Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Temptation Starts in Rip-roaring fashion as Odd and Aelita on a hoverboard Flit around trees of the forest Zone, Dodging lasers. With the Tower deactivated. Jeremie insists that he do a return to the past. Despite Protests, he has final say and the jump happens.

In fact this has being one of many jumps since the last epidode, And Jeremie is becoming more agitated as they go on. In class Jeremie has a daydream of being in a confided corridor walking towards a light only for the Shadows to obstruct him, and giving himself a headache.

Jeremie has being skipping classes too, to work on the Anti-Virus. Aelita has being worried about her boyfriend, but when XANA attack and possesses the lunchlady of all people, Aelita, Jeremie and Yumi go to the factory alone!

On the Mountain Zone. Xana's newfound intelligence and power has turned the once pathetic Kankerlauts into Strategic Advancing guards, But Yumi's Telekinesis and a giant Rock, They are still Crushed like Bugs. Xana leaves Rosa's Body and the Return to the past is made, But now Jeremie is in his room, Comatosed!

In the Infirmary Aelita notices Jeremie's Eyes moving. Nurse Yolanda (who's name was given as Dorothy in the Yumi Clone Episode)
Jeremie's dream has become being chased by the shadows.

Aelita Hacks Jeremie's Video Diary (Who's password is "iloveaelita") and finds with the help of the CD ROMS From the Train Station, And a cybernetic helmet of his own design. Jeremie has being increasing his intelligence by using the temporal energy of the Returns to the past. But overuse as weakened him Physically and Emotionally. IT WAS A TRAP: A tempting Bait that has put Jeremie, Out cold and defenseless in a Now Possessed Ambulance, With Yumi in pursuit on a bike.

Yumi catches up and enters the moving ambulance and wakes Jeremie. On the Ice Zone, The plan to Break ice Under the nigh-indestructible Tarantulas has backfired. Meanwhile the Ambulance nosedives into the river.

With the ice bridge turned into Icebergs, Ulrich is picked off by a laser. Returning to the Real World, he assumes Jeremie's spot in the control room. Aelita uses Creativity to make a new Bridge to the tower. Once again Odd gives himself a new power (he now has shielding OR SHOULD THAT BE LITERAL PLOT ARMOUR?) Ulrich claims he doesn't know how to perform a return to the past (despite doing one 2 episodes ago!)
Jeremie guides him, seconds from drowning, The return trip sees Jeremie destroying the helmet. Ulrich is quick to saw with Discoveries from Franz Hopper's Cd-Roms being a Distraction, It's almost like the warriors have 2 enemies!

Episode 39, A Wrong Turn is a WilliamxYumixUlrich episode where William stalks Yumi's house after a mission and kisses her as Ulrich runs to confess his love, and runs off before he sees her push William off!

The Next day years 8 and 9 have a Road Safety class. Under the pressure of what Ulrich Saw last night, he fails the Assault course, William's insults only fuels the fire and the 2 boys fight. that leads to detention. Xana's Plan is to Realize Krabbes in the real world but because of their size each of the 3 scanners get's destroyed 1-by-1! One Krabbe attacks Yumi's House, another attacks Kadic Academy. and after Aelita is On Lyoko on her own, a 3rd Krabbe arrives to keep Odd company!

After a funny scene of seeing Yumi's father attacking the krabbe as a samurai, William and Ultich uses the training car and some cables to help destroy the 2 others, Making us see William is a competant fighter and able to think on his feet! After the Return, Ulrich pasts the Assault course and William and Ulrich become friends, or at least friendly for Yumi's sake.

A Bad Turn is an important episode, because it plants the seeds that a change is happening, that the audience can accept William as a possible 5th Lyoko Warrior. The Status Quo is slowly crumbling. Season 3's shock twist is slowly getting closer!

But that is a story for another time!
Join me very soon for another 2 episodes as we RETURN TO THE PAST NOW!

Clip from Linkara and Phelous review The Airzone Solution!

Monday, June 17, 2019


...And we are back with 2 action packed episodes, so action packed its puts the 2 last week to shame!

We are past the Seasonal Rot with Episode 36-Marabounta. Once again Mrs Hertz lecture is a Chekov's Lecture (I.E. The lesson is key to the plot) It's a lesson on Ants. Something that Inspires Jeremie Greatly.
Marabounta image
So with an Air Of Inspiration, as well as a program from the CD ROMS That were left by Franz Hopper, Jeremie creates an artificial intelligence of his own, Marabounta, a self replicating Amebic Creature. However everyone else is too busy with homework or Hobbies, With Ulrich following Yumi and William to the swimming pool, And Sissi follows Ulrich

This leads into something about Code Lyoko that I cannot Ignore anymore because it's only going to be more in your face after this episode but it really explodes in this episode and it's a controversial subject!


