as them! Despite this dressing down, Grove demands a report every week "Top MEN only!"

He also refuse to give Frank Oppenheimer clearance.

Back in the Hotel Dining Room in the 50s, both side of the trail have buried the Hatchet, for now, to Discuss a plan of attack. Strauss asks if Teller's Formulas of the "Super" is feasible, Only for Robert to warn that Edward Teller's Formulas always veered into Primitive Power Fantasy "His Bombs would be Delivered by Ox cart, not  aeroplane!" Strauss only cares about putting America First- Even if it means if a Russian Spy who was at Los Alamos already told Stalin about the "Super"


Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 (Ticket to Hell Atomic Pink Part 1- The Arrival of the New Evil.





The Night of Mammie's Burial and Joe-Jack as the Village's Gravedigger had the sad Responsibility to lay his mother to rest. Eamonn took his friend back to his Home after the service. They hardly had time to fish for a key in their pockets, when they heard a voice from right behind them.)

Vy, Hello zere! We have being the waiting ver you both!

(Eamonn and Joe-Jack turned to see two Figures standing in the cool late spring Air. Both figures were in silouette, as the street lights were yet to turn on at 6pm. But they could make out what they are wearing. 

The Figure that Spoke with a European, possibly German accent was dressed as a Plague Doctor, a tight button down shirt with an apron over it and a Canister of Some kind on his back. Hoses attached to the tank ran up each arm, ending with a long metallic nozzle, the pipe were held onto the arms by leather straps. His face was covered with a Bird Beak themed Mask, Possibly a Gasmask, but they couldn't make it out in the shadows.

The second,  who's face was slightly illuminated by the Cigar in his mouth, was a Man in a Cowboy Suit topped with a Hat and a long overcoat. However, the length of the coat could Not disguise the two pistols in his Belt pouches.

Friends of yours?

Oh Yeah (!) I fink oi'd Remembah Quare lookin' hawks dat Luk lioke dat! Oi! Who da F**k are ya? Bit too early for Halloween ain't it?

Oh Ze Contrary, Mein Upvashed Simple Fellow, We are here to Bring Terror to Zis Quaint little Hamlet....Unless you are not in understanding of our demands.

So I reckon, You hand Over The Human Happening, while you still have Fingers to point him out!)



And Here It Is.

Whoever thought you'd ever see a Bone Fide 5 star Film, A Recent Powerhouse Run at the Oscars. While Some tried to make memes off this film, they could not. This film was too serious as it captivated Audience Worldwide.


Yes Mister CRIME Hydration Corpse Poker famously said he fell asleep and had to be woken and told to leave by ushers because (With Apologies to New Yorkers Everywhere!) "DERE WOZ TOO MUCH THAWKIN', BRO!"

Or maybe L***n P**l was pissed that there wasn't any Dead Japanese in this film!

As Such there will be no Levity or attempts of Joke making in this review. This will be a serious Second by second, Frame by Frame Retelling of the Launch  of the Manhattan Project, the End of the Second World War, and the Guilt felt by J Robert Oppenheimer in the years after.

Our Cover maybe the most powerful we've seen on this blog ever.

Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) Stands in front of his creation, Sparks, Smoke and flames emitting from the Bomb, Illuminating the Darkness, The light Catches the Face of Robert, who is not standing behind his creation with Pride, But with a Face Frozen in Fear, Shocked at What he has Done.

This film is actually filmed as 2 interlocking Chapters. Chapter 1, Fission, are scenes filmed in black and white, and are set during the Oppenheimer Trail in the viewpoint of Those who are against him, and Chapter 2 Fusion, which are Coloured Flashbacks of Oppenheimer's Life and Career told In the Story framing Device of a court testimony, as well as the Friendship and lovers he made along the way.

Fission is his creditability torn apart and Fusion about his bonds, has characters introduced at a Quick pace. 

Very Clever!

