Wednesday, March 18, 2020


We Open the penultimate 199th post on my blog with The episode-Aelita-Which is pretty heavy so, fair warning! It starts with Aelita's first day on Lyoko the minute after she is digitized, Her father, Franz Hopper, follows suit but he has no Physical form. Aelita turns to see The Kankerlauts and they fire on her until she finds Sanctuary in a Tower. This is a dream that Aelita is having during class and she is caught. Aelita has a thought and she shares it with Jeremie: what if her father is still alive on Lyoko? Jeremie dismisses it because for all intensive purposes Franz passed on all his life force to a dead Aelita, Jeremie is being harsh in this episode, But After Odd finds Aelita Crying in her old room in the Hermitage, he understands: Sure Franz invented a Digital Terrorist and abandoned Aelita with it in a virtual Prison for 15 Years, but he is still her Father and she still needs to grieve, After having a second Memory of Franz Trying to call a truce with XANA, only for the Hoppers to be Attacked, leading to Franz deactivating the Supercalculator and freezing everything in time, Though Aelita would still age but at a fraction being 9 and physically 12 upon reawakening in 2003.

Xana launches a attack on the mountain Zone, Not knowing Odd and Aelita are in Carthage where they uncover XANA's real plan to destroy the Key Sphere again! Jeremie is angry at first, But after a successful mission, He finds something in the Virtualization Logue he didn't expect, Franz' DNA Sequence: Aelita's father is Alive

So with that revelation, You would Think the next episode is going to springboard from that twist, right? No instead we have Johnny the Creepy friend of Hiroki acting out on his Crush On Yumi by stalking her, all because Ulrich is a petty Jackass!

The Pretender opens with Johnny asking Ulrich in the Changing room about how to talk to Yumi, Ulrich being a Bellend about the break-up tells Johnny to follow her Everywhere, It ends With Xana Possessing Crows to Attack her, But Now before the others spot the Birds and Odd quipping it reminded Odd of a horror movie, but it wasn't that Scary-I know he meant The Birds, but what if he meant....
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In A horrific Attack, Yumi is brutally savaged by Crows, Johnny saves Yumi by getting Jim and Mr Delmas, who answers her Mobile When Jeremie calls her, Forcing Jeremie to Launch a return to the past today or Would if the crows didn't sneak into the factory.

On the Desert Zone, the episode's Subplot of One-up-Man ship between the boys has Left Aelita Under control of XANA again, with Jeremie Unconsious, Odd has to be Mission Control and makes a Balls of it, even with Jeremie regaining Consciousness, Aelita has being forced to Delete the Desert Zone made worse by Jeremie forced to make XANA stronger to keep the mission secret!

HOWEVER! We will be back in Lyoko in July once more because next time, we have the 200th Post and  I need to Brace myself!
Image result for the hot chick
Code Lyoko is property of Moonscoop
Birdemic is Property of Moviehead Productions
The Hot Chick is Distributed by Touchstone Pictures

Monday, March 9, 2020


Remember last week when i said i won't know if an episode will be Padding or Not, Well Tidal Wave is one of them: the only real thing of note is that the title screen show shows a Map of Lyoko with the forest zone now deleted, after the last episode!
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It's Nutrition Day at Kadic Academy and the school has issued a New Lunch Policy that doesn't go down well with the Big Eater that is Odd, to the Point that, I kid you not, after ONE DAY! there is enough excess Groceries...For XANA to Make a Golem out of!
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In more exciting news, XANA's plan to destroy Lyoko sees him submerging the Mountain Zone in Digital Sea, The problem can't be fixed via the activated tower since it's sunk, So Jeremie Teleports our heroes the source: Carthage, Aelita Hacks the Enviromental Controls just as Yumi is about to fall to her death in the real world, Jeremie has no choice but to launch a Return to the past, because Jim saw the Monster!