We have seen Bits of Fanservice already but we are Past the point of No Return when it can seen as anything innocent. Sure, It's Framed in Context like Swimming Lessons and Slumber Parties when we see the Teen Heroes in a State of Undress (Trust Me, there is a Innocent Reason for us to see 12-year old Aelita in a bra in the next Episode, Harrowing as the circumstance's maybe!) But when the character's are drawn to be fanservicey, Ulrich and William have Six packs, Sissy in a push up bikini, and Yumi is drawn Male Gaze from the Back to show of this One-Piece that looks like something from a Come Curious Buyer Guide, It was Probably hard for Parents to see that any go "No not in my House". It Doesn't get as bad as it does in Tip-Top Shape, which is NOTHING BUT FANSERVICE! but from now on, the romantic interactions are more about Jealously and being more touchy feely than just simple kisses on the check and handholding!

How do I feel about it?
Given the Demographic it was going for I understand it! Given the Dark theme of the show, it needs something to lighten it, As the Comic Relief parts in English, anyway isn't usually translated that well!

So Ulrich Arrives and sees Yumi watching William Diving off the Highboard, Ulrich follows suit and Nearly Drowns after falling. The Humiliation Conga Continues when he is saved by his love Rival and given Mouth to mouth by Jim. Ulrich marches out embarrassed.

Eventually Odd and Aelita Come to the Factory Jeremie's Creation in Action. The black, Viscous Orbs are autonomously replicating and cover the Monsters like white cells dissolving them at a quick pace, Aelita is not as impressed as Odd. The opposite she is frightened!

...and see has every right to be as the fact she has Xana Source Code in her, The marabounta think she is a monster and attacks her. Ulrich is sulking when William comes to his door, he give Ulrich some advice: Get Over Yourself! Tell Yumi you have feelings for her or I will tell her mine!

Meanwhile On Lyoko, Xana and the lyoko Warriors Join forces to attack the Marabounta, Much to the confusion of the arriving Yumi, Soon The Misguided Jeremie fixes his problem Downloading a virus into Odd's Laser Arrow to destroy the original cell. Yumi's Avatar is destroyed, just as Ulrich arrives like a Big Dahm Hero!
Marabounta Odd riding a Krab image 1
Atop of a Krabbe, Odd finds The Original Marabounta and Destroys it! With the threat over, so is the truce, but we get this image to prove that Xana will honour it's truce til tomorrow or at least til they have a common interest!
U - monsters bow
Speaking of...
Common Interest is Episode 37!
It Opens With a Police Armoured Car Transferring a Dangerous Criminal Named Peter Duncan, Who looks very Familiar.
Interet Commun 115
Xana Possesses The Dangerous Master Thief, as Aelita has being feeling Unwell the whole Morning, which is strange because she is not Entirely Human. During a Maths Test, Jeremie finishes early When Suddenly Aelita Collapse, at the same time XANA/DUNCAN also loses his consciousness.

Aelita is Rushed into Hospital With a Cardiac Arrest and Actually Dies! Until she and Xana Come To! Later On We see Duncan Stealing Uranium From an Armoured Car. Later On The Friends gather in the ward, and Jeremie has observed on his laptop, that the SuperCalulator's Uranium Power-source is Nearly depleted. If the Supercalculator loses Power. Lyoko Dies, and so will Xana and Aelita. Depressed That the love of his life will Die, Jeremie reacts like everyone double his age "I NEED A DRINK!"

Until XANA/DUNCAN kidnaps Jeremie. Odd and Ulrich who were patrolling the Ice Sector when It starts to dissolve into nothing and Aelita has another Heart Attack...Yumi calls Jeremie to tell him this and Jeremie Confirms he switched off the SuperCalculator, he had being bought to the factory to replce the uranium, which he has, dressed in a Hazmat suit, But when Xana Comes to, he be will killed. So Aelita is kidnapped,  and they save the day, deactivated the Tower and Took Down A master Criminal On the Quiet!

Due to My Review of Stomping Ground on Enlightened Towers Next week, The next Episode of CL:RTTP,N! WILL BE...TOMORROW!

