Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dance flick review

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT A FUCKING TERRIBLE FILLUM! MY GAWD! dhose waylin brothers have sank to a new low! this fillum is so racist it should in da docks for the Nuremburg trails.

so how bad is dis fillum when let me tell ya the plot.

being a spoof film dis tiome makin' fun of the hip-hop fillum genrah. durin' a dance battle, where toilet humour abounds, the main charector thomas (played by Wayans son-NEPOTISM!) loses when a dancer is killed. he is dispatched by oil that makes him sloide to a broken brodge. Realisin' that he and his friend Air-con(because it sound like Akon. in-FOOKING-genious!) owe $40,000 to a gangster call'd sugar bear. they go into hidin'.

we now go to a spoof of Save Da las' Dance. where a gurl call'd Megan moves in wif her fa'er in a Dump. here she meets a black Gurl call'd Charity. A runnin' "joke" is that she is the worst mot'er in da wurld, at one instansce sayin' a parenting buuk by Britney spears is da best she ever read. in High school, Wayans (i dont know which one)-get this-actually does a speech on actors havin' dignity-but not before doing a scence as a stereotypical slave cuttin' of his owen fuut.

then in a embarrasin' attempt to out zac efron, a lookalike sings
                                      Flame! I'm going to be gay forever!
                                      i know that i Like Guys!
i mean why would you do that? what would make you like Efron is a Benny? i mean he has a floppy fringe, pearl white tooths, dresses stylishly,stars in musicals,goes out with gurl to hot for him,hangs with dicrapio, works for disney.....i think ive answeres me owen question, so i have!
we cut to a scene involving suger bear who has really earned dat nickname is he....
A) Smooth with ladies
B) Rough like a bear or

C) a fat person stereo type
if ya answer woz c
Even sugar Bear has a song saying he will eat air-con and thomas.so by makin' peace wif megan they form a crew to take on da rival gang.
ome thing i havta say i hate hip-hop in my day you 'ad singers singin' there songs not drug-dealers holding out mikes saying c'mon yo you know da words! BIG TOM DID'NT DO DRUGS!

its tiome to put the spuds on!
Suger bear helps the crew win the prioze money (which just happens to be the amount due to him),megan is enrolled into Julliard, and she and thomas are a couple (in a pointless send-off to Twillight)

so what was fillum lioke.
Dis fillium is filled racial jokes,fat jokes and Homophobia. Such as almost every exchange wif a black carector ends with a hold-up, a techer telling the girl from hairspary to dance the mash'd potato not eight it, and megan not to know thomas when other white people turn up, pretendin' he's a valet an' addin' don't steal anything!

I tell ya! if the Director weren't black he would get a kicking by yer man, Jesse Jackson, so dey would!

Rating:  It get an A rating...A fer Awful!

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