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Meanwhile Jean (Florence Pugh) doesn't want a serious relationship with Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy). Things are not going better for him professionally, as what was to be the day of Robert's crowning achievement, is overshadowed by H*tler's invasion of Poland. Back to him recanting to the committee, Robert tells them that he had long renounced Communism and it's then Pacifistic Ideals, however renouncement when he was not officially a member didn't mean he wasn't in contact with Family and friends within the party, including his wife Catherine (Kitty) (Emily Blunt)
We Return to Flashback as we see Robert Meeting Kitty Harman for the first time at a community gathering. She's a Biologist in a loveless marriage. Robert invite the Harmans to Ranching with him in Wyoming, where he makes his move and steals her from her husband. Robert Dumps Jean when she learns Kitty is Pregnant. He may wanted to leave the party's influence but that may be impossible. Jean warning him not to Alienate his friends, one day he will need them.
Sadly that nearly what he did when Oppenheimer makes it public he wants to Unionize the Chemistry Profession, Causing a Falling out with Dr Lawrence. This so called "Union" with card carrying Communists, is why Oppenheimer is not asked to join the "Project", in fact he shouldn't be taking about it, but Robert knows what it is, I mean, how could he not, Not after Einstein's open letter to Washington, and the Rumours of Jews in Prison Camps. If the Germans are making a Weapon, then learning a Jew helping America will only Spur on the Third Reich. Lawrence tells Robert not to be so Dahm Naive, Not to think about his own self importance and except his real importance, But he has to cut ties with the Commies, and only then would the Government would consider him onto the "Project"
Flash Forward into Fission Segment as Admiral Strauss Survives Cross Examination For Today. His Lawyers asks about why Oppenheimer was Considered a Security risk after the war, Strauss says he didn't accuse Robert, a Federal Agent named Borden Did, and rather than come to the AEC Directly, he did an investigation without the American Energy Committee's Knowledge, with all the Paranoia of the Cold war, if you even knew A Commie, you were publicly Blacklisted, since Robert's Wife, Family and Immediate friends were all Redshirts. It Didn't didn't help that Oppenheimer was bought in a Debate to stop Strauss from Denying the export of isotopes from Norway and Ruin Strauss' Public Image. "How could someone who sees more than all of us, could be so Blind?"
Back into Fusion And a new Flashback after Kitty Gave Birth, he returns to tell his wife he's in the Project, But Robert is greeted by a Drunk Kitty and a Crying Child. Kitty is not coping as a Parent, Single or otherwise.
This Makes Robert Consider Something painful for the safety of Baby Peter. He asks Haakan Chevalier and his now wife, Jean to adopt and Raise Peter in their Stead. Haakan agrees but says there is a price to be paid. I would do my "FORESHADOWING!" Bit, but the film already did that by mentioning a "Chevalier Incident"
Some time later in Wyoming, A Detoxed Kitty tells her Husband she's alright with him joining "The Project". Cut to a Banquet table in the White House, president Hoover has gathered the most brilliant minds in the free world. Dr Lawrence has noticed the 2 soldiers at the buffet and afterwards, Colonel Groves (Matt Damon) and his valet Lt. Gordon Nichols. Groves, the real life architect of the Pentagon, is tasked to find a director out of the Physicists who came today.... And Robert wasn't even a choice! After all, the data says that Robert Oppenheimer is a brash, Antisocial Womaniser who is literally in bed with Known Communists. But Drs Tomlin and Rabi vouch for his great Body of work. So groves asks how do they defeat The N*Zis. Robert says in a Straight race with their theories and Heisenberg at the helm, America has already lost. But Oppenheimer has his own plan-Use Antisemitism against the N*Zis
Robert explains H*tler called Quantum Physics "Jew Science" to Einstein's face. The plan is to galvanize all Jewish, and leftwing minded Scientist together. Hoping that H*tler's Regime will become so Apoplectic seeing Jews on the newsreel that The F*hrer will cut funding and resources out of spite. Groves doesn't sit too well on working with Commies, but Robert asks Groves "Remind me, who are we at war with?" Groves says he has final say in what goes, But Robert says "But I'm the Director!"- Despite Groves hasn't nor considered Oppenheimer. Groves smiles though ("You are everything they said....And More!)
The second phase is An Audacious one, Move All the Players from 4 cites by train to a location where the eastern and western lines intersects, in Wyoming. There, build an underground lab and over it, Build a Fake, But Functioning Town over it, To home the scientists and their families. Though recruiting Scientists proves to be a struggle, namely most don't want to lose their cushy teaching jobs and more worryingly a lot of Jews feel like they will be used by the Government.
Robert also wants to Rescue Niels Bohr from German occupied Denmark, But to work for their cause.
But there is a Faller at the First Hurdle- Isador Rabi does not want to join the project he's Too Afraid on what this project may unleash onto both the just and the Unjust.