So join me in 24 Hours when i review Temptation and A Bad Turn, When we all


Code Lyoko is Property of Moonscoop. All Rights Reserved!

Monday, June 10, 2019


With William's Feelings for Yumi Apparent since Valentine's Day, Ulrich has being increasingly Jealous and Paranoid. Yumi is late from Mission and Ulrich's Obsession on his kinda-sorta Girlfriend causes The Entire Group to drop their guard and Yumi to be caught in the tentacles of the Sycozoa, When Released, It's Revealed That XANA Stole Yumi's DNA. Without it she can't become digital...and it's School Picture day, no less Which is why she was late, But if she can't return for the class photo she will be expelled, so The Plan is to bribe Sissi to wear a wig and a skimpy dress to pose as Sissi...With Disastrous Results!

1) XANA has already cloned Yumi. 2) if the plan is a bigger plan to realize his monsters in the real world he did that already in False Start.
665px-DNA Transfer-1-
However it's revealed Aelita can transfer her own source code to another programme, EXACTLY WHAT XANA HAS BEING DOING THE ENTIRE SEASON! So With Aelita's memories drained enough to trick the scanner that Yumi is human, she returns and feigns innocence about Sissi's citing it to Sissi's father, the principal, that it's a sick prank for attention. With Sissi taking the rap, she gifts the concert ticket she was bribed with back to Yumi and Ulrich. Yumi surprised that deep down Sissi is a good person....AND THEY DO NOTHING WITH THAT IN THE NEXT EPISODE!

Missing Link is a bust, good thing Episode 35-The Chips Are Down is much better!

It Opens with With Ulrich coming across the others Surrounding a saddened Yumi, Ulrich learns that Yumi's father has lost his job and it looks like the entire Ishiyama family is returning to Japan, An Upset Ulrich that night tries to write a letter to the French President (Hopefully when this goes out, Melanie LePen Is not Elected!) But is Interrupted by The Radio, Until the DJ chatters that night's winning Lotto Numbers, and well, he does have access to a time machine!

Upon Leaning That a return to the past happened, (Remember all 5 have being Virtualized, so only they can sense the change!) When Yumi's Parents are Gifted with the winning Lotto numbers, They are so happy couldn't keep the secret that Ulrich gifted the ticket to them!

Enraged by his selfish Actions (Even Yumi thinks he did it so she could stay in France, Tells Ulrich to keep the ticket for himself!), Jeremie Kicks Ulrich out of the Warriors, With her Rival now Leaving, Sissi is now over Ulrich like a bad smell, With their Best Fighter gone, Xana Possesses Sissi's Dumb Muscle, Nicolas to take out Jeremie at the factory, then touches the screen and infects the system with a Bug that makes Avatar Damage into real Pain! Soon, Xana has emassed an Army of Krabbes in the Dessert Zone. When Ulrich learns from Herve Nicolas ran after Jeremie after class "with a crazy look in his eyes" he puts 2 and 2 together!

Fighting off XANA/NICOLAS, Jeremie virtualizes Ulrich to the Desert Zone, But XANA shocks Jeremie with electric powers, just has his program fixes the bug to the avatar program. Aelita deactivates the tower, causing a unpossessed Nicolas to faint. Ulrich gives all his money to chairty (despite being a minor, and no conference with his family!) and Yumi's father gets a new job here in Burgundy, because Status Quo!

Next Time, we will be cured of the Mid-Season Rot as Pick on Yumi Week Continues!....As we Return to the Past

Code: Lyoko is Property of Moonscoop

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


This Month's Theme-Jeff Jarrett's Theme (Chosen One Version) by Dale Oliver

So as we saw in the last movie, Cause and Effect is a thing in the plots of these movies, which makes sense as the movies-unless stated, have no effect on the show or the games. So far, we had the gods of time and space have a dick-measuring contest that nearly turned Naples into Silent Hill, That Pissed off Poke-Satan to attack Poke-Cronus And now PokeSatan is free from the Seventh Seal Which has undone the Whims of Arceus!

Speaking of....

So, You are probably wondering who is Arceus, and why have I spent 2 months hyping up the review of this film.

Oh, He's no-one in Particular, He only happens to be POKEMON-GOD!

