One Year ago, I reviewed Grease 2.
It Sucked!
and because it sucked, a lot of youse made it my most read review ever, in the space of 12 months!
Let's try that again!
This Month we have Steve Coogan's Crineworthy Presenter and DJ Alan Partridge, His Misadventures In Being Employed in Local Radio has bought him back to Norwich, where his mundane talkshow is about to become a talking point in itself.

I'm not trilled with a comedy film having a serious toned cover, especially with Coogan now taking serious roles these days.
The film opens with some BRILLIANT Fourth Wall Breaking, Alan Commenting that the last caller's request for Some Ominous Chanting Put the Shivers up his Spine! Alan Starts Show Mid-Morning Matters about the kind of non-offensive, dull, Cat-Up-A-Tree Local News like Norwich's most Suntanned child or If you lost the sense of smell, what smell would you miss the most?
Outside the Studio, Pat Farrell (Colm Meaney) The midnight to late Early Morning DJ is fearing his Job You see, Radio Norwich has being bought by a Evil Media Conglomerate of Evil called Shape.
So Norfolk FM is changing, Shape is going down the MTV Britain and/or Ireland Route, and hired young obnoxious corporate schills who will play what they are told, considering Local radio is a different breed to National Radio, Pat are confused and pissed off about the move, especially by morning Shock-jock Danny Sinclair.
Pat asks Alan as Senior DJ to Talk to the board, But Alan spots a list of names with both his and pat's names circled in red.
Fearing his Convincing will give himself the chop, he back-peddles in spectacular fashion to save his own arse! EVEN WRITING ON A A4 SHEET "JUST FIRE PAT"! Sure Enough pat is sacked! Alan does himself no favours by pretending to talk on the phone. "Yes I'M Calling about My Phone Ringing Me whilst I'm talking!"
Shape Hosts It's Relaunch Party that night and Alan has his Housekeeper, Lynn, as his Plusone. It's all trendy people and Bimbos in Hotpants, A crazed fan of Alan crashes the party But Lynn dismisses her into a taxi, before herself leaves. But Not before this gem!
Alan: "What Did You Say to make her Leave?"
Lynn: "I just Said God Loves Everyone-Even Sluts!"
Alan Reenters the Party and sees the Offices in Disarray, He sees Pat with a Shotgun and legs it to the Local Police station.
Oh Look.
The BBC made the only the Irishman in the film a terrorist!
If the BBC haven't put an embargo on the Clip in Question (you know what clip i'm on about!) I would indeed play Steve Coogan singing Come On Ye Black And Tans
So Alan forced into being a Peacemaker for the police. He is bungled in riot gear, with 4 words of instruction:
Alan enters and Pat is off the deep-end, he's dressed as a cowboy and has Alan's co-host Simon wrapped like a mummy in duct-tape
Meeting the hostages, Alan makes it clear that he has discarded his bulletproof vest to gain Pat's trust and definitely Not because he is scared of Pat! (IT WAS!)
Pat is DJing during the siege and is angry to find that he's only being fired 12 hours and his Jingles are wiped from the soundboard, Pat tells the hostages to make a new Jingle, or they are all dead! So the new Jingle is a stab at Shape being a faceless company and Pat loves it! He asks them to make more....At Gunpoint!
Pat gives a Freudian Excuse for why he did this: His wife died but he cared more about his career, so getting fired was like losing her again. Pat falls asleep, with Alan deciding whether to phone the police or not....Only for us to cut to Alan waking up!
Day 2 of the Siege and Pat is Djing and gets a request for Willie Nelson, But Shape's new System means everything has to be approved by a Faceless Corporation, Whilst Looking for A Willie Nelson Record in the Archives, they stumble on a old photo of the Radio Norwich Tourbus!
Pat Gives Alan the gun to hold only for Alan to attack Pat and escape only for Police to come in and shoot Pat...only it's 3 Alans in Riot Gear....Once again it's only a dream!
Mick The Dimwitted Security Man has being found Hiding in the cupboard for 2 days. He had A full lunchbox for food....and an Empty Lunchbox....for.....Facilities! Pat tells mike to throw it out the window, making Riot Police scarper thinking it's a bomb!
Alan is dragged out to tell the Police Pat's Demands: A Helicopter. The Bomb Disposal Robot Destroys the Turd In the Tupperware and It Get's Pat Angry. Alan see's his fans have started a protest against Shape and Partridge takes it in stride, almost doing stand up for fans. Worldwide attention, something that eluded Alan is finally his, Ratings for shape go up and Alan, Pat and Simon who is duct taped to a chair, are the only game in Norwich!
