Monday, September 6, 2021

Eamonn Reviews Fighting With My Family part 2

 In the End, Paige (Florence Pugh)  is the only one to will go to Florida To Train. Paige Confronts Shane (Vince Vaughn) about not picking Zack (Jack Lowden). Zack tells his sister to do it for herself and not the family. Paige concedes, but she's not happy with it!

The Family are both shocked and delighted that Paige is going, So she goes to her room to pack. Here we have Glaring Inaccuracy number 3. this time the wrong female belt is used. Paige picks up a homemade childhood version of the Defunct Diva's Title and when Paige was a child the belt was the now reinstated Women's title! They could have given us 1 minute of dialogue to explain that, but no!

Ricky (Nick Frost) and Jools (Lena Headley) say their goodbyes at Luton Airport, But not Zack, he couldn't bring himself to say goodbye. And soon the Pylons of Norwich, "the Mustard Capital of the world" is replaced by The Palm trees of Tampa Florida, "The Sunshine State" She enters the shared flat and meets her room-mates, 3 Bikini Clad Bimbos, all using Original names, including one called Jeri Lynn as a joke to the Indie Veteran. He even tweeted about. It's because they don't want the three real life Women, (and wrestling fans have a fair idea who they might be!) to sue over being portrayed as the check-chasing Cum Dumpsters that they were.

1st Day of Training and Paige is impressed by the Gym, This is not the Rinky Dink Promotion her dad owns. Shane returns as a Coach. Paige is pushed to her Limit, while in England, Courtney gives birth to Zack's Child, who is happy, but he worries about the Future!

The Next day, And it's Promo Training and Shane tells Paige her Stolen Promos from 20 years ago, will not fly with American Fans who heard it before! She needs a catchphrase that no-one has heard before! 

*SPOILERS* (BUT NOT REALLY!) But i wont tell Paige to put a patent on the Phrase "THIS IS MY HOUSE!" JUST SAYIN'

Meanwhile, Zack is taking Hardcore Matches to make ends meet, after one nasty match with him being slammed into thumbtacks, He Calls Shane to Asking for a Second Chance, Shane Coldly tells him to let go and work on being a father when Zack Brings up his child.

Paige is In Training with the stand-in character for whoever was stupid enough in real life to throw a real punch and got hit with a real punch from Paige a second time she did it. Because A person who doesn't know what they are doing in wrestling is Dangerous.

As Opposed to Sasha Banks, Who Did know What she was Doing!

When Krysten Botches again, Paige slaps her as a "Receipt", Or Revenge. This Brings in Shane who tells Paige to Apologize, Even Getting Angry with Paige.

That Night's Video Call to her Family, It's Revealed Zack's Son is called Calen. Saraya Tells Paige not to Worry about the other Girls. They are Just Bikini Models who were just hired to be Tits and Ass! Ricky tells Paige In earshot of Zack, That They'd hire any Idiot. I would say Ricky Bevis would not win Father of the Year, but then again the Real Ricky Bevis thinks Child Labour Laws are Child Labour....SUGGESTIONS !

Just as I say that, it's revealed the Wrestling class is now a Sweatshop for Paige Dolls!

Though she's Worried about Getting to the" Main Roster"-i.e, the Televised Shows. If Paige fails now it would be like she never existed. But her family are proud of her, now matter what!

A House Show In Florida and Jeri, Madison and Kirsten are introduced to a lecherous crowd of Teenage Boys and Men. When Paige comes out in an AC/DC t-shirt and Shorts the Crowd go silent. All the Body Issues and Heckles get to her, and she chokes. She leaves the Arena alone, passing the bimbos giving out autographs to the fans. On Both Sides of the Pond, The Bevis Children are Suffering. Paige Dyes her hair Blonde out of an Identity Crisis and Gets rid of her Goth Makeup and Piercing. Zack Takes to the Drink even More and Ignores Calen's Cries. Shane hates the Change Paige makes and it has affected her way she works, failing in a simple training exercise.

On the Bus Journey Home, Paige assumes the 3 Bimbos behind her are laughing at her behind her back. Kirsten Reveals she was showing the others pictures of her daughter. Paige is shocked that Kirsten even has a child. But Of Course Paige wouldn't know, she doesn't know anything about anyone else, after all, Kirsten, and the others are just "TITS AND ASS!" Quoting Paige's Mother!

Stopping at a Gas Station, Shane Explains why Zack Didn't get picked. He's a Journeyman, he's picked up to many bad habits from working in the Indies. And it has made Zack take the Hardcore matches to please the fans back home and one day it's gonna lead to him "Jumping off a 30ft cage just so people can talk about him!"


.....At least Film Shane Brings up that's exactly the case, the Problem is that a problem that many films have had Before. "Show, DON'T Tell" and the thing is in the 2 Montages of wwe clips, i don't remember if they included any clips of Shane!

It's Close to Christmas and everyone is heading home for the Holidays. Shane tells her to mull over her life during Christmas.