In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the player would come across items called Life Plates, Items that Boosted Moves of a Certain Type, When Found, The game tells us that these plates bore an Inscription, that when put together in the right order speak of "The Original One", Arceus, The Pokemon Believed to have Hatched from an Egg in A void and Created the World around it!
Image result for arceus
And He looks the Part!
Arceus' design is that of a creature inspired by all religions and faiths. In Game his Ability is multitype as he has all the powers and no exploitable Weakness! Arceus Design is based on a Kirin, a Goat/Unicorn and heralds of Chinese Thunder Deities. Unicorns are mentioned in the Story of Adam and Eve as a creature they Killed, Unicorns are symbolically shown as creatures of Innocence and Purity. His Body is made up of Subtle Connotations of Religious Relics, His horn is a wisp of Papal White Smoke, his forelegs that start at his collar resemble a priest's vestiges that lead to his pointed feet that look like swords. His White, Black and Grey body is possibly a reference to the stone used in construction and decor of Religious Buildings. Finally his waist has a golden halo with his held in place by a crucifix. Seeing this kept in the dub, considering 4kids were famous for being culturally ignorant bible-bashers and the very reason Yugioh gx and 5ds finales never saw the light of day in the west because the final villains of each show used cards that had Christianity themed Imagery-so for this movie to see a western Audience would be a ballsy move.... if the design wasn't so Subtle! Also his signature attack is Judgment, a devastating Meteor shower!

Arceus is no Joke.
Even Someone as cynical as Dr House respects the "Original One!"

Yeah! Despite how Hugh Laurie just said it! That's not how you Pronounce his name!

It's Ark-key-us, not ARSE-SEE-US! or ARCAUS, The First one caused Controversy so much that The Dubbing team had a field day when they pronounced it wrongly! There are Licensed pokemon media where the pronunciation is incorrect!

So let's Dig into Arceus and the Jewel of Life and find out his the word of Poke-God is Gospel or some New Age Malarkey!

3 films in, and we get the same intro explain what pokemon are...let's skip that to a recap of the events of the last films as the Narrator tells us it has "sparked a new hatred"! In a forcefield on a distant star, Arceus remembers in his sleep, The Artifact that he gifted humanity with was used against him on the day of a Solar Eclipse. He wakes Claiming That the Human Race will face his Judgment!

Well thank god he can Speak, How terrible would it be that in a world where a cat can learn to speak by sheer force of will, where a non-psychic Ryu from Streetfighter jackal can use telepathy, that a freaking Slowpoke can learn to talk in the 2nd pokemon movie via Brain Injury, if the God only said it's name!

So After Waking Through a Cornfield, Our Heroes Stop at A river next to a farming town called Michina, After Letting their Pokemon free for a Swim and change into swimwear (These films are fanservice after all!) They find a strange sight floating in the water

Guys what did you expect, Pokeballs Don't have Toilets or Kitty Litter! Or should it be Skitty Litter?

It's just as strange, though a little lamer. It's a few Watermelons!

The owners of said, a boy and a girl, tell the swimmers they were being cooled in a net bag upstream. They agree to let Dawn and Ash keep them...If they can win a Battle, of course! In the montage Team Rocket crash into town!

After Eating well-won watermelons with their new friends, the boy and girl gives heroes a tour of some ruins.

Bad Move!
The last time Ash went to an Archaeological Dig it ended with a 50 foot Jigglypuff!

As they venture to a lake bank, Arceus in his own dimension causes a typhoon to attack, Thinking it's a pokemon, ash commands Pikachu to attack as 2 blonde Farmers run towards the calamity, siting how a prophecy foretold a Thunder Creature and a Creature Master

Shit! It's not like Pikachu is the only electric type!

A black hole opens up, sucking all water and Pikachu and dawn's Piplup (a penguin) in the process, until the 2 farmers turn up and command Dialgia to use Roar Of Time to reverse the black hole.
Just as Dialgia lands to out rest from the lake's reflection and the Reverse World, here comes Giratina looking for round 2 (See last Month's review!)

That's when the Girl Farmer reveals it's an empath and tries to reason with Giratina, naturally poke-Satan is filled with rage, The empath cannot reach out but it takes Ash running out into a battle with 100ft laser shooting deities to do what a trained Supernaturalist couldn't do!

Remember Kids: NEVER TRY!

The 2 Teenage Strangers introduce themselves as Kevin and his fiance, Sheena. As Giratina returns to the Reverse World, They tell Ash that this meeting was fated.


Many Blackholes Open and Dialgia is sucked up.