The Film Starts In an University Courtyard, As Student of Physics J Robert Oppenheimer stares into puddles formed around the rain falling around him. Next we see Images of the Sun's Mighty power close hand from Space Satellite imagery, a caption appears retelling the legend of Prometheus-How The Fire God stole Fire and Gave it to Man, Only for him to be Punished and Tortured for all Eternity

This was an Inner Thought to years later when Dr Oppenheimer is to be put on trail, As Dr Oppenheimer reads a Statement, we jump forwards to an Interview of Admiral Strauss (an Unrecognisable Robert Downey Jr!) He's annoyed that people are still taking about Oppenheimer 5 years later.

Admiral Strauss Enters The Courtroom to testify, Knowing Full well, his soon to be Public Appointment to Eisenhower's Government will be Scrutinized.

Back to Robert, Speaking to a Pre-trial Committee, ( Which he thought, due to Guilt, were Judges) That he left America for Cambridge to Study under Dr Blackett in "The New Physics", When asked if he was Happier in Europe the Flashback starts, when he states "No!" Showing him in a Cot style bed watching the Rain and being Disturbed by images of Explosion and Space and waves of energy not yet Named Or Discovered! This Effected his Work as lack of sleep around Scientific Instruments can be dangerous. However the class is concluded because of a lecture by Nils Bohr, who is visiting the University, But not Oppenheimer, Doctor Blackett punishes him for his Clumsiness and Broken Equipment, He's to Clean up the Classroom.

He Does so, But Spying The Apple on Blackett's Desk, He injects it with Cyanide. He finally gets to Bohr's Lecture. Robert asks a Question (which we are not privy to). We cut to him having a dream-he even dreams in Energy, as well as a fireside and Horses, But when he Dreams the image of the apple as the School Bell tolls once, he snaps out of it-hopefully to correct his mistake before someone is Murdered.

Sprinting towards the Lab, he sees his tutor speaking with Dr Bohr (Kenneth Branagh). The Guest Speaker wanted to meet the Student, the only one who asked a Question, and was disappointed with his answer. But Robert is Nervous, as it's Bohr who has the Apple in his Possession.

Bohr Suggests Oppenheimer should leave Cambridge for Germany, taking Blackett's recommendation to study under Dr Max Born in Gottinghern, to learn Theory , since his Practical Work is not up to snuff. However Blackett tells Bohr his Student's Maths is not as good as it should be, However Bohr says that Algebra is like Sheet Music but it's not a Question of can he read the Music but wondering if Robert can hear the music being played. In other words, can he understand even if his body betrays his awkwardness? Bohr is about to bite into his apple, until Robert Grabs it and Bins it. He's Ready to take up Dr Bohr's Offer to study the New Science of Quantum Physics, even if it means revealing the snakes under the Stones he'll upturn.

Studying in Germany makes Robert Flourish as a student-Not only the classes but the Beauty and art Surrounding him Enriches his life and Understanding, however his Erratic Behaviour sees him not Socializing as his Visions increases as he works on formulas after formulas and strange habits like throwing glasses against the wall of his dorm.

We Cut to Strauss Testimony in the Future, where he is ask about meeting Robert in 1947, offering him the Head chair in the Atomic Energy Committee AEC) In Princeton College. Robert looks out the Window to a Duck Pond and sees "Him". Strauss wonders why "He" was never asked to be in the Manhattan Project after all the He in question- Albert Einstein was the Greatest mind of his time. Oppenheimer takes Strauss' comment and twists into an Insult "Of His Time" The two Physicists meet as they have a muted argument and Einstein walks away sadly. Strauss asks Oppenheimer what did he say to make Albert so sad, Robert scoffs and Doesn't say outright but he does say it was about "Past  Allegiances", But he says he's more worried about the commute to his new job, as the Court interjects to to end the flashback, asking Strauss if he was Worried about said "Past Allegiances" and why he would consider Oppenheimer if he was briefed in advance of his past.

