As stated in Opening Act, Jeremy and Aelita were working on Programming what Jeremy referred to a "ship". We open on the Two with Odd throwing a tennis ball around sensitive machinery like the idiot he is! He does tell the audience that the ship is a submarine and we Cut to Ulrich and Yumi cuddling in their sleep, though waking causes them to be embarrassed, Possibly due to them only seeing each other because of the guilt of keeping William a secret, rather than it being a real relationship.
As the Heroes Return to Kadic in the Dead of Night, Jeremy tells them that the Sub's Power core must be installed at 4pm Sharp. If not The Core will React like a Black Hole and Destroy everything Virtual: I Don't know why they just don't use it to kill Xana for sure with it, But If we take Aelita's Black Hole Analogy at Face Value, It will mean the Internet as Whole will be Destroyed.
Though Jeremy Interjects stating only ALL HIS programs will be erased, letting Xana Run roughshod as it will take Jeremy Months to re-write programs from Scratch.
However, a known student couple, caught working in their Pajamas in Jeremy's room by the Caretaker Jim, is seen as a serious offence of the Boarding Arrangements by Monsieur Delmas who gives the Genius Couple Detention with Jim in Charge!
The others Ask how they will continue today's plan, Aelita shockingly just says they plan to run away from Jim, After all, IT'S JUST JIM!...Jim However in a show of Competence and maybe the Deja Vu is back, tails Jeremy and Aelita til 4 o'clock, With Odd trying to rescue the 2 with Silly plans like Pretending Jim has won the lottery and Wind up Mice, and to make Matter Worse, William has Commanded a Battalion of Kreepers to Sabotage the Submarine!
Using Morse Code with his watch, (After His phone is confiscated and the others, Via Human Ladder try to aid his escape!) Yumi tells them about the attack, at the Factory the boys Virtualize to Carthage with Yumi has Mission Control, with Jeremy sending co-ordinates remotely as Aelita distracts Jim!
We See the Submarine and it's Massive, it looks like a Turtle mixed with Squid tentacles, than a commonplace Submarine! Delmas arrives and confiscates the laptop off Jeremy and leaves Yumi Hanging. Ulrich fights William. Odd fights an increasing number of monsters, Yumi trying handle everything and Jeremy haggling with Jim for his computer back, All uphill Battles. That's when Yumi thinks outside the box and calls unlikely help, Her Brother Hiroki and his Creepy Friend Johnny to Unleash Odd's Dog Kiwi to distract Jim, and it works! The Genius Couple are Inbound
Jeremy takes his place, as the Girls are virtualised, just as Odd is Destroyed, Ulrich is destroyed by his own sword when William Disarms him. The Sub's Shields are Depleted and we only have 5 minutes left. In a shock to me, It's Aelita who defeats William, With him gone the Monster retreat without a leader and Jeremy installs the Engine Core.
In the Hermitage, The heroes try to Think of a name, It's when Aelita finds a Book belonging to her Father, a book on Norse Legends. She was told a story of a longship that could even travel on land and always reached it's destination.
The Ship's name was....
Episode 71 is Maiden Voyage, We finally see new Civilian Clothes for our heroes and side characters though at first glance at Jeremy, It's seemed like a Pallet swap, I'll get into the changes when I Finish the season and the series!
We open Properly with a Gym Class on Rock Climbing where Jim says something Surprisingly Profound!
"Only by Challenging Yourselves, You can move Mountains, and then Climb them!"
Jeremy is called First and falls in front of the class. Despite Aelita's attempts of Comforting him, Jeremy fells inadequate about his body, to the point he doesn't hear the full Announcement by Mr. Delmas about today's Fire Safety Day, which classes have being cancelled for!
During the Maiden Voyage from Carthage, the Navigation System Bugs up Leaving them all Literally dead in the water, Without a Guiding System, the shields will run out of power and Everything will Dissolve, But Jeremy has a back-up system in his room....except he learns from Jim that the announcement he didn't listen to was that Dorms are out of Bounds and Guarded for a realistic Fire Drill!. Jeremy felt inadequate about his Body is now forced to LE PARKOUR! over the school Roof!
In the Digital Sea, Something's Immense Gravity is drawing the Skid closer, When Aelita realizes, it's not Lyoko, she pulls away and straight into a pair of new Monsters, Laser Shooting Eels later Christened Kongres!
Jeremy finds his CD-ROM and Returns to the lab, but he needs time. Thankfully the Tentacles can Detach into 3 X-Fighter like pods called Skid-Navis to Attack the Eels. Jeremy Remote Fixes the Navigation and the Pods reattach to the Skidbladnir as it Returns to Carthage.
On Solid Ground, Jeremy explains that the Gravitational Force was a Replika of Lyoko and possibly XANA'S New Base of Operations and they will explore it...Just not today!
And we will Join them, When we Review Crash Course and Replika, Next week when we...
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