False Lead in the Most Reviewed Episode Of Season 3 And for Good Reason: XANA'S PLAN! After making Xana Stronger the last episode, XANA'S overnight Hacking of a Weapon factory's Systematics is caught by 2 government agents (the white one has a squeaky voice, and it's hilarious!) and pinned on Jeremie. Accusing Mr Delmas of harbouring a Terrorist,
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They track our heroes to the factory, where Jeremie is arrested and the agents poke around the equipment, causing glitches on the Ice zone. Ulrich asks Odd to kill his Avatar so he can return to the factory. Xana Possesses both Agents, who begin to destroy the Super-Calculator, the glitching spreading to the mountain sector where the Activated tower is. On the real world, Jim who was deputized by the Agents saves Ulrich and Jeremie. The Tower is Activated and again the return to the past, and this time no Agents turn up!

Next week it's the final review Before the 200th post Special, It's going to be emotional for our Useless Pink-haired Waifu! When For the last Time in March we....


Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Confession Time!

I have never watched seasons 3 and 4 of Code Lyoko!
Back in 2003 and 2006, I was a Young man approaching my 20's, and Code Lyoko was exclusively on Cartoon Network which you had to pay money to watch, My Family eventually did buy Sky for the wrestling 2007! I left home and move to my own current Address in 2008...Buying my own skybox a year later!

That was the Year Kix! (Now Pop Max) Launched, Pop and it's other family of channels, are freeview channels show that Licenced Cartoons. Including the first 2 seasons of Code Lyoko after buying them of CN.

And Only 2 Seasons!

You See Cartoon Network in the UK Is a Different animal, You see, Despite it's Cult Status, Code Lyoko failed in one Aspect...sell toys! and It being a 3rd Party production, Cartoon Network Moved it to it's website to finish it's run!

Just a Reminder, Code Lyoko was treated like an abject failure for having a teen to adult audience for not selling toys...Yet Johnny Test, one of the most reviled CN shows was given a televised conclusion!

So With that Said, I will be watching these Blind with the same New Eyes as most of you! I won't know what is filler, but my reactions to good,bad or shocking will be genuine!

Season 3 Starts with Straight from the Heart

It's being 2 weeks after the Summer Holidays and a Month since the Events of the Key- To recap, XANA Had being stalking Aelita for here Memories, that he was siphoning from her at every capture, at the same time She was having Flashbacks and Nightmares of a Life she couldn't possibly have lived if she was an Artificial Intelligence, the Final Battle came and Xana Drained Aelita of her Memories, and her life until she was rebooted by the mysterious Franz Hopper, creator of Lyoko...and her Father! Franz sacrificed himself to reboot Aelita and recover the fact that she was once a human! However with Aelita's Data and memories, Xana is now free of Lyoko. and now can do whatever evil he wants


In the Factory, Jeremie is Scanning the Internet, You See, unlike Aelita, XANA has no psychical form. Aelita and Yumi are Playing GO! until Ulrich and Odd return from their Camping Trip and ready for 8th Term.
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But things have changed!
Odd is now separated from Jeremie, Ulrich and Aelita, With Jeremie Grimacing that it was hard enough with Yumi being a year above them to meet up for Missions. Yumi's brother, Hiroki has joined school as a Junior and is friends with a creepy Brahms' Boy Lookin-Ass called Johnny, who tells Hiroki his sister is Gorgeous!  But the Real Kicker is Yumi has Friend-Zoned Ulrich!

But the more things Change, the more they stay the same with Sissi still chasing Ulrich, William Still Chasing Yumi, and Jim still suspicious of the team!

Speaking of, Odd goes into Jim's Quarters to discuss the roster change when Odd goes through Jim stuff and finds Out that Jim was in a Disco-Film, so Odd plans to Blackmail the PE Teacher/Groundskeeper to get the Bad together!