Lynn is dolled up for her interview with the BBC. Alan feeling good about himself has a quickie with the only person who finds a socially awkward middle-age man attractive: an socially awkward middle age woman!
Jace Treadwell, being the corporate Scum-Guzzler that he is, Only sees Profit margins only Felicitates Alan's Ego, Offering Alan the Holy grail in Radio Broadcasting, the Morning Slot, Sinclair's Morning slot. Lynn tries to be the Angel on Alan's shoulder to Jace's Devil But in his Cockiness-Alan accidentally escapes, Trying to get back in makes him lose his trousers and arrested
With Alan free, Partridge, wants to hit the Talk show Circuit, But Lynn is concerned he may jeopardize the lives of everyone still inside Norwich FM, So Alan fires her!
Alan Gets back inside after a Botched Weapon Drop with a Policeman pretending to be a Pizza man, Alan convinces Pat to Release all the woman only because he finds out Angela has Teenage Kids he doesn't want to raise, Pat's seen through Alan's ruse and finds the taser snuck in by Police. Danny and Jace arm themselves with the taser and shotgun, Jace belittling Pat, Alan tells Danny that Jace offered his slot to him so Danny tases Jace. Police Barrage in and Pat and Alan with Mick the security Guard driving the Norwich FM Roadcaster (VERY SLOWLY!) Through Norwich gaining support from the people-That is until Pat recognizes Alan's Writing from the placard from the Boardroom!
Knowing Pat has worked it out Alan Escapes via Hiding in and deploying the bus's Septic tank! He runs into a funfair and Steals a Rifle from a shooting Gallery, Alan Surrenders and starts singing You We're Always on my Mind to Distract Pat, But throwing the Rifle away causes it to misfire and shoot Alan, Alan lies down with everyone thinking he's dead but he actually watching a seagull fly away with a bag of crisps!
And so The film Ends, Norwich FM is Restored, Pat is a guest DJ behind bars, Lynn has her job back and Alan and Angela are giving being a family a try, even if her sons' taste in music is terrible!
The Script is funny and Quotable, the Premise is very light though it could have become dark. Coogan shines as his most famous creation, though he is supported well by Meaney and co. 5 stars!
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa was Reviewed Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli On twitter)
Alan Partridge is Property of the BBC, as is the Image used
All Rights Reserved.
It Sucked!
and because it sucked, a lot of youse made it my most read review ever, in the space of 12 months!
Let's try that again!
This Month we have Steve Coogan's Crineworthy Presenter and DJ Alan Partridge, His Misadventures In Being Employed in Local Radio has bought him back to Norwich, where his mundane talkshow is about to become a talking point in itself.
I'm not trilled with a comedy film having a serious toned cover, especially with Coogan now taking serious roles these days.
The film opens with some BRILLIANT Fourth Wall Breaking, Alan Commenting that the last caller's request for Some Ominous Chanting Put the Shivers up his Spine! Alan Starts Show Mid-Morning Matters about the kind of non-offensive, dull, Cat-Up-A-Tree Local News like Norwich's most Suntanned child or If you lost the sense of smell, what smell would you miss the most?
Outside the Studio, Pat Farrell (Colm Meaney) The midnight to late Early Morning DJ is fearing his Job You see, Radio Norwich has being bought by a Evil Media Conglomerate of Evil called Shape.
So Norfolk FM is changing, Shape is going down the MTV Britain and/or Ireland Route, and hired young obnoxious corporate schills who will play what they are told, considering Local radio is a different breed to National Radio, Pat are confused and pissed off about the move, especially by morning Shock-jock Danny Sinclair.
Pat asks Alan as Senior DJ to Talk to the board, But Alan spots a list of names with both his and pat's names circled in red.
Fearing his Convincing will give himself the chop, he back-peddles in spectacular fashion to save his own arse! EVEN WRITING ON A A4 SHEET "JUST FIRE PAT"! Sure Enough pat is sacked! Alan does himself no favours by pretending to talk on the phone. "Yes I'M Calling about My Phone Ringing Me whilst I'm talking!"
Shape Hosts It's Relaunch Party that night and Alan has his Housekeeper, Lynn, as his Plusone. It's all trendy people and Bimbos in Hotpants, A crazed fan of Alan crashes the party But Lynn dismisses her into a taxi, before herself leaves. But Not before this gem!
Alan: "What Did You Say to make her Leave?"
Lynn: "I just Said God Loves Everyone-Even Sluts!"
Alan Reenters the Party and sees the Offices in Disarray, He sees Pat with a Shotgun and legs it to the Local Police station.