But Robert Consoles his best friend. He knows that we have no right to wield such power. But they Definitely can't let the N*zis have it first. But there is another reason Izzy won't join-and Robert is Wearing it! The Military requires everyone to wear uniforms. Isador leaves his friend with some advice "You are a Scientist, Oppie! Be what they asked for-But Better"
Soon Robert ditches the Uniform for a Blue shirt, black tie, Charcoal jacket and Trousers, a pork pie hat and pipe. Returning to Caltech as Construction at Los Alamos is delayed. Oppenheimer welcomes upstart Physicist Edward Teller to the project. Teller's own equation seemingly Contradict what's been proven by Heisenberg and Oppenheimer. So Robert takes the Study to Princeton to have them looked over by Einstein.
When he gets there, Albert is already being in council with Dr Kurt Gobel, a N*zi Physicist. But Albert, not Staking any claim in this race invited his old friend for a meal, who despite this is worried about being Poisoned by the N**is, even here in Princeton.
Robert shows Albert Tellers Theron and it frightens the Great Genius out of his good mood. The Equation shows the sum of everyone's fears- A Chain reaction that has no ending point.
Total Nuclear Destruction.
Albert's Advice is have one Dr Bethe in California have a second opinion, or share their Finding with the Germans. Hoping seeing this equation will put off both sides. Dr Bethe puts Oppenheimer's fears to rest when his calculations proves an endless chain reaction is near zero. Though Oppenheimer wants him to run it again as "Theory can only get you so far!"
We Cut to The Oppenheimer's going to the Chevailer's for a dinner party and to check on Peter's condition. Chevailer brings up the Shell Executive that tried to employ Robert years ago, and apparently, he wants to know what Oppenheimer is working on as he is complaining that the war is Doing a number on free trade, maybe If there was a Communist sympathiser who was a lab worker, maybe they know what patents they were working on.
Robert doesn't bat an eye, he calls this what it really is-Treason! As he is hearing this , he can't believe he trusted his son's safety to someone who was all this time was a Spy!
Cut to Strauss' testimony. The Judge reveal that after recess a Scientist will give his testimony. Strauss asks who it is, But the Judge has no Obligation to reveal his identity. Strauss asks his lawyer to find out who this witness is, and hope he was not stationed at Los Alamos. "That place became the "Cult of Oppie" Not only was he the head scientist, he was Town Founder, the mayor, the Sheriff, Everything!
Los Alamos was finally Constructed and the Oppenheimers, Baby Peter included move into the fake town, But it's too fake, the house has no kitchen.
During the Brief, the Physicists agree not to use the word "Bomb", instead opting for more Subtle term "Gadget"! The Study project of the brief?- Halifax 1917. A tanker full of Munitions caught fire and caused what was at the time, the biggest man-made explosion in history. The brief is to calculate the known damage of the Halifax Explosion, if instead of a Chemical reaction, it was a nuclear reaction, but express the Output and yield in Tons of TNT. When Bethe exclaims that number would go into the thousands, Robert corrects himself and says "Kilotons". Robert gives Dr Tomlin the floor, he has Bad News. The Mining Operation is not going as well as expected. In the back of the room, Dr Teller gives a Wry laugh to himself. He has a solution to the problem-Acceleration!
If the issue is uranium quality-FINE! Use the little they have already to ignite Hydrogen Atoms. If Teller's Formulas are Correct this 'H Bomb" would be far more powerful it's output would be "Megatons ". The detonator to Ignite the Hydrogen bomb would be the An atomic bomb. The other Fellows laugh at Teller...but in the Future, Strauss is Cross Examined about the proposed H Bomb. Court is Adjourned for the Day when Both He and Oppenheimer are pulled into a Late night meeting. As bad as the Animosity between them has become, it gets worse -The Russians are Testing bombs. Strauss can't believe it. We are years ahead, but Somehow here we are -No doubt Oppie and or any of his Commie Buddies have Spied on us and turned Traitor! Strauss asks if there is anyone who can Refute Oppenheimer's claim of tight Security, at the Trail, that's when Colonel Gordon Nichols, Groves' Valet makes himself known
In the past, The then Lieutenant Gordon watches the team theorise the Ignition Mechanic. This was the day the British Contingent, including Jewish Scientist Karl Fruchs was inducted into the Manhatten Project". Groves is here to inspect the town, he's shocked to find the Staff's wives are working in administrative roles. Oppenheimer says it's not a matter of Security, it's a matter of equality. All the Woman here are as Intelligent and Erudite as any of the men in their field as them! Despite this dressing down, Grove demands a report every week "Top MEN only!"
He also refuse to give Frank Oppenheimer clearance.
Back in the Hotel Dining Room in the 50s, both side of the trail have buried the Hatchet, for now, to Discuss a plan of attack. Strauss asks if Teller's Formulas of the "Super" is feasible, Only for Robert to warn that Edward Teller's Formulas always veered into Primitive Power Fantasy "His Bombs would be Delivered by Ox cart, not aeroplane!" Strauss only cares about putting America First- Even if it means if a Russian Spy who was at Los Alamos already told Stalin about the "Super"
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