Gee that's a bummer, it's not like he has the power to STOP TIME! Until Palkia makes the save. Sheena empaths with both to convince them onside! Team Rocket sees this and plan to kidnap Sheena to control the powers of time and space!

Turns out Kevin and Sheena are not your run of the mill farmers, but paranormal investigators, who observe anomalies in space and time, with the help of an antikythera, they pinpoint the phenomena, in fact they where in Alamos and the Flower Garden in the events of the  Last 2 films.

The Antikythera Predicted the fight between Dialgia and Palkia, as well as Giratina's Release, because they are set events in the Resurrection of Arceus. as this is explained The device Vibrates to denounce the return of Arceus!

Sheena explains Arceus' Deal.

In Ancient Times, Michina were about to be destroyed by Meteors, Arceus Nearly Died from the burns and as it lay dying, Thieves stole some of it's life plates. Until it was Nursed back to health by a man named Damos. Machina was a wasteland, so as gratitude Arceus, bestowed Damos with the combined powers of the Water, Fire, Thunder, Grass and Dragon Plates into one artifact, the Jewel of Life. With it's Miraculous power, The Jewel turned the wasteland into farming land, Prosperity Flourished, and Damos became King! All was good and right...

...until the day of the solar eclipse!

Fearing that giving the Jewel Of life would return his kingdom to a wasteland, Damos Betrayed and attacked God! Angry with Humanity, And still weak from it's wounds, Arceus Fled and retired to a Distant Star to Heal Itself in a Slumber, Letting his feelings fester and plot revenge. Sheena is the last Of the Damos Clan and it's her Birthright to Return the Jewel when Arceus arrives or Humanity is doomed!

With Team Rocket eavesdropping once more they plan to steal the jewel of life!

But they Don't have a chance!
Arceus Descends and attacks the temple with Judgement, Knocking Jesse, James and Meowth Into the lake water below! Sheena Presents The Jewel of Life to Arceus, but there is a problem!


Arceus Crushes it Underfoot and calls Sheena a liar. So the Empath uses her Power on Arceus, but she is Physically swept back by the sheer force of his rage, Once more Arceus uses Judgment (Called Justice in the film!) Until Palkia And Dialgia Protects Everyone with forcefields

The battle Between 3 Infinity stones with legs Destroys the temple, Arceus' Body still contains the Ice and Steel Life Plates, meaning Dialgia (Ice-type) and Palkia (Steel-Type) moves have no damage, however, since the thunder plate was used to create the Jewel, Pikachu's Thunderbolt can damage his Holiness! Giratina joins the battle, Palkia uses it's control of Space to Confine Arceus in a bubble, Fearing Defeat Dialgia uses It's Power over time to send our heroes back in time....To the day of the Solar Eclipse, They see the events first hand but get caught in the destruction...until Dialgia sends them back by 1 day!

In the Present, a soaking wet Team Rocket inadvertently find Damos' Cane that has the Jewel of life inside it!

Our Heroes are sent back in time, But their Sudden Appearance and Modern clothing Makes Magister Marcus, a man they saw with Damos accuse the 4 of being of Witches....in a world were animals have powers akin to witchcraft!

Just as I say this, Marcus uses his Pokemon to hypnotize as heroes, Sheena is taken to the palace!

The Pokemon are separated and Put in An Army Barracks with Chained and Frightened Pokemon (Because Marcus is CERTAINLY! Not a Villain!) Pikachu and Piplup are soon rescued by a Pichu, (Pikachu's Baby Form!) Remember this as Sheena said a Thunder Creature would save Michina!

In a Cell Brock, Ash and Dawn come to and find they have a Room-Mate...DAMOS!

So they accuse Damos of what will happen 24 hours later, But Damos says He's in Jail because he was going to make good on his promise, So the heroes guess that Marcus will use hypnosis on Damos later on, as we now see the flashback with Damos' eyes not obscured and sure enough, the audience are shown his eyes were glazed over during the Betrayal

Meanwhile, Piplup Follows his nose instead of Escaping and in it's attempt to be custesy comic relief for the Younger audience liberates two Kitchen slave pokemon, Cyndaquil a fiery porcupine and Chickorita, a Dinosaur with a  Pea pod necklace! if you were paying attention we now have 4 out of 5 types that Arceus is now weak against after the turning 5 plates into the jewel of life. Not that it means anything as a direct Battle with them never happens!

In present time, Team Rocket is hiding in the same kitchen and find some Pot and claim they are crowns!

Oh, Team Rocket Never change!

Damos Recants that Night Arceus saved Michina from Meteorites, He blasted so many small once , but Colliding with it head first with a huge Celestial Body left the God Burnt, Damos Being Sheena's ancestor also has empathic powers, but unlike Sheena's story we see what really happened, you see thieves did not steal the life plates, they were scattered and buried, But Damos used his powers to find them and revive Arceus.

So as Gratitude Arceus Creates the Jewel of Life to improve Argiculture, From 5 if his Life plates, Grass for Agriculture, Water, Thunder, and Fire for weather manipulation , And Dragon to increase their Potency. However without these it's lifespan will diminish and his weakness to these 5 types are apparent!

Sheena has unwittingly trusted Marcus and will now be blamed in his plan tomorrow, Marcus learned that Damos did not order something called "Silver Water", Siting how could he order something he doesn't know about! In Present Time, Arceus has had enough and uses Judgment to end it all, and would, if Dialgia Didn't slow down time, However Everyone will still die if History is not changed!

So Turns out Pichu belongs to Damos, Meaning Damos was the "Thunder Creature Master" the whole time. Arceus still falls for the trap on the day of the Eclipse, but this time Marcus unleashes the Silver Water, More Correctly a vat of Molten Silver is poured onto the Original One that binds him to one spot as it sets around it's legs! Damos saves Sheena and Ash runs after Marcus. It Takes the Combined Powers of Sheena and Damos to stop all the Pokemon from Attacking Arceus, But Arceus is still angry, Ash wrests the Jewel of life, causing a big game of MacGuffin Keepaway! Ash Brings the jewel to Arceus, who is nothing more than a statue, as his body is submerged in Molten Silver, the Future Trainers and Pokemon are being wiped from Existence. In a last ditch effort Damos reaches out to Arceus's Mind the Jewel Flies from becomes 5 life plates. With His power restored, Arceus Burns through the silver, the temple crumbles and Marcus falls to his death, and so would have everyone else, But......~

Arceus had used up it's Strength So it returns to it's Dimension. With Time Fixed, the heroes return leaving Damos to contemplate the future!

So Let's Finish This!
Returning to the Present Arceus is about to go Vengeful God On Michina, The Sinnoh Region, maybe the entire world, until he sees Ash. This triggers time to be rewritten, Judgment is erased, the ruins are restored, the life plates added in number and the jewel of life erased from Present day. But one thing still remains, the land is still plentiful, Until Sheena finds a tablet from Damos' time. He spent the rest of his life being a great example and willing his land to prosperity with hard work, not just hope and Prayer! On the Tablet is Ash and his friends in ancient times.

So yeah Meeting God and being foretold in 2 different film's prophecies, and possibly the descendant of a hero in another? Yep Ash can lose every league from now on til Gen 12 when they run out of Chinese Zodiac themed Fire-Starters, he's Still the CH-CH-CH-CH CHOSEN ONE!

With That Arceus Claims Now with Humanity's Consense Cleared and his own Prejudice washed away, Arceus Truly feels like he is now part of the world he created!

Ash: "Say, Arceus! Any chance you can help me win the Pokemon League?"
Arceus; "I may be A God, But i'm Not a Miracle Worker!"


This is debut for One of Most Well Known Pokemon, and the story is done with Respect. The Greece themed Setting for Michina, Ancient and modern came from a real Visit by The art staff to Athens. The Music for the Battle scenes give gravitas to the Battles with these 4 Titanic Creatures. and the story is almost Biblical in it's simple and Universal plot, of Betrayal, Truth, forgiveness and hope for the future! 2 bugbears, Sheena's Voice actresses Flat Delivery and The fan-service. Though with the return of the seemless 3D transitions such as the detailed  shots of the 4 Giant Pokemon and that Waterfall transition for the exposition. There is not much to complain about, so Arceus and the Jewel of Life gets a "Heavenly" Showing!

So...No storyline transition because...I promised that In July I will continue Code Lyoko: Return to the Past Now, all next Month, I can now tell you that I will be doing a review every Tuesday until August!

Pokemon: the movie: Arceus and the Jewel of Life was Reviewed, Compiled and Edited By Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli on Twitter!)

With Music and media From:
World Championship Wrestling

Pokemon the Movie: Arceus and the Jewel of Life is Property of Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, CREATURES, GAME FREAK And this Movie was Produced by OLM Inc. and Distributed by Toho.
All Rights Reserved. All Photos and media used belong to their Respective Owners!