June the 25th 2009
It was a pitch black night as my hometown of Enniscorthy was preparing for its world famous strawberry fair, However, Mother Nature had other ideas. As the town was battered by a heavy thunderstorm, the only light I had was the infrequent flashes of white and the dull spectrum of my tv. I was watching ecw (at the time when wwe made a 3rd show and slapped the name of a former competitor to boost ratings!) when the show was done, the thunder had reached it's zenith and a creak that sound like every bone in one's body breaking happened loudly directly outside my door, it was my tree in my garden uprooted by the force.
I turned over the channel to catch a weather forecast, instead the screen was a collage of smaller screens, the words Breaking News taking up half of said screen, one screen showed a body being carted away, the other showed music's upper echelon (and Shit. I. Am!) referring to "him" and "he" being missed. and "his" fans crying! it wasn't until all the screens merged into 1 when Kay Burleigh told a half-awake Britain that at June the 25th 1:24am (GMT) that Michael Jackson had died.
That is my answer to what has become the modern JFK question..."Where were you when Michael Jackson died?" Michael who lived a life of contradiction and contrasts, The greatest Black performer of Modern times who transformed into a different person. whose life blurred genius and insanity, Fame and reclusiveness, was he a naive friend of all children or something a lot more sinister?
They say Death is only the beginning, and that was true of Micheal's death, everyday it seems new controversy reared it's ugly head, from washed-up actors claiming to be the real father to his kids, to the trail of his physician, to the ugly statue that was commissioned by Harrod's and Fulham Football Club owner Muhammad Al Fayed (Look at it, looks like Lenny Henry DRESSED as Jacko!) and the less about his posthumous "duet" with Justin Trousersnake, the better!
However, Michael had left one gift left to give to the world, a documentation of what was going to be the final concert ever! Because the Summary of A Man's life is not how he died, It's how he lived, THIS IS IT!
We start in April 15th 2009
Auditions for dancers who came far and wide, all calling Michael their inspiration
After title drop, we hear the director talk about the opener. It's to start with an Audiovisual of the last fifty years in the shape of a man. Slowly, the light man opens up to reveal Michael who begins with if you gotta be starting something.
Did they not figure out how hot HD screens are? And they expected a man with a melty face to escape a fluorescent, tailor made coffin for 100 nights? Naturally, Michael wheezes through IYGBSS -which is pretty much incomprehensible but not as bad as Jam. Afterwards, Michael tells his guitarist to enjoy himself, as he's looking into the audience with an angry face.
We cut to final press conference he'll ever give, as his faithful fans hang off his every word. Back to the opener backup singers are launched by springboard to finish IYGGSS it seems the back up has helped Michael get his wind back.
We cut to the dance auditions, where 100's are whittled down to less than 30. The springboards are explained to the dancers and to us, the audience. To make the effect spectacular the lift has 2 speeds regular and what chief choreographer Tony Testa refers to as toaster speed. At first the dancers struggle but soon get the hang of it.
Speaking of jam, here it is in all it's muddled glory seriously, that chorus sounds like it's being sang over a 3-mobile connection!
We cut to a green screen where our white dancers are in riot gear for They Don't Care About Us. For the show the screen will make it look like there's thousands, Michael personally gives the dancers his routine for his song, into the finished product for all I wanna.
I must say, they should have used this in the trailer.
As the director give Michael the prompt to hold for applause,as the lights fade out, the last thing we see is a wide smile on his face.
When the rehearsal resumes, Micheal's voice starts to falter, but credit where it's due, he's soldering on, singing human nature, a more obscure song.
The stage goes black and the screen goes to a black and white film of Chicago. This can only be one song, and if they get it wrong, then would have ruined it because it is my favorite song by him. And here is the rehearsal for smooth criminal
Oh man that was bad, that was alien ant farm bad!!!
Another day, another sound check. Musical Director Michael Bearden comments on how Michael puts the crew at ease also how he knows every little nuances of his songs.
Well, he didn't have that a while ago singing Smooth Criminal!
Naturally after that...song, Michael is a bit upset at the sound check-however it produces this jazzy version of The Way You Make Me Feel-However it's not working as well it should so it's made into an intro and an outro for how the song should be done, with a female dancer and a backdrop to recreate the famous video. this was so much better as Michael and the dancer exits the stage. this would have being the intermission to the show.
It's not just his singles career that would have being performed, as when Michael and his 4 black dancers ascend from the lifts to perform Jackson 5's I want you back. Poor Michael is in a lot of pain but the song continues, I'm not showing the clip, because it's so sad to watch. he's complaining about a lot of feedback in his ear. it's adjusted and Stop The Love You're Sending Me Sounds a whole lot better, with I'll Be There being the best song of the night, as a montage of his younger years serve as a stark reminder on how he has dramatically changed! However singing 3 songs on the trot have put a strain on his throat!
Backstage the dancers are in their fitness classes and getting a medical check-up, because the proposed 100 shows in 100 nights will put a toll on a healthy, young person, nevermind a man who had just hit 50! Dance N Shout, is off course, the dancers chance to showcase their talents
Another Greenscreen filming, this time for the new intro for Thriller, is spliced with the full dress rehearsal. AND.IT.IS.GLORIOUS!
A Fireworks Display is tested and the pole-dancers and Aerialists practice for Billie Jean, we meet Zaldy, Chief of Wardrobe, who has made an electric version of the Billie jean suit.
The Intro for Beat It requires Michael to sweep in on a cherry Picker- A song that would have sounded amazing in front of an audience-but we will never know!
We now meet Michael's band for the show, as we segue to The Rachael Dolezal Song!-Black Or White!, one of Michael's more instrumentally demanding songs!
This is a good rendition, given how young the guitarist is. the rest of the band are in their 40s and are well-seasoned musicians
Next is Earth Song and Michale is blown away by the cinematography of the new intro. So here is the live version of Earth Song, Minus Jarvis Cocker Mooning him!
Last intermission, everyone is all in for the last 2 songs. here's Billie Jean
It's like a flashback to the peak to his powers, the dancers and the production crew are loving it! This leads to a prayer circle, after which Michael thanks everyone, he says he wants the effects of the trail are reversible. This leads to the closer!-MAN IN THE MIRROR!
The premise is what it is: the greatest star of the modern era, captured in the most unique situation, making his comeback to the stage, months before his murder! A consummate professional, who despite age and pain (for the most part!) sings and dances at the level he was at his prime, we also see him vulnerable and frustrated.
This would have being the greatest show of my time but sadly that didn't happen!
Michael Jackson: This Is It! was reviewed, compiled and Edited by Eamonn Bermingham(@RealEnli)
With clips from This is it!
and Image derived from google images
All clips and images belong to their respective owners, all rights reserved
This is it is distributed by New Line Cinema, under permission of the estate of Michael Jackson
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