Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Eamonn reviews Ready Or Not Part 1

 Today we Discover One Of Fox's Very Recent Horror Success Stories. A Sharp Twisted Romp Down the Aisle and Into An Open Grave. So With that in mind Let's Dig into Ready Or Not.

First Lets Talk About, Like we Always Do, With the Cover of the DVD.

This is by far the Most Gorgeous Piece of Poster Art I've seen in a Long time. It's Very reminiscent of a Drew Struzan's Work, Even though it's All Photos and not Painted Images, But the Balance of Light and Shadow and Sepia toning and the Premise of a Murderous Family in a Gothic Mansion and you got a Cover that Grabs Attention.

We Open With 2 young Boys Running through a Mansion With Shelves Lined with Board games with Suspect names like Family Ritual and Le Bail's Gambit, Running from a wounded man. The Older of the boys, Daniel tells Alex to hide in a grandfather Clock, While the Wounded Man dressed as a Groom pleads for help. Only for Daniel to sell him Out, Soon Both are Surrounded by Cloaked and Masked Figures and a crying Bride as the Groom is Struck with an Arrow and Dragged away through Double Door as A woman Reveals her face to Her Son Daniel and tells him he Did the Family proud.

30 Years Later and a Bride named Grace (Samara Weaving) is to be married into the very same Family, In fact it's to Alex she is betrothed to, But she feels like her new family hates her because they think he is a gold-digger. Daniel arrives to tell his Brother the Priest has arrived, But Alex wants her not go through, Knowing full well what happens next when anyone wishes to join the Le Domais Games Family.

After the Wedding and Being Sized Up as a Gold-Digger, We get some Foreshadowing Planted, How a Great Aunt is Staring Daggers, How an In-Law is running Late is An Idiot but is "One Of Us" and Just Double Entrendres about Sacrifices and Being Heartless and Soulless.

It's The Wedding Night and Just as Things get Frisky, The Grand Aunt walks through a secret Passage, Telling them that "That is a Terrible Hiding Place". She Tells them that It's nearly Midnight and the Game is Ready. Confused, Grace is Told that when ever the Family is married into, the new In-law must Prove his worth in a game, Selected by a Deck Of cards (Without Mentioning of course, that the game is Worked into being a Murderous Ritual!)

So In front of the Whole Family and Servants, Grace tells Her Mother in Law, Becky (Andie McDowell) She was a Foster Child

Great, She was simply Chosen because noone will miss her.

A Child Runs In wearing the same Masks worn 30 years ago and seeing it Gives Daniel PTSD! Grave is lead to the Room that the Groom was Dragged through 30 years ago and reveals a Room that looks like a Hunting Lodge, On the table a shuffled Deck Of Cards. the Top Card will be the Night's Festivities, Revealed to be a game of Hide And Seek!


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