We See Robert in the Side-room With the Senators and Lawyers-Being asked about these "Past Allegiances"-Namely Russians, though None come to mind as he continues his story.

After graduating From Gottinghern, Robert became a Lecturer in Lerden, Holland, here he would meet Isador Rabi, A New York  Physicist, after giving a Lecture in Dutch.

Now what's wrong with that, they are in Holland?

Well on the train Journey to Berlin, The Porty Amicable Rabi Exposits that Robert has only being in Holland for 6 weeks and has learned enough  Perfect Dutch to give a Lecture- "As if Quantum Physics Wasn't hard enough!" Though he is shocked his fellow New York Jew Doesn't Know Yiddish. When Rabi asks if he feels if "Our Kind" Don't feel Welcome here, Robert coyly asks "Do you mean Physicists?" he tells him not to worry, half the Science chairs in Leiden are Jewish, Both Americans are on the train to Berlin to Study under Warner Heisenburg-Not knowing in the Future they will be Rivals. Robert is returning to America Soon, Not only to introduce what he has learned to American Student Fellow but to relax with his family in New Mexico, Despite his exhaustion, Robert Throws himself to Teaching at both Berkeley and Caltech, meeting a Mr Lawrence, who is building a Molecule Accelerator. Robert is teaching a single student-But soon the class blooms in number as he becomes Popular. But not without Controversy, as He leads an Anti-Franco Rally before the Spanish Civil War with the FBI Tailing Oppenheimer under Suspicion he was a Communist.

A paranoid Robert meets his brother Frank and Girlfriend Jackie, who are Communist Party Members who Invite Robert to a gathering as their guest. Here they meet Haakan Chevalier, a Speaker of Languages at Berkeley and also a Communist. Oppenheimer compares Fas**sm to Collapsing Stars-That Bought should be Studied from a distance, How a Person with sense should know they should destroy Everything, but as of right now there is no Proof, Just the Need to examine- ("All we have is theory-Which Doesn't effect people's Lives!") A woman serving drinks Interjects herself (Florence Pugh), she Introduces herself as Jean and Robert Notices her immediately, after sharing a few Barbs on how Commited the other really is to communism, they end up in bed together!

Straight after the act, Jean Peruses the Books on his Shelf.

She's Surprised to see Freudian Analysis amongst the books of his peers. He admits to once trying to kill Blackett, so he gained an interest in Curing himself rather than admit he had a problem. He is also learning Sanskrit and Jean asks him to translate a Passage, as she gets ready for "Round Two" He quotes Vishnu in the passage "And now I Have become Death, The Destroyer Of Worlds"

Sometime later, The Oppenheimer Brothers invited Lawrence to their Wyoming Ranch for Camping. When Frank announces he's to be wed to Jackie, Robert Disapproves Since Jackie had Influence him to Join the Communists. But Frank thinks it's a class issue, as Jackie is a waitress who comes from nothing. Frank Retaliates that he will not be like his brother, that he will live his life Not Being Afraid to make mistakes. Feigning an Apology, The brothers exit their tent to join Lawrence for some Stargazing. Robert wishes that there was way to combine Physics with his love of New Mexico. In the Morning the 3 men will climb a mesa Robert enjoys climbing it's name will soon be remembered in infamy: Los Alamos!

Returning to California, Oppenheimer and Jean are seeing each other, Much to Jean's Annoyance on Robert's new found Romance. As they walk along, they spy One of Robert's Students Álvarez running off with a unpaid Newspapers. He ran out because he couldn't believe the news. The Germans have split the atom. Despite Robert writing a thereon Proving it impossible, Álvarez just replicated it in the Accelerator. He figured out how they did it, by Destroying atoms and using that energy to destroy adjacent atoms, and so on, a "Chain reaction". Robert Realized "As did every Physicist in the world who read this" Knows what Heisenburg's research means