Friday, May 18, 2012

over the limit predictions and mini update.

All matches are in title importance.
WWE championship
Cm punk(c) vs Daniel Bryan.
my money on. Punk has being champion for nearly a year now. Bryan is now riding high using the Power of Meme. Just like Punk was last year. Except the Yes chant has transenced just bryan it has being used when something the IWC See's something they like. Point in case(Street fighter FTW!~). I won€6 on stratch cards my response. A Yes! chant! In Summary, Bryan to win cos he's on a tear.

world championship.
Lame-ass the Butt-kiss-uh!(c) vs Blandy Bore-ton vs ADR vs Chris "mr 3rd rate rock frontman" Jericho.
And it's spelt like this G-E-N-E-R-I-C.

Garish Butterfly Championship!
Fail-a (c) vs Beth Phionex
Last month. after being deafened by chants of "WeWant Kharma!" We did get the return of a former Afican-American Women's champion-Expect it wasn't Kharma.
 It was Layla. Who became champion in 2 minutes.


i Don't beleieve that Beth is 100% and i believe the booking will reflect that but still if Layla wins on Monday morning (gmt). NOT A SINGLE FUCK WILL BE GIVEN ON THAT NIGHT!

And your main event.
John FUCKING Cena vs John FUCKING (Most the Divas) Laurinitaus
if Rubber Johnny Loses he is fired.
with means he will win. or Shitunga will cause a run-in giving Cena a dq win. Because we are not IDIOTS ,(LIKE THE) WWE BOOKING COMMITEE!

(SORRY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLISHED ON but i was put here by mistake. My Bad!)

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