Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Episode 115: Eamonn reviews Click! Part 2

This month's theme-It's a film about time travel! What else would i put?

Adam Sandler plays a man with a hot wife and loving kids...because it's a Sandler Film! However Sandler gets wound up by every prick and minor annoyance and doesn't know how good he has it...Because it's A Sandler Film! Rob Schiender turned up and made us think he was a villian or at least an important character in this film...Because it's A Sandler Film, and now this Jackass is given A Remote Control with Magic Powers and uses it for Personal Gain...because it's a Sandler Film!)

So Michael (Sandler) uses the remote on his dog (Yeah, one of the running "jokes" is that every dog that the family will own will hump Plushies!) He returns to Bed Bath and Beyond and accuses Morty (Christopher Walken) of being a wind-up! But pressing Menu teleports The 2 men into a Menu screen Dimension A cameo by the voice of James Earl Jones makes Michael a believer...so why did they follow it up with Micheal seeing his birth...from inside his mothers Nethers?

Fast Forward to a camping trip sees the origins of the swarmy O'Doyles and Howard's (Henry Winkler) Magic Coin Trick. Michael is Warned to Use with Caution, when he asks who Morty is, He replies that he already knows!

It's the Night of both the sleepover and his parents visit, and wouldn't you know it, he uses the skip function to make him have time to make his project, not realizing that skipping every annoyance makes those outside his time Bubble think he is distant and flippant! as such, he now has to buy his father a birthday present since he didn't wish him a happy birthday! Morty shows Michael that when he uses the remote, an Astro Projection takes his place, But all it does is Eat ,work or dodge questions when it's existence is compromised, it's referred to as Auto Pilot!

After the Remote cures his cold, he gets reckless and uses it to skip every annoyance, Showers, the commute to work, foreplay, not realizing at every time he does, he fast forwards into a body that is now holding half eaten junk food or scarred from aging!

Using the Remote to spy and translate some Japanese Investors, Michael's promotion is in the bag! and he spends money left and right....

Only to find out the Promotion is not for Partnership at the firm. The Character played by Sandler takes it well!
Image result for click film adam sandler farts
Morty tries to convince Michael Not to Speed through Entire Months with Fast Forward, But since this is A JERK LEARNS HARD LESSON! Film he does it anyway, despite showing us earlier that his entire life is on a menu Screen and he can "see all the chapters" he see's when he will get a promotion-IN A YEAR! So we seen him able to see all the chapters why couldn't he just perform the actions that would land him the promotion a year earlier?

 So a year in Auto Pilot has the Marriage Break down, also the Remote know fast forwards automatically, Morty explains that The Remote's memory is learning and will now do that automatically. Also the Remote cannot be removed from Michael's person!

Trying to live without the things that trigger the auto FFWD (Showers, traffic jams, foreplay and Arguments), has turned Michael into a Paranoid Eccentric, Not realizing asking for a promotion was also a trigger...the Remote Auto fast forwards to the far flung time of....NEXT YEAR!

Ben is now Jonah Hill, Sam is an unruly teenager, and Donna has left the now Morbidly Obese Michael for Bill the swimming coach, Fighting Bill causes an argument so before the remote warps him further, he freeze time and writes Donna an apology he even comments that he never finished the Treehouse, but it backfires when the GREAT IDEA(!) of Kicking a frozen Bill in the balls, Causes Donna to defend Bill and push Michael into a fence causing him to be knocked into a coma, the Remote goes off in Earnest! Donna is at his bedside and tells him his coma was caused by cancer and they had to put him on chemo via a drip, And since being a coma and being on chemo counts as being sick, he has just woke up 6 years later, Which means the remote has ruined his life, and even though he is now head of the firm, and now longer in a fat suit!, Ben (Played by a different actor) now a junior partner, in his sick father's stead, is cold and distant and tells his father that Grandfather died whilst in his coma, At the graveyard, Michael wants to see the last time "he" saw his father alive, and see's the Astro Projection tells off his father about knowing how the magic trick works! Back at the Graveyard, Morty Reveals that he is the Angel Of Death (GET IT? Because the word MORT is in his name?) Using the remote as a crutch, he fast forwards further, Into Ben's Wedding, where he has to give a speech, but comes of as an old man with Alzheimer's. However, he does use his time to make up with his family, especially his Mother and have one last dance with Ex-Wife (But Not before Freezing time, and pantsing Bill, who's only crime is that he cares more for his wife than Michael did, BECAUSE SANDLER FILM!) And while this is all happy-happy, Hearing Sam call Bill "dad" causes Michael to have a heart attack! as Morty dances and jeers!

So Let Finish This
The Cat and the Cradle and the Silver Spoon, Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon, When You coming Home, Son I don't know when,,,But I'm Dying from a Heart attack in the Rain! Whilst Dying he makes up to everyone in his family...and flips off Bill with his dying breath...BECAUSE SANDLER FILM! Morty arrives to Claim Michael's Soul....BUT IT WAS A DREAM THE WHOLE TIME....OR WAS IT?

Well, Surprise Fucking Surprise, Adam Sandler Plays a Jerk who doesn't know how good he has it til he loses it all...and still acts like a jerk! This film had 70% of the actors from the worst films i reviewed (Sandler, Schiender, Walken, Hassellhoff, Sophie Monk, a cameo by Terry "Muscular-Black-Man-Who's In-Everything Crews") if this film had Gervais, Dude-Wheres-My Career, Merchant, Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker, i'd be storing this film for my 200th post! As always Sandler is nicely supported by his co-stars, it's just a shame most of the scenes are 2 handers with him in it! Most of the Jokes are Sandlers toilet humour, (Incestous comments about Sam as an adult, humping dogs, Hasselhoff pretending his bulbs need changing so he can look up girls skirts!) But not his worst, But he will never see the Peak he was in the late 90s again!

Click! was reviewed, Compiled and Edited into 2 parts by Eamonn Bermingham (@RealEnli)
With Clips and Music From
In Part 1:
Nine Lives
And Music:
The Cranberries "Linger"

And Part 2:
Eifell 65 "BACK IN TIME"

"Click" was Produced By Happy Madison Productions (That's right! noone want's to produce Sandler's Shit, so he's Producing them himself!) All rights Reserved!
All Clips belong to their Respective owners