For all his bravery on Lyoko, even Ulrich has a fear, and that is a fear of heights, In gym class, William beats Ulrich in a race on a climbing wall, after Ulrich's fear gets the better of him, And like the mopey teen he is, runs of in embarrassment
Meanwhile, Jeremie and Aelita have come across data that looks like an Anti-Virus that will sever Aelita's ties to Lyoko and XANA

However, the Anti-Virus instead turns Aelita invisible and Jeremie learns this by accidentally being grabby when he feels for his now-invisible girlfriend.
In the Woods surrounding Kadic Academy, Ulrich has being moping, when he hears a noise behind him, he sees his friends and they talk about how he shouldn't be ashamed of having a fear. That's when The owner of the noise Ulrich heard come into view, A pack of Wolves possessed by XANA.
Meanwhile on Lyoko, a Now Visible Aelita is now virtualized on the Ice Zone, But there is a problem, The Anti-virus to make her Human, has worked too well, she can no longer Enter the Towers to deactivate them and now she is a sitting duck for the sycphozoa, but she can use her Creativity to freeze hentai-face in a block of ice....wait, she could do that this whole time?
For all his bravery on Lyoko, even Ulrich has a fear, and that is a fear of heights, In gym class, William beats Ulrich in a race on a climbing wall, after Ulrich's fear gets the better of him, And like the mopey teen he is, runs of in embarrassment
Meanwhile, Jeremie and Aelita have come across data that looks like an Anti-Virus that will sever Aelita's ties to Lyoko and XANA

However, the Anti-Virus instead turns Aelita invisible and Jeremie learns this by accidentally being grabby when he feels for his now-invisible girlfriend.
In the Woods surrounding Kadic Academy, Ulrich has being moping, when he hears a noise behind him, he sees his friends and they talk about how he shouldn't be ashamed of having a fear. That's when The owner of the noise Ulrich heard come into view, A pack of Wolves possessed by XANA.
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But It's only a temporary measure!
Back in the woods, the others run from the XANA/WOLVES, and poor Ulrich he has to climb to safety, but then somehow a wolf is already up the jagged rocks. Ulrich falls to reveal that the wolves are holograms....until they actually aren't! Yumi and Odd break for it, with Ulrich not far behind!
Yumi is destroyed early, Leaving Odd alone!

To further give weight to the joke that Odd keeps getting new powers as the plot demands...we see that Odd can now swim in Digital Water to Sneak Attack Xna's monsters, ...despite us already seeing that touching the water will erase your data...because that's how Yumi died in Just in time!
Hopefully testing the theory that they can all swim in Digital Water will never come up, It's not Like XANA's Modus Operandi in Season 3 becomes Drowning Aelita, Right?
So Jeremie Debugs Aelita and she deactivates the tower. Leaving the wolves unconscious on the factory floor, Because of the Danger, Xana has once again put Jeremie in a bind and forces a Return to the past, causing the Virtual-Terrorist to grow stronger!
Episode 45 sees the arrivial of Newscaster (and wasted Potential for a secondary villain!) Thomas Vincent aka "TV". Vincent is here to Supposedly do an expose on the failure of the school system, except he singles out Jeremie, a genius with a 99% test average, and Odd, who while Dumb-As-Fuck, Odd's Grades in Artistic Subjects makes up for it! He also want's Tv to acknowledge a tv pilot he wrote, edited and Stars in, annoying the Reporter!
Xana's scheme as of late is to run our heroes ragged, Activate a tower send monsters to defend said tower, have monsters retreat, deactivate tower himself and activate a tower on a different zone! This causes the annoyed Warriors, sans Aelita, to break for lunch, and sure enough, XANA's real plan goes into action, which is , and i quote, which is, AND I QUOTE! "Using Radio waves to to weight down the clouds to cause a Blizzard!
I know I used the joke last week but to hell with it, it's not going away anytime soon!

It's all fun and Games until the Snow really pelts down, In the flurry, Sissi and Herve Hide in Vincent's Sportscar. Vincent being a jerk, Fires his Camerawoman for wasting film on what is a human interest story about the blizzard and not the Brand of sensationalism he is known for!
Finding Winter clothes, The warriors rescue Herve, Yumi and Tv, But a tree falls on Yumi, Meaning Jeremie Must launch a return to past later, But On the ice zone, Aelita is shocked to learn who strong XANA has become as the Mantras, who only live in Carthage, now have free reign. Odd has trudged to the factory, Thinking "of hot things" to stay focused!
Yumi is about to die when the return happens, and Vincent ends his one episode arc with slapstick.
Next time, We delve into 3 episodes as the season 2 finale edges closer and closer. Deja vu, Tip-top shape, and Is Anyone Out There? ...ok maybe not Tip Top shape, for reasons i will get into!
When we
Code Lyoko is property of Moonscoop
With Media From
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy which is property of Cartoon Network
and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls which is property of Hasbro!
All Rights Reserved.
All Media used belong to there Respective Owners!
Episode 45 sees the arrivial of Newscaster (and wasted Potential for a secondary villain!) Thomas Vincent aka "TV". Vincent is here to Supposedly do an expose on the failure of the school system, except he singles out Jeremie, a genius with a 99% test average, and Odd, who while Dumb-As-Fuck, Odd's Grades in Artistic Subjects makes up for it! He also want's Tv to acknowledge a tv pilot he wrote, edited and Stars in, annoying the Reporter!
Xana's scheme as of late is to run our heroes ragged, Activate a tower send monsters to defend said tower, have monsters retreat, deactivate tower himself and activate a tower on a different zone! This causes the annoyed Warriors, sans Aelita, to break for lunch, and sure enough, XANA's real plan goes into action, which is , and i quote, which is, AND I QUOTE! "Using Radio waves to to weight down the clouds to cause a Blizzard!
I know I used the joke last week but to hell with it, it's not going away anytime soon!
It's all fun and Games until the Snow really pelts down, In the flurry, Sissi and Herve Hide in Vincent's Sportscar. Vincent being a jerk, Fires his Camerawoman for wasting film on what is a human interest story about the blizzard and not the Brand of sensationalism he is known for!
Finding Winter clothes, The warriors rescue Herve, Yumi and Tv, But a tree falls on Yumi, Meaning Jeremie Must launch a return to past later, But On the ice zone, Aelita is shocked to learn who strong XANA has become as the Mantras, who only live in Carthage, now have free reign. Odd has trudged to the factory, Thinking "of hot things" to stay focused!
Yumi is about to die when the return happens, and Vincent ends his one episode arc with slapstick.
Next time, We delve into 3 episodes as the season 2 finale edges closer and closer. Deja vu, Tip-top shape, and Is Anyone Out There? ...ok maybe not Tip Top shape, for reasons i will get into!
When we
Code Lyoko is property of Moonscoop
With Media From
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy which is property of Cartoon Network
and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls which is property of Hasbro!
All Rights Reserved.
All Media used belong to there Respective Owners!
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