(this month's theme-Electric De Chocobo From Final Fantasy 7)
20 Years ago a computer game came out.
One that Would Legitimize Video Games as a Story telling Device forever!
That Game was Final Fantasy 7
Taking 2 years after the Launch of Playstion, 1997's "Unofficial Launch Title" from Square Enix Jumped Ship from Nintendo to Sony with it's 7th canonic outing of it's massive Franchise. With it's easy to pick up battle system, Expansive Gameworld and Compelling Storyline, FFVII Did on the new Playstation 1 console, exactly what FF6 did on the dying NES console, and that was push the software to it's limits! The game made the RPG genre cool in the west, and it's Popularity had spanned more Merchandise than anyone can ever imagine!
Now, I've Never played it, I've only ever played 4, 5, 9, Finished 10 and Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates on the DS, and regretted playing 10-part 2 and 12, but at this point, this game has become Casablanca, you may not have seen it first hand but it's story has being parodied too much to not know the story! But for those who still think Video games are for losers with no girlfriends, here is a back story!

The game follows the story of Cloud Strife, a Soldier from a world called Midgar, a world powered by the magical substance called Mako, an energy source that makes up the planet's Lifestream, But an Evil Energy Company called Shinra mines the core that causes cataclysms across the world like a Meteor containing a powerful being called Jenova.

Whilst investigating the death of his brother, Zak, Cloud is cajoled into joining a Ragtag bunch of freedom fighters called Avalanche. being a ff game it's never that simple, as the real enemy is a cosmic entity pulling all the Strings.

Enter Sephiroth, A silver haired, sword wielding maniac who betrayed his friends in Avalanche when he learned of his alien Lineage, his mother was the CALAMITY IN THE METEOR, Jenova, When he learned that Shinra was using his mothers body to power its factories, the grief made him believe he was a great cosmic conqueror because of the voices he heard in his head, using his magic to finish what Jenova Started: crush planet Midgar with a Meteor, It's up to our heroes to find an equally powerful spell, Holy, Basically a weaponized Deus Ex Machina!

Turns out the flower girl that Cloud has being seeing who got caught up in the war, Aeris, Is in fact the last of her kind, a race who protects the Materia (Items that contain magic for practical use) of Holy, Leading to her murder and one of the most tearjerking burials in any media!

...However Holy worked too Well and the Resulting Crossfire between it and Meteor blowing up Shinra with it's Ceo still inside, made the entire planet use it's own Lifestream to reclaim the magic and revert it back into Mako, Thus restoring the balance of nature.
Our film takes place 2 years after the game, And Avalanche has disbanded
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you one of the most Iconic Covers ever!