Back Home in Norwich and Ricky and Saraya Put Paige in a match against Zack. Backstage Zack is told by Paige she wants to Quit, which makes Zack Very Angry. Angry enough not to stick to the Script. the Jealousy comes out in a rotten Way, not only by Winning the match but by winning using a Piledriver, a move that is banned in Indie Promotions like Ricky's for Concussion Issues. When the Other Family members call out Zack, He tells them what he was told, that Paige wants to quit, she wants to let the family down, more than he ever could! Paige Clarifies by saying she wants to quit wrestling outright, that she has no Identity beyond wrestling. Hell She was doomed at the start: her Birthname is her mother's Ringname!

Paige is Moping in her Childhood room, when Saraya comes in to tell her that Zack is Missing. In the Van, Saraya berates Ricky for pushing his children too far, Roy's in Prison, Zack thinks he's failure and Paige is Miserable! They Find Zack in a bar picking fights, as a jukebox plays Cliff Richard's Mistletoe and wine, a song about Goodwill and Human Kindness.

Zack Confronts Paige throwing away his dream. Paige tells Zack why he wasn't picked. So Zack won't be WWE champion. But look at the things he has. He has A wife and baby who loves him, a school of students who hang on every word. He's teaching a blind boy how to wrestle, how many World Champions would be capable of that? She Finishes by saying that she was always reluctant to follow in the family's footsteps, but this was HER dream too!

With a lot to contemplate, Paige return decides to Return to Florida, Striking a Happy Medium, Her Black hair and Gothic look with Ring Gear that shows off her Midriff. It's also a change in attitude, as she goes from Class-Know-It-All to Locker Room Leader, Helping out the Other Girls. Soon they are having Competitive matches. and Soon 8 trainees become 6 and they will be having a Dark Match, or Untelevised Match at Wrestlemania 30, (Which the next night, The Real Paige did Debut on the raw tv show after That event, so they got that one right at least!)

Meanwhile, Roy Knight from his stint in prison. During the show, and after the match Paige had, She meets the Rock again and they call Paige's Parents. At first Ricky thinks it's a prank call, and hangs up! Paige redials and the Rock tells the Knight family some big news. Paige's time in NXT is over....Because tomorrow night on Raw, On worldwide Television, Paige is not only making her debut but facing the Diva's Champion AJ Lee for her title.


The Rock is, and also at the in 2009, a part-timer and even then, had no sway in hiring people or Booking matches in any way!

So Paige will Face the Longest Reigning Diva's Champion at the time, Aj Lee (WHO IS NO LONGER THE LONGEST CHAMPION EVER, IT'S NOW JOHN CENA'S FORMER CUMDUMP, NIKKI BELLA!) AJ Lee like her Husband, CM Punk, are now considered firebrands by wwe management, (April "AJ LEE" Mendez-Brooks would release a autobiography after her retirement "Crazy is my SuperPower" Claiming Everything from systemic Bullying and Trying to Make her Real -Life Manic Depression into a Gimmick, so naturally they had to get a stand in, Played by Current wwe Wrestler Zelina Vega...Dressed as Zelina Vega. This is what Zelina Looks like in her ring gear.

Not Pictured: Traditional Knee Caps and Wrestling Boots, which most wrestlers wear as standard!


Seriously, they couldn't find Zelina a Grateful Dead T-Shirt, Jean Shorts and Black Tennis Shoes to wear? The Only thing they got Right, was the Hair Colour and Skin Tone!

So Meanwhile, in England Zack is keeping Roy on the Straight and Narrow, and both feel Proud when Callum, the Blind Boy, Does a Moonsault (A Backflip off the toprope onto a prone person!) This ragtag Promotion may make it after all...That is until the next time Ricky Knight has summons for Breaking Child Labour Laws!

And So Our Ends with With Paige having a Panic Attack before her Debut. Until Zack Rings her to wish her luck. Aj Lee make an Open Challenge and...YOU KNOW THE REST!

Ok, for those who Don't Paige beats AJ Lee, breaking her 300+ day reign as champion. Becoming the youngest champion in wwe ever, Using what was Zack's finisher, now forever known as the Paige Turner!


First, Kudos To Florence Pugh for actually Getting in Shape to do close up wrestling shots though she did have a stunt Double. The Jokes are funny, the Story Touching and Grounded despite the Niche Circle that is Wrestling and you are rooting for the Underdog from Minute one.

Unfortunately, if you do watch Wrestling, the Inaccuracies will just Piss you Off! and the Layer of Sacchirine and Rose-Tinted Glasses about Paige's Childhood and her Scummy Parents are reaching Levels Not seen since the Film, The General! They are Trying to Portray Ricky Bevis, Just like They Did with Martin Cahill in the General, as Family Men, trying to provide for their families.

With This Being said, this was Florence Pugh's Starmaker Film, Her next film Role was The remake of Little Women, which always makes a Tidy Sum. Not a Bad First Outing as a producer By Dwayne Johnson, But Just like his Show, Young Rock, Johnson doesn't Let something like the Truth get in the way of a good story!


Fighting With my Family was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited By Eamonn Bermingham (RealEnli)

With Media From In Part 1:

Bleacher Report


Fighting With My Family

Superman Returns




Dragonball Z Abridged

Bad Movie Beatdown.

Fighting with My Family was Co-Produced by Film4 And WWE Studios and Distrubuted by Lionsgate and MGM. All rights Reserved. All Media used belongs to their Respective Owners.