Oh Look.
The BBC made the only the Irishman in the film a terrorist!
If the BBC haven't put an embargo on the Clip in Question (you know what clip i'm on about!) I would indeed play Steve Coogan singing Come On Ye Black And Tans
So Alan forced into being a Peacemaker for the police. He is bungled in riot gear, with 4 words of instruction:
Alan enters and Pat is off the deep-end, he's dressed as a cowboy and has Alan's co-host Simon wrapped like a mummy in duct-tape
Meeting the hostages, Alan makes it clear that he has discarded his bulletproof vest to gain Pat's trust and definitely Not because he is scared of Pat! (IT WAS!)
Pat is DJing during the siege and is angry to find that he's only being fired 12 hours and his Jingles are wiped from the soundboard, Pat tells the hostages to make a new Jingle, or they are all dead! So the new Jingle is a stab at Shape being a faceless company and Pat loves it! He asks them to make more....At Gunpoint!
Pat gives a Freudian Excuse for why he did this: His wife died but he cared more about his career, so getting fired was like losing her again. Pat falls asleep, with Alan deciding whether to phone the police or not....Only for us to cut to Alan waking up!
Day 2 of the Siege and Pat is Djing and gets a request for Willie Nelson, But Shape's new System means everything has to be approved by a Faceless Corporation, Whilst Looking for A Willie Nelson Record in the Archives, they stumble on a old photo of the Radio Norwich Tourbus!
Pat Gives Alan the gun to hold only for Alan to attack Pat and escape only for Police to come in and shoot Pat...only it's 3 Alans in Riot Gear....Once again it's only a dream!
Mick The Dimwitted Security Man has being found Hiding in the cupboard for 2 days. He had A full lunchbox for food....and an Empty Lunchbox....for.....Facilities! Pat tells mike to throw it out the window, making Riot Police scarper thinking it's a bomb!
Alan is dragged out to tell the Police Pat's Demands: A Helicopter. The Bomb Disposal Robot Destroys the Turd In the Tupperware and It Get's Pat Angry. Alan see's his fans have started a protest against Shape and Partridge takes it in stride, almost doing stand up for fans. Worldwide attention, something that eluded Alan is finally his, Ratings for shape go up and Alan, Pat and Simon who is duct taped to a chair, are the only game in Norwich!
Lynn is dolled up for her interview with the BBC. Alan feeling good about himself has a quickie with the only person who finds a socially awkward middle-age man attractive: an socially awkward middle age woman!
Jace Treadwell, being the corporate Scum-Guzzler that he is, Only sees Profit margins only Felicitates Alan's Ego, Offering Alan the Holy grail in Radio Broadcasting, the Morning Slot, Sinclair's Morning slot. Lynn tries to be the Angel on Alan's shoulder to Jace's Devil But in his Cockiness-Alan accidentally escapes, Trying to get back in makes him lose his trousers and arrested
With Alan free, Partridge, wants to hit the Talk show Circuit, But Lynn is concerned he may jeopardize the lives of everyone still inside Norwich FM, So Alan fires her!
Alan Gets back inside after a Botched Weapon Drop with a Policeman pretending to be a Pizza man, Alan convinces Pat to Release all the woman only because he finds out Angela has Teenage Kids he doesn't want to raise, Pat's seen through Alan's ruse and finds the taser snuck in by Police. Danny and Jace arm themselves with the taser and shotgun, Jace belittling Pat, Alan tells Danny that Jace offered his slot to him so Danny tases Jace. Police Barrage in and Pat and Alan with Mick the security Guard driving the Norwich FM Roadcaster (VERY SLOWLY!) Through Norwich gaining support from the people-That is until Pat recognizes Alan's Writing from the placard from the Boardroom!
Knowing Pat has worked it out Alan Escapes via Hiding in and deploying the bus's Septic tank! He runs into a funfair and Steals a Rifle from a shooting Gallery, Alan Surrenders and starts singing You We're Always on my Mind to Distract Pat, But throwing the Rifle away causes it to misfire and shoot Alan, Alan lies down with everyone thinking he's dead but he actually watching a seagull fly away with a bag of crisps!
And so The film Ends, Norwich FM is Restored, Pat is a guest DJ behind bars, Lynn has her job back and Alan and Angela are giving being a family a try, even if her sons' taste in music is terrible!
The Script is funny and Quotable, the Premise is very light though it could have become dark. Coogan shines as his most famous creation, though he is supported well by Meaney and co. 5 stars!
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa was Reviewed Compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli On twitter)
Alan Partridge is Property of the BBC, as is the Image used
All Rights Reserved.
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