On Lyoko's Ice Sector, the other's admonish Odd's plan. Jeremie Transports The Warriors to Carthage. Jeremie says that with Xana Gone the Monsters In the Virtual World should be acting like wild animals, but that is not the case in fact that are in Carthage. Odd's bad luck follows him into Lyoko, He loses his bullets and having to jump on a manta and claw at it to get himself to the south pole of Lyoko's Sun which turns out to be a Trash Compacter, except for Data!

Inside, the Warriors are shocked to see the monsters Attacking a Key-Sphere containing the map of Lyoko. Jeremie Surmises that if Xana destroys the sphere, he will destroy the 4 zones and stop any Human from reaching sector five, since Jeremie can't teleport anyone directly to Carthage! and it will be Mission Over! One by One the Team are Slaughtered leaving Aelita all alone, but Jeremie has a surprise for XANA, the Warriors and even Aelita herself, as she is shocked by the very Hadoken she just made, it kills a Kreeper, but also a shocked Aelita from the blowback! Panicking that Aelita was destroyed and her data not on file, Jeremie did not factor in the fact that being Human now means Aelita can be bought back into a scanner if her life points reach Zero, Something that will be useful later on. 

Episode 54, Code Lyoko Minus One opens with Odd Running Against Jeremie and Herve for Student Council President so to change the roster back to him sharing classes with his teammates, (As last episode he doesn't blackmail Jim and he decides to help Odd instead!)

Ulrich Finds Jeremie Asleep at his Deskstop and after waking him by joking that Odd is dating Aelita (FORESHADOWING!) Jeremie is working on a way to virtualize people straight into the Internet-Keep in mind that The Internet is the Digital Sea and contact will Destroy any Data on Contact with it!
Vertigo Odd swims in the Ice Sector water image 2
Not that it has being bended for storyline Convenience!
Jeremie is surprised with Odd that he is running for President (Yeah a Dumb Idiot with Stupid Hair That Shags anything that moves as President?-That's just Fake News!)

Meanwhile Yumi's Class (Sans William who is CONVENIENTLY! In Detention) , Mrs Hertz and Jim are taking a bus into the Woods to do a class on Forest Pollution.

Whilst Odd goes full Bullworth in Election Class, Xana Launches an Attack, Possessing everyone in the bus to Attack the Japanese Girl, As he escapes by smashing through a window, the Others go to the rescue, William Overhears them from the Study Hall that Yumi is in Danger, takes it on himself to be the White Knight to convince Yumi to date him, Even with Ulrich going

In Forest Sector, Odd's Maverick Behaviour Separates Him and Aelita, Making her Prey to the Sycozoa, Jeremie can't understand it's attack, it's not draining Aelita's Memories: It's ADDING Something!

Back in the real world, XANA/JIM has captured and is torturing Yumi, Whilst William and Ulrich Arrive at the same time.

It Only when Odd Rescues Aelita is when XANA'S Plan for Season 3 is Revealed: The Destruction of Lyoko- By Controlling or Forcing Aelita to enter A  Tower and Destroy 1 Zone at a Time.

After Attacking Odd and Riding a Tarantula, Aelita has entered the Tower like she had before, entered the interface but she has entered a different code- CODE: XANA! When she does, the brainwashing leaves her as a wave emanates from the tower, the Plateaus dissolve, even XANA's Own Monsters Dissolve into Nothing. With it's Task Done, XANA has to more use for his Human Thralls and free them.

So In a Episode About A Deforestation Field Trip, a Forest zone gets Destroyed?
Aelita is back to normal ,but feels terrible about Being Controlled. Odd wins the election, which means the Dynamic of the team being split up dies due to Dues Ex Machina!

Next time We will be Wiping All Out with Tidal Wave and False Lead! When we Return to the Past...


Code Lyoko is Property of Moonscoop
With Media used from:
Code Lyoko
Bad Movie Beatdown which is the property of Film Brains Youtube channel
All Rights Reserved all Media used belong to their Respective Owners!