10 years after the game, the Iconic Hero and villain are Rebooted and Reborn for a new generation.
After a dedication to the fans, The film opens with a sweeping shot of Midgar following the trails of Red XXII, Avalanche's Super Intelligent Talking Tiger with his family as they climb to the Shinra factory being reclaimed by nature!
500 days ago (not years, that was a mistranslation!) Shinra stooge and comic relief, Reno lands a helicopter into a smoking crater and also into a fire fight. Reno didn't know it but today all his troubles will come back all at once!
Midgar is now a bustling metropolis treading that fine line between Progress and Nature, akin to a small New York Borugh or an Irish Rural Town like Carlow! however, a new problem has arose an auto-immune disease called Geo-Stigma that has effected most of Midgar's Young People!
We Cut to the Seventh Heaven Bar, the former front of Avalanche, Now a legit business and also home to Cloud's Courier Service, It's important to know what Cloud was not actually a Soldier, his brother was. but he could handle a sword despite being a delivery boy-WHICH MAKES SENSE! All the towns and villages in every Final Fantasy game are walled communities flung few and far between forests, seas, deserts and tundra, all of them crawling with Monsters!
Tifa gets a phonecall and regrets answering it! It's Reno looking for Cloud ,who despite the pickup Courier Work is now a recluse in the Desert Outskirts. But he is not alone! 3 men all bearing a resemblance to Sephiroth, stalk our hero on there Motorbikes, The Leader of Bunch, Kidaj orders the other 2, Pistol Weilding Pansy, Azu, and Dumb Muscle armed with Gauntlet full of Syringes, Lars, to attack and Summon some Shadow Wolves too! Whilst Kidaj pulls out his Phone to call the "President"
20 Years ago a computer game came out.
One that Would Legitimize Video Games as a Story telling Device forever!
That Game was Final Fantasy 7
Taking 2 years after the Launch of Playstion, 1997's "Unofficial Launch Title" from Square Enix Jumped Ship from Nintendo to Sony with it's 7th canonic outing of it's massive Franchise. With it's easy to pick up battle system, Expansive Gameworld and Compelling Storyline, FFVII Did on the new Playstation 1 console, exactly what FF6 did on the dying NES console, and that was push the software to it's limits! The game made the RPG genre cool in the west, and it's Popularity had spanned more Merchandise than anyone can ever imagine!
Now, I've Never played it, I've only ever played 4, 5, 9, Finished 10 and Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates on the DS, and regretted playing 10-part 2 and 12, but at this point, this game has become Casablanca, you may not have seen it first hand but it's story has being parodied too much to not know the story! But for those who still think Video games are for losers with no girlfriends, here is a back story!
The game follows the story of Cloud Strife, a Soldier from a world called Midgar, a world powered by the magical substance called Mako, an energy source that makes up the planet's Lifestream, But an Evil Energy Company called Shinra mines the core that causes cataclysms across the world like a Meteor containing a powerful being called Jenova.
Whilst investigating the death of his brother, Zak, Cloud is cajoled into joining a Ragtag bunch of freedom fighters called Avalanche. being a ff game it's never that simple, as the real enemy is a cosmic entity pulling all the Strings.
Enter Sephiroth, A silver haired, sword wielding maniac who betrayed his friends in Avalanche when he learned of his alien Lineage, his mother was the CALAMITY IN THE METEOR, Jenova, When he learned that Shinra was using his mothers body to power its factories, the grief made him believe he was a great cosmic conqueror because of the voices he heard in his head, using his magic to finish what Jenova Started: crush planet Midgar with a Meteor, It's up to our heroes to find an equally powerful spell, Holy, Basically a weaponized Deus Ex Machina!
Turns out the flower girl that Cloud has being seeing who got caught up in the war, Aeris, Is in fact the last of her kind, a race who protects the Materia (Items that contain magic for practical use) of Holy, Leading to her murder and one of the most tearjerking burials in any media!
...However Holy worked too Well and the Resulting Crossfire between it and Meteor blowing up Shinra with it's Ceo still inside, made the entire planet use it's own Lifestream to reclaim the magic and revert it back into Mako, Thus restoring the balance of nature.
Our film takes place 2 years after the game, And Avalanche has disbanded
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you one of the most Iconic Covers ever!
10 years after the game, the Iconic Hero and villain are Rebooted and Reborn for a new generation.
After a dedication to the fans, The film opens with a sweeping shot of Midgar following the trails of Red XXII, Avalanche's Super Intelligent Talking Tiger with his family as they climb to the Shinra factory being reclaimed by nature!
500 days ago (not years, that was a mistranslation!) Shinra stooge and comic relief, Reno lands a helicopter into a smoking crater and also into a fire fight. Reno didn't know it but today all his troubles will come back all at once!
Midgar is now a bustling metropolis treading that fine line between Progress and Nature, akin to a small New York Borugh or an Irish Rural Town like Carlow! however, a new problem has arose an auto-immune disease called Geo-Stigma that has effected most of Midgar's Young People!
We Cut to the Seventh Heaven Bar, the former front of Avalanche, Now a legit business and also home to Cloud's Courier Service, It's important to know what Cloud was not actually a Soldier, his brother was. but he could handle a sword despite being a delivery boy-WHICH MAKES SENSE! All the towns and villages in every Final Fantasy game are walled communities flung few and far between forests, seas, deserts and tundra, all of them crawling with Monsters!
Tifa gets a phonecall and regrets answering it! It's Reno looking for Cloud ,who despite the pickup Courier Work is now a recluse in the Desert Outskirts. But he is not alone! 3 men all bearing a resemblance to Sephiroth, stalk our hero on there Motorbikes, The Leader of Bunch, Kidaj orders the other 2, Pistol Weilding Pansy, Azu, and Dumb Muscle armed with Gauntlet full of Syringes, Lars, to attack and Summon some Shadow Wolves too! Whilst Kidaj pulls out his Phone to call the "President"
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