The Beginning of the End!
After mission after Mission that forced Jeremie to Reset Time, thus making XANA stronger, The Warriors elected to Add William to their ranks despite his obsession with fellow Warrior Yumi.
In A mixture of Badly timed annoyances and Overconfidence, XANA Possessed William, who one shots Aelita and does the same to the Lyoko Code Data, Erasing The Virtual World forever. Deep in the Digitial Sea (The Pure Unformed Code of the internet.) Xana has Molded William into his image. Despite Seemingly losing all their sources, Jeremie gets a message from an unlikely Ally: Franz Hopper, Aelita's Father and the Creator of Both Lyoko and Xana, who was assumed Dead!
So We start With Episode 66-William Returns
So we get new Opening Credits for the last season with all the changes I will get to when they happen, and as we get to the title screen, the stark reminder of no Map, Lyoko is gone forever.
To cover William's disappearance, Jeremie uses the Voice Distortion Device to trick Principal Delmas onto thinking William has returned to Canada. Though if William's family should turn up it will be a different story, However Aelita is confident that Franz's Algorithm will do it's job, recreating a Partial Lyoko!
Since the last Episode, the Effects of how each warrior acted towards their respected annoyances is now canon, for Jeremy (Who's name is now being spelt as the common spelling!) Jumping out the window and legging it have left them unfriended by Millie and Tamiya, but the Junior Reporters are not just mad at Jeremy...But at all his class, since Sissi used her position as Principal's Daughter to become Editor of the ailing Kadic Herald.
That Night at the Factory, despite Reservations of Trusting Franz again.The Partial Lyoko is created, Namely the Artificial Sun and Sector 5-Carthage-Inside it! When the Team return home, and with Xana's home turf re-existing, that night a transporter pod opens and a familiar face walks out!
Jim finds Odd the next morning and hands him a newspaper, Jim's past as an actor in a musical film as being found out and the groundskeeper blames Odd, who found out about it in Season 3. Odd tells Sissi Blackmail is Bad, M'kay!...Only because Odd was going to use the film to blackmail Jim in the first place but got talked down by his friends! When Sissi asks about William's disappearance, the cover story is used...Until William himself turns up!
Taken to one Side, William claims he doesn't remember anything after being possessed by XANA. Jeremy's scan reveals William is not possessed, nor has Xana have control over the only tower on Sector 5. With that being said he finds it impossible that someone would be able to survive the Digital sea without outside help or being recoded by his DNA.
Saving Aelita from being hounded by Sissi, William Reveals he is not possessed by Xana, but a willing Agent, who can turn on the power when he pleases! and Aelita is Kidnapped. Odd is punished by Jim to recreate every scene of Paco the King of Disco in Jim's old costume, as he film's it!
With a Crash and a thud, William and an Unconscious Aelita is Virtualized on Lyoko as William Levitates Her Prone Body out the Central Room. Ulrich is virtualized First as Jeremy reveals since he recreated Carthage, the Sector no longer changes it's appearance every time anyone enters it! But not the Monsters, they are still there!
In conjunction with having being giving Yumi's Telekinetic powers, Xana has also gifted William with Supersmoke, An Upgrade of Ulrich's Super Sprint, Turns William into a Fast Moving Shadow, Faster anything than his former love rival can put out! Yumi arrives at the factory as Odd's Humiliation continues! Jim Learns a lesson about meme Culture, Even silly and terrible things can be loved, As he is swarmed by fans. Odd Uses the distraction to escape.
Aelita is Carried to By William, Just as Yumi is Virtualised. Odd finally makes it, As William and his victim mount a Manta to escape Carthage, But with no other sectors,Jeremy realizes Xana plans to Drown Aelita in the Digital Sea and Destroy her forever!
OH NO(!)
It's not like she survived that already or Touching Virtual Water can be Nerfed for Plotline Convenience! Ulrich is taken out just as Odd arrives.
We See a Close up of the Artificial Sun of Lyoko
And the Digital Sea Below as Aelita come to, Yumi is thrown by William and Odd uses his arrows before Yumi gets Erased by the Digital Sea (AGAIN!)
Odd saves Aelita, Just as William returns to the Digital Sea,Back to Xana. And So the Episode Ends with Jim Forgiving Odd and embracing his past as He Performs as Paco, King of Disco in School Assembly.
Episode 67 Double Take-With All the Sleepless Nights, Recreating Lyoko Upgrading The Avatars, Studying and Covering for William's Absence, Jeremy has done something drastic to pass his requirement of Gym and use to the free time to continue doing all this: Create a Spectre to pose as him in Gym class, But only because Jim has threatened that William be physically seen before Curfew, Scuppering Jeremy's planned unveiling of the new Equipment.
Fake Jeremy is more athletic, and talks like a Jive-turkey, who chats up Yumi in front of Aelita and beats up Odd when he Suspects Xana!
Getting a call from the Real Jeremy, he confirms the fake is a spectre powered by an activated tower in the newly created Desert Zone, Which is invaded by William, who reveals another stolen power Gifted by XANA-An Upgraded CODE: XANA that doesn't need to be installed inside a tower, just near one! Turning Fake Jeremy into XANA/FAKE JEREMY, Though it's actually a struggle for Control Between the two!
A fight between A briefly Controlled fake Jeremy and Odd in Gym class is the excuse to make sure Fake Jeremy is secured in a broom closet, When William gains full control the fight gains the attention of Pricipal Delmas, who XANA/FAKE JEREMY blasts with energy. While Aelita, Ulrich and Yumi head to the Factory and gain new Avatars
SIGH.... |
I don't like that these costumes now make the 13-16 YEAR OLDS Pass as adults! All the Uniqueness and cultural nods are now replaced by generic boiler suits! Ulrich's Pants now have a giant Ball Window that is awkwardly big for pants for a boy his age! Odd's upper chest and arms are armoured, which makes to sense for a ranged fighter to have. The Worst offender is Yumi's costume, No longer a Geisha, Yumi is just a Generic Ninja, In a time where Avatar, Power Rangers Ninja Storm and Naruto existed all at the same time. It would help if she gains new powers like the others but Nope! Also Aelita must have given Jeremy one hell of a side-eye for her boyfriend to give her an armoured Bustier, a Transulent Skirt and Hot Pink Kinky Boots!
The New Suit have New Weapons and Gear, Ulrich has 2 swords now, and Since Fall from Great heights has being Aelita's schtick, she now has a star shaped bracelet that give her Pink Angel Wings!
After William Shows us how percptive he is, Killing the Real Ulrich after using Triplicate, Aelita deactivates the tower. Yumi is cornered by William who tussles with her hair, like he's fighting the brainwashing, only to push her into the sea below. That's when Odd debuts his costume officially! and only good thing about this costume is after this episode i never have to see the pissing dog on his chest ever again!
After a Return to the past to cover up the Attack on Delmas Jeremy finds a new use for the Spectre: Having it pose as William til they can get the real one back! The Copy looks and sounds like him but is naive and doesn't understand figures of speech!
But this marks the End of Innocence of our Adventure, This no longer a Secret Game, or a virtual fairytale where the princess now lives on Earth! The Heroes are covering up a grievous mistake: a friend has become a terrorist, and in this final Season, the fight against XANA bleeds into this world as the new avatars will grant them powers in reality, making teenagers pass off as adults fighting Professional Soldiers. Friendships will be tested, Overconfidence will broken, and could the love of 2 genius stand up to what will happen?
For Now we are finished, Join me Again when Aelita's Future after XANA is reviewed as we look at Opening Act and Wreck